Giriraj S Rathore
Querencia Qrew
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2017

Let’s get the context out of the way first. Generalization as internet puts it is the formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties. In easier language it is the common norm that we observe on daily basis. Therein lies our catch-22. You see, the very idea of generalization revolves around search of the common traits while overlooking the differences thus rendering the balance and analogy between similarities and differences almost non-existent. For a process or system to achieve maximum efficiency , numerous varying parameters that are exclusive to that system have to be taken in consideration. So ideally following the above instructions if a system was to be constructed then it would produce unparalleled quality and quantity.

The above statements would hold true for human civilization also. You see, no two humans are alike. So for any human to reach the apex of his/her caliber the activities have to be tailor made to suit the needs and also taking into account the factors that affect his/her working conditions.

Sounds simple enough ? But it is as onerous as simple it sounds in practice. You see, the common trend amongst the masses is of following the crowd whatever be the sphere of life. The internet being the source of great information , can also mislead many a times . Populace in today’s scenario does not think twice before blindly following the information that they receive via internet. Misleading advertisements, public statements should be put through different scrutiny before getting onboard with it. People should refrain from scheme of copying and pasting of ideas and information.

Now we should not confuse generalization with standardization. While standardization is the selective and relatively static term mainly used to describe quality and quantity, generalization on the other hand is a more dynamic term mostly based on keen observation. Standardization may accelerate the ease and efficiency of a system , generalization on the other hand might have retarding effects on your progress.

Solution then ? we need to CREATE and INNOVATE system that takes wholistic approach in designing and realizing our true potential. My English teacher used say that one must look for meaning in the sentences but also not overlook the latent meaning in them. The need of the hour is to understand our abilities and invent a bespoke system that will challenge our current state and push us towards a more efficient future. Many successful people have innovated their way up the world , doing things that were best suited to them rather than following what was the norm . The examples are endless Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos , Mahatma Gandhi. These people were / are continuously innovating.

Bruce Lee once famously said

“we have more faith in what we imitate than in what we originate. We cannot derive a sense of absolute certitude from anything which has its roots in us. The most poignant sense of insecurity comes from standing alone and we are not alone when we imitate. It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay.”

The opinions expressed here are personal and not endorsed by publication. These are the views of a cynical person who has still not left the Shakespearean era ! Please take them with a pinch of salt.

