How to Know if a Guy is Checking You Out

It’s all in the eyes…

Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier


Image courtesy of the author

A few days ago, I went to the shops to buy some fruit. On the way, I bumped into a school mate I hadn’t seen in over a year, so I took the opportunity to catch up with him by making a detour to the river, where he was meeting up with a few other guys from school. At one point, we stopped to look at a photo on his phone and moved under the shade to see the image more clearly. As we did, a man and a woman walked up the path, causing us to lean up against a wall to let them pass.

I had seen the man clock from some distance before reaching us. He was not just looking where he was going. As my friend and I had secured our footing at the edge of the path, I looked up at the man as he passed and saw he was gazing directly at my face. I knew he was checking me out and I, therefore, made a conscious effort to meet his eyes and impart a friendly, shallow nod. It takes some bravery to make your interest in a person known as obviously as that — to keep your eyes up, to hold your gaze — so I wanted to be sure his actions were recognized.

He did not nod his head in return, but his eyes widened imperceptibly, a small acknowledgment of what had passed between us. This is not an exchange that takes place with straight guys — this kind of wordless, loaded social practice is prevalent among those who have…



Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier

Gay writer who will always talk to strangers // Australian, 27 // Keith Haring & classical music //