Giriraj S Rathore
Querencia Qrew
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2019

Abstract : With the advent of easier communication mediums such as telephones and internet and as such globalization of information and ideas demographic has been exposed to newer and different perspectives. In this golden age of information objectivity takes the driver’s seat in decision making. But is too much information starting to become counter productive ?

Allow me to start this by posing a question, How do you decide upon something ? The answers may be varied but the common trend that surfaces is weighing pros and cons and if sufficient information is not available then start looking for them on internet. Therein lies our contention or Catch 22 , if you will. This “looking for sufficient information” on internet or any other diverse data source is the birth ground of concatenation of events that forms the causal nexus of our paradox. This research on the said subject matter opens up black hole of clickable links that will suck out the variables and replace them with an iterative objective function designed to give out maximum. So then, what’s the problem in getting out maximum? Isn’t it what we thrive to achieve ? We need to look beyond result (that is we are getting out maximum) and look more into the manner in which we are reaching it. The process itself is quite tiring and breeds anxiety , indecision and to some extent dissatisfaction. Rather than empowering us to make a better decision this research on the said subject translates our psyche so that it fears making wrong decision, which in turn conceives domino effect in a seemingly inescapable purgatory of analysis paralysis.

Over analyzing the under work and reporting less satisfaction and optimism are some of hall marks of people that divulge themselves in this process. Also such a person would be currently analyzing (over analyzing :-) ) this piece and researching as a result, thus proving my point. You know who you are ! So peace out !

