How Do You Navigate Moral Challenges and Decisions in Your Life?

Reflections on the value of studying the Tao Te Ching to get better at questioning everything you think is true.

Darren Stehle
Queering The Way


Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

If you had to choose between navigating moral challenges on your own or following someone else’s rules, how would you choose?

  • You could follow a book and a set of rules that tell you what to think and believe, and how to act — all unquestionably.
  • Or, you could be curious, asking questions about the world so that you could learn by challenging what you believe to be true and to understand other people’s perspectives to come to equitable, more natural, humane, and virtuous options and solutions.

Which option do you choose?

In my study of over 15 translations of the Tao Te Ching, I have found the text to be an energizing and vitalizing source of humane philosophy.

The more you consider the wisdom of the 81 verses, the more it will influence how you think, the kinds of questions you ask, and how you approach the world from the context of your life. Most importantly, the Tao can show you have to be a change for collective harmony in the world…



Darren Stehle
Queering The Way

Your wisdom, leadership, and guidance are exactly what someone, somewhere needs, right now. Don’t hold yourself back!