5 Places You Can Get Free Wi-Fi in MITS

Dankus Supremus
Querencia Qrew
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2016

Into the streets

We’re coming out

We never sleep

We never get tired…

internet-thirsty horde of MITSians looking for free Wi-Fi

The sudden need for Internet access can strike you anytime, anywhere. Whether you need to send out an urgent mail, update your relationship status on Facebook ’cause you just fell in love with the hot chick you just saw walking out of the collage-canteen, download a highly illegal soft-copy of a book unavailable (read available but un-issuable kyuki abhi tag nahi laga hai yaar) in the library, or much more importantly and frequently download that catchy song the cool-by-popular-vote kid sitting three rows behind you in class was playing on his iPhone at full volume in recess; you just can’t seem to get around even for an hour without web connectivity. Looks like Swedish House Mafia saw this coming all of five years ago and even wrote a song about it.

Well, worry not. After spending an exorbitant amount of time sniffing and searching every nook and cranny of our beloved college, we came up with five places you can surely surf the web without the risk of getting kicked in the shins or being decapitated. But before you put on your gleeful face and run off to Dreamland, you also need some technical mumbo-jumbo to connect to the Internet. For that, all you need to do is donate $50 to us via PayPal.

BAZINGA! Just kiddin’. Here are the details:

IP Address/Server/URL:

Port: 3128

You also need to log-in using your ERP (soon to be MIS) credentials. Without further ado, we present to you, 5 places you can get free Wi-Fi in MITS.

1. The MCA Dept.


One of the best places in the campus to use free Wi-Fi. Lies on the corridor connecting the SAC (Student Activity Center) to the refurbished CLC (Common Learning Center). There’s actually a chair right outside the door, so you can even sit down while using college resources for you selfish gains. You might be met with raised eyes and awkward glares from people passing by, but then, aren’t you a champion at shrugging off?

2. The Architecture Dept.

Do you?

The Arch. Dept. boasts of high-speed internet connectivity (not the faculty, just the students, mind). You can see throngs of people with their laptops and other electronic devices sitting hither and tither. The only downside is that your chances of connecting to the network successfully is one-in-152817, but if you somehow manage to do that, you’ll run out of things to download in approximately 5 minutes and 42 seconds.

3. Outside the Director’s Office

“I hope no one is downloading any movies here.”

We do not want to be expelled, suspended or involved in any other disciplinary activity, so we hope the name of the location is enough. Oh, and one more thing: Wi-Fi is only for educational purposes! Go away, freeloaders! *puts on rightful smile*

4. The Common Learning Centre (CLC)


The soon-to-be-unveiled CLC promises to be a hi-tech learning center for all students irrespective of their branches. Once it is opened to the general populace, every student will be able to surf the internet with utmost dignity. Note: You’re still NOT allowed to search for ‘kareena kapoor hot pics’ in here. We have high hopes for this place.

5. The Hostels

One of the many things that really make MITS hostels a happy place, along with the ever-present brotherhood (or sisterhood — no offence to the feminists, do not send us hate mail, we have enough haters already) and amazingly awesome Indian cuisine, is the Wi-Fi. Notorious for its crawling speed and infinitesimal range, it is the sole reason why you will find guys in shorts sitting on the staircases under the routers through the night, swatting mosquitos with one hand and operating their mobiles/laptops with the other (the author cannot talk about the night-time conditions in the girls’ hostel as he has no experience of living there, but he would not be averse to getting to know some of the details). See the accompanying picture for the complete picture (pun intended; if you don’t know what a pun is, like us on FB — we’ll teach you).

