Have a Story for the Queer Tech Community? We’d Love to Share it!

A space where we all have a voice

Jason Behrmann, PhD
3 min readFeb 15, 2017


The Queer Tech community of Montréal continues to grow. From our conversations with our hundreds of members, we know that you have many fascinating stories and experiences about being Queer in Tech that we should share with the community. We can’t do it alone so we at Queer Tech encourage you to write about your experiences so that we can share them on our blog. Not Queer? No problem! We also seek the perspectives of our Allies and friends.

Ideal submissions are in French or English and at least 500 words. If you like, you can publish your work anonymously. Show us the full extent of your creativity and submit with your text additional multimedia content, like photos and videos. We especially encourage our trans*, intersex and asexual members to contribute because there is a dearth of perspectives voiced by these members of the Tech community and we know that you, in fact, have a lot to say.

Get your creative juices flowing

Here is a short list of inspirational topics members of the LGBTQ+ Tech community would love to read about:

  • Startups, technologies, and innovations that will have an impact on the LGBTQ+ community, either positive or negative;
  • Startups, technologies, and innovations made for, or by, members of the LGBTQ+ community;
  • Queer perspectives on news and events in the tech startup scene;
  • Stories of resilience, discrimination, and empowerment;
  • Advocacy and activism, especially in the workplace;
  • Policies and strategies that address Queer diversity in the workplace;
  • Celebrations and stories of being a fabulous, exuberant Geek.

The above is not an exhaustive list and we are certain that your creative soul will conjure up additional ideas for articles for us to savour.

Often or once in while: how to submit an article to Queer Tech

We are delighted to have you contribute to the Queer Tech Montréal blog whenever inspiration hits or when you would like to share insights from a recent event. You can also be a regular contributor.

Your submission must be original and not a reprint of content found elsewhere on the web; skillfully written summaries and repurposed content is perfectly fine. To submit your work, simply fill out this handy form and Queer Tech will take care of the rest.

What to expect following your submission

Our director of communications will evaluate your submission and reply within one week to inform you that your submission is one of the following:

  • Accepted and in the process of being published;
  • Politely refused — we will include an explanation as to why;
  • Requires revisions before moving to the next step.

Expect us to review your work for accuracy and we will edit submissions for spelling, grammar, and clarity; we do this so that your work will meet high standards of excellence and is more likely to be shared far and wide within our network. You will receive an email from us within days concerning your submission with instructions on how to post your work on Medium for the Queer Tech Montréal publication. Please understand that we are limited in our time and resources and thus must reject within an instant all sloppy and incomplete works of writing. No effort = no thanks.

So let’s hop to it and do our part to bring the perspectives of all members of the LGBTQ+ Tech community to the forefront. We look forward to reading submissions from you wonderful folks.



Jason Behrmann, PhD

Marketing, communications and ethics specialist in AI & technology. SexTech commentator and radio personality on Passion CJAD800. Serious green thumb and chef.