Was Winston Churchill gay?

The British Prime Minister is hard to pin down

Jonathan Poletti
Sex Stories


He was tiny, 5'6". As a boy, he lisped. He worshipped his mother and nanny. That his father didn’t care for him was an understatement.

In 1888, at age 13, young Winston Churchill was excited to decorate his room at boarding school. “I am making my room very pretty & ‘chic’ with lots of silk ‘draperies’,” he writes his mother.

Winston Churchill (left) with friends at Sandhurst (1894; colorized/photo enhanced)

I’m looking over the life of the famous British Prime Minister.

There’s unexpected details. He cried easily. “I blub an awful lot,” as he put it. He loved silk — especially for his underwear.

A story from 1896 followed him around for years. Evidently his abusive treatment of a peer led to a lawsuit in which the father of a friend he’d abused had made mention of a particular detail.

At age 21, the story went, while in the military, Winston had done “acts of gross immorality of the Oscar Wilde type.”

Unable to prove it, the father was sued, and made to pay £500.

He wrote a novel, published in 1899, about a chaste love affair between a man who seemed to clearly resemble himself, and a woman who…

