Girls Growing Up Gay

Some questions I have for fellow female queers

Taylor Woods
1 min readAug 8, 2020


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
  • When playing house, were you the husband so you could have a wife?
    Did you have a sapphic role model in your life?
  • Were you ever unaware of a crush on a peer?
    Has the word “lesbian” ever filled you with fear?
  • Were you fascinated by Ellen, but didn’t know why?
    Which characters on TV catch your eye?
  • Did people describe you as a “tomboy”?
    Did June 26th, 2015 fill you with joy?
  • How do you feel about the colors blue and pink?
    When daydreaming, what do you think?
  • Did you play with action figures and cars?
    Do you wear pants and shirts to the bars?
  • Who in your life has caused the most hurt?
    Do you despise dresses and skirts?
  • As a kid, did Victoria’s Secret make you nervous?
    Will you tip a cute waitress extra for her service?
  • Did you take “How to Tell if You’re Gay” quizzes online?
    Do you think about these things too, or is this list just mine?



Taylor Woods

is a college-aged nerd who doesn’t know where to put her writing or what to write about.