Guaranteeing Asset Value by Michael Waters

Elizabeth Barlow
Quest Crypto
Published in
5 min readJun 14, 2021

It is extremely important that any currency, fiat or otherwise, has a fixed intrinsic, and tangible value. Unfortunately, this is not always the case as even the US dollar, one of the most recognizable currencies in the world, has no actual backing. It is defined as a note, meaning it is evidence of a tradeable debt rather than a currency in the traditional sense. The US dollar’s backing, then, is confidence in its value, supported by a wide variety of systems designed to prop up said value by selling hedges against various indexes to create stability.

These systems are not always successful, evidenced by the fact that the US dollar continues to lose value while the cost of good continues to rise. This inflation is a result of bad money policies enacted by governments worldwide. Paper fiat currencies are continually printed while no real backing exists in any sort of gold reserve or other asset. Each time more money is added to the general supply it devalues the currency in circulation in the vicious cycle of inflation.

An example of this effect can be demonstrated this way: You are playing a game of monopoly with a money supply of only $100. As the one in control of this supply, you decide to “print” more money, but since you are playing according to real-world rules every time you do this the value of all the money decreases by 50%. Now you have $200 dollars valued at only $100, you still cannot afford to pay the rent amount your friend is charging for the Boardwalk space, and everyone else has raised their rent prices because they heard there was more money in circulation. You go to Jail and never pass Go again.

It should be clear by now that speculative currency simply cannot withstand market downturns of recessions. We must rely on a currency that is backed by an inexhaustible asset guaranteed to maintain value. This is why non-speculative cryptocurrency has such potential. It is possible to attach a coin to a verifiable and trackable asset that can be redeemed for the value of the currency it supports. This asset is Real Estate.

Not only will Real Estate continue to climb in value over time, thereby increasing the value of the coin attached to it, but it can also be insured against loss and will never be in short supply. There is a reason land is considered the currency of kings. Throughout history land has often been used as a form of payment, and it continues to be just as important now as an investment as it was hundreds of years ago.

Quest Crypto has selected Real Estate as the instrument to back its cryptocurrency for these reasons. While we are not the first to do so, we are the first to resolve the serious issues surrounding its implementation in the crypto space. The first among these issues is guaranteeing the asset value.

While Real Estate has shown a steady increase in value over time as previously stated, there are thousands of factors that can happen to drastically affect its value, thereby making it more difficult to guarantee the value in the short-term.

Some of these factors include:

  • The property is not maintained properly
  • Unpaid taxes
  • Mechanics liens
  • The property is not upgraded periodically

Any of these issues can potentially tank the value of a property and can result in the forfeiture of ownership and a total loss of overall value. However, even if none of the above items come into play an individual piece of property is still subject to short-term moves in market value and temporary downturns. This happened on a wide scale in 2008, with the US housing market experiencing loss in value equivalent to 2 trillion USD. Huge investor portfolios hedged to the point of virtually no loss were suddenly worth next to nothing. The real estate market was nearly destroyed overnight.

With that and other past examples in mind, Quest Crypto has taken asset value protection to levels never reached, resulting in backing that is better than gold.

  • Quest Crypto uses proprietary patent-pending technology that attaches to the land and not the landowner. This technology means that we:
  1. Have taxation level authority to assess and collect all value assessed on the property
  2. Have priority, protecting the property from being foreclosed out on, and preventing Mechanics liens from moving ahead of us
  3. Have protection from bankruptcy courts, as the technology is attached to the land, not the owner
  4. Have the ability to pay the associated property taxes, collect funds, and distribute said funds for the repair, maintenance, and annual upgrades on the property
  • Quest Crypto purchases a Double Eagle Title Policy further protecting the property title from liens
  • Quest Crypto purchases Property and Liability Insurance for protection of the asset
  • Quest Crypto purchases “Gap” insurance policies in case the property is ever sold below the original assessed value.

These are just a few of the steps Quest Crypto implements to guarantee the asset value. We also dedicate 100% of the funds from the sale of coins to first pay off an existing mortgage to zero, to further prevent any adversarial claims. This extra step eliminates financial institutions from making any sort of claim against the property title, no matter how illegitimate. Our technology is set up to win in any court setting, and we have documentation of its ability to do so, but despite this we prefer to avoid the expense of a lawsuit.

Each property pledged into the Quest Crypto system has a set of coins associated with it that match the total value dollar for dollar. If a million-dollar property is pledged, only a million coins are minted, and the Gap insurance we buy guarantees that the coins will never dip in value below their starting amount and should instead increase in value. The coins can be tracked to the property, and all necessary documentation will be available for review by potential buyers. This includes assessment records, CMA, and property appraisals. These standards are already in place for establishing real estate value on each property in our system.

Because of our technology we can guarantee that all monies from a sale will go to Quest Crypto and be distributed according to the Token ownership. The system coupled with blockchain is simple, fair, and cannot be cheated or manipulated.

The above steps can guarantee both a minimum value to any piece of pledged real estate and a long-term increase in value. Purchasers of Quest Crypto can rest easy knowing they have invested in the most secure asset in the world and that their coins represent a revolution in the realm of currency — the realization of the common dream of financial independence and security.

