Polarization Creates a Dangerous Illusion that Disconnects Us from Our Shared Humanity

Darren Stehle
Queering The Way
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2024


Photo by Rune Haugseng / Unsplash

Both online and in the real world, there is too much emphasis on the need to be right and belong to the politically correct group.

People go so far to the extreme that they become stuck at the farthest end of the Right or Left Wing. And when too much weight sits on one side of a teeter-totter, it can’t lift off the ground. The other side is stuck in the air — an example of extreme imbalance.

Arguing from extreme polarities only creates further division, further disconnection, and further imbalance.

The tragedy is that there is no “right side” of the equation to be on.

This is the illusion of polarization.

We cannot survive at the extremes.

We must continuously seek balance, which is constantly changing and never static.

Balance is ephemeral because it is an action. It requires effort and practice to maintain the middle ground — the space between polarities in which all possibilities exist.

Imagine a lifeboat with six people rocking violently from side to side in high…



Darren Stehle
Queering The Way

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