We Are the Truth

A Message for my Trans Comrades as we Face Down the Armies of Denial

Sylvia Howard
5 min readAug 3, 2020


Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash

Before the printing press, only the exceptionally powerful and well-connected could spread their influence. When the voices of people otherwise unheard were given a chance to make themselves known, it allowed seeds of thought to germinate, ones long dormant in the collective mind of our species. This exponential cultivation of innovation and insight has brought us to the thriving population we are now. Many of these ideas were an echo of insights long before, existing in long-lost catalogs like the Great Library of Alexandria, where untold and unknown scrolls of wisdom were etched by our ancestors thousands of years ago. In the burning of the Great Library, we lost so many of those ideas, and the brutish order wrought in the Dark Ages long prevented us from shining light on those fundamental truths of our nature.

Despite that, reality has always existed. The Earth has always been round, the sun has always been a ball of incandescent hydrogen fusion, and we have always been driven by our desire to exist in the light of truth. It is only when the truth challenges our presumptions, ones around which we have constructed our most fundamental institutions, that we betray our nature. The threat to institution conjures a threat to survival in many of us and that fear left unchecked has yielded the greatest of tragedies in the history of humanity: the burning of the Library of Alexandria, the Crucifixion (or crucifixion in general), and countless genocides in the name of the Laws of the Time. The double-edged sword of truth slashes dead the fruitless repetitions of ignorance while also gruesomely destroying the ego. Humanity has always cherished its ego, prided itself on its awareness, and paraded its accomplishments in front of itself as it screams its significance into the void.

Nature has no respect for — or obligation to — the ego. Many times, the truth is presented in its most brutal and unsavory form to be summarily rejected over and over by its audience. In time, however, that denial is met with acceptance because the truth is an inherent and incontrovertible facet of nature. The Library of Alexandria had multiple studies that proved through different means that the world was round, the Library burned down only for that same conclusion to be reached again centuries later. The ash from a fire fertilizes the soil for seeds to germinate, and the truth will always rise from the ashes in time.

Even in ancient laws and religions, there have been decrees regulating sexual and gender behavior (for example, the oft-quoted Deuteronomy 22:5). Our adversaries decry our manifestations of truth as unnatural, but nature has no respect for — or obligation to — the law. Gender and sexuality were regulated by civilizations as a way to restrict the behavior that came naturally to us, to make the masses more compatible with the Laws of the Time. Yet in many other civilizations, these behaviors were treated differently, yielding thriving cultures of their right. In the wake of the printing press, the ones in possession of the means to mass communication were allowed the privilege of speaking more loudly, and in time the many cultures of the world were outspoken by the colonial efforts of Europe. The Great Library was burning again.

There have been many records throughout the history of our people’s existence, from great achievements of Egyptian pharaohs and pagan deities to the accounts of cultures visited by our ancestors throughout time. Even the relentless persecution and erasure of our people is itself a testament to the persistence of our existence. Our identity has been burned away and erased countless times throughout history. Even in the last century, the Nazi party burned down the Institute of Sexual Research in the 1930s, destroying massive amounts of research and erasing our nature from the record. The geometric growth of mass communication in the past century, like the printing press, has given voice to many who would otherwise stay silent. Now, in the ashes of our suppression, millions of seeds have germinated to have us bloom again.

This is nature’s way. Nature has no respect for — or obligation to — the Laws of the Time. We have been destroyed over and over throughout history only to return stronger because gender and sexual diversity are not byproducts of human contemplation, but inherent and incontrovertible facets of nature and human nature. We are the manifestation of our species’ desire to exist in the light of truth. We are the face of freedom. To those who seek to erase us, I encourage you to look through history at all the other attempts to do so. They fail because we, as a product of nature, are powerless to defeat it.

To the people who seek to erase us: you waste your breath arguing, you waste your time organizing, you waste your strength fighting. Burned or buried, we will always come back, sure as the world is round. We are destined to win: we have the immutable truth on our side where our oppressors only have the grand illusion of their superiority over it. Come out and face us, come out and face yourselves in us. We have real problems ahead of us and nature has no patience for infighting among a species. You must let your egos die enough so that we can all live in this world.

To the comrades on this side: stay focused, stay vigilant. There is a world of people too lazy to want to deconstruct their institutions in the presence of a deeper truth, and they fight brutishly to preserve their comfort. The persistence of truth is the discomfort that motivates reformation. You must be that truth at all costs. You all must encourage that truth at all costs. You all must inspect and perfect that truth at all costs. This battle is unnerving and demoralizing when the firing shots come from the institutions we all were raised to entrust our lives to. We have been betrayed by many of our people but that is not a license to be led by rage and spite. There are real problems ahead of us. You must let your egos die enough so that we can all live in this world.

The Great Library will be rebuilt. The truth will always exist and by that right, so shall the full spectrum of gender and sexuality. When the thousand-year reich finally collapses, we will be the ones left standing because we are the truth.



Sylvia Howard

Trans. Queer. Deadpan. I’d kill to be a basic bitch if killing were basic. www.sylviahowardauthor.com