13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Kenneth Reyes-Lao
Quest for the Best
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2016

Going into this movie, I had very low expectations. I knew coming in that Michael Bay was directing it. He has definitely destroyed Transformers for me in the big screen and I didn’t really want to see any more of his work but when I saw the trailer for 13 Hours, I was pulled in by the story.

I have very little to no background on global politics and wars and uprisings in other countries so I have no political biases when I saw the film.

The Good Points:

  1. The action was great. It took a while to get into it but the sequences and the tension that you feel in the third act of the film was really palpable.
  2. The comedic banter between the characters. Some say it was too much but I think it was okay giving little breaks in the movie. I would also think that this grounded the movie more as you see the relationship between the soldiers during these times. I really think that this kind of banter would be normal between soldiers in intense situations to calm them down.
  3. I like how David Costabile (Bob) played his role as a bureaucratic power-tripping asshole. I really remembered him for his portrayal in the tv series SUITS as Daniel Hardman. If you hated his guts after seeing the movie then he did his job.
  4. I could not even begin to imagine what these people went through during their time in Benghazi but I think the movie

The Bad Points:

  1. I just think the first part of the movie was a bit long… I really wanted to the movie to get into the meat of the action sooner but other than this I think that it was a great film.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

