Working in Web 3

Wear whatever and work whenever

Quest @ SAS
5 min readJan 14, 2023


I can’t believe a zero-knowledge proof Web 3 company asking for $2M funding for a 24-month runway just presented their pitch to me. Yes, I’m doing a partnership with a Web 3 Venture Capital firm that ​​raised over $150m for over 70 start-up companies. And I’m working with their core venture-building team to analyze 250 start-up companies applying for their latest accelerator program in which provides $100k in funding to each startup. Thanks to the Quest program at SAS, I had the opportunity to work with LongHash Ventures, a venture capital firm that focuses on Web 3 investment. And having such an opportunity is like heaven for a tech business enthusiast like me.


It all started nine weeks ago when all students in the Quest program at SAS were asked to apply to a real-world company as student interns (the official term is “partnership” because we are not getting paid, and it’s a part of the school curriculum). I was initially planning to apply to Kroll, an international corporate investigation and risk consulting firm, but when I saw LongHash Ventures, though it’s a much smaller company than Kroll, I knew exactly that this is the firm I wanted to go to because this company is focusing on Web 3.0 and it’s a venture capital firm. Technology & business have always been my two greatest passions. And when I heard that the dress code at LongHash is t-shirt and shorts, I was 100% sure that this is going to be the greatest company of all time.

Ok, jokes aside. My journey at LongHash has been incredible; most importantly, I learned an entirely new industry, an unconventional one that’s nothing like what we used to know about working. And today, I would like to share what’s unique about working in Web 3 business and what I learned while working with one of them. And if you are looking for a new job in the tech industry, Web 3 might be your next stop.

But first, what is Web 3?

Web 3 is the newest type of internet that’s powered by blockchain technology. It’s a decentralized way to store and transmit information where all data and transactions are secure and transparent. You can learn more information about Web 3 through this infographic video made by Whiteboard Crypto.

Unlike conventional businesses, Web 3 companies have no geographical restrictions, and thanks to the convenience of cryptocurrency, people can work wherever they want to get paid in cryptos. For example, my company LongHash is based in Singapore, but they have employees working in India, Malaysia, and China. During a chat with my supervisor at LongHash, it was surprising to find out that many people working in the Web 3 space are ​​nomads — they travel around the world and do not settle in one place.

Since there are no set working locations for employees in Web 3, working hours also became very flexible. At LongHash, you can come to the office whenever you want. But since I’m so passionate about my work and the office has a really nice view (20th-floor view of the street), I usually arrive an hour earlier than everyone else and get a head start on my work. At the same time, I’m trying to improve my habits of mind — persistent. I would wake up early every day and arrive at the office at 8 am. But interestingly, I found that not everyone is at the office every day. I later learned from my supervisor that an employee’s contribution is not evaluated by their time spent in the office; rather, it’s the results they can produce. If someone is more efficient when working at night time, forcing them to sit in the office to work during the day time is just a dumb idea. I totally agree.


Another fascinating factor that made me really enjoy LongHash, and the entire Web 3 industry, is its work culture. Web 3 has a very casual and unique work culture, from its dress code to its way of communication. Employees are free to wear whatever they want to the office. When employees communicate through work group chats, they talk with memes and casual language. This is because Web 3 drastically differs from conventional businesses, where Web 3 is about creativity and community. Browsing through social media, such as Twitter, wouldn’t be considered slacking off; rather, it’s considered as understanding the community and building connections with potential future partners.


Web 3 is arguably one of the most ideal working conditions for most people, but the technical part of Web 3 that I learn while working with LongHash is even more remarkable.

There are many controversies about the Web 3 industry. Many people criticized Web 3 as a scam. Before I started working with LongHash, I was even worried about the future of crypto because the price is so volatile, and it’s a super risky investment. But I soon learned that most people criticize Web 3 because they are uninformed about what Web 3 really is. People will only think about cryptocurrency when I mention Web 3; however, cryptocurrency is only a tiny fraction of the entire Web 3. The key is smart contracts, decentralized and trustless transactions, transparency, and private ownership.

After nine weeks of partnership with LongHash, I gained so much knowledge about the Web 3 industry as if a brand new world was presented in front of me. But I never knew these unlimited possibilities of Web 3 before I worked with LongHash. Knowing that I gained more knowledge of the industry made me reflect on the ways we approach new things. We often generalize an unfamiliar thing after only knowing the surface of it, for example, the people who criticized Web 3 when all they knew was crypto. And rejecting novice things without fully understanding it can really make us lose many beautiful opportunities. Moving on, I’ll continue to explore the fascinating Web 3 industry, but most importantly, keep an open mind in accepting new information and never be afraid to try new things.

