
How To Be Liked Like Dogs

Frank Oudshoorn
Quest to a Happier Self


Man’s best friend. The friend you don’t deserve. Goofballs of happiness. Many different names, all with the same meaning:


Almost everyone loves dogs. Everyone who doesn’t either has never had a dog before, or is just grumpy (#sorrynotsorry). What is it about dogs that we love?

To get that answer we need to look at interactions with our very own, the humans. An example:

Let’s say you are a nice girl just sitting in the sun, when a guy comes by and compliments your clothes: “Lovely the color of your dress!”

One optimistic part of your brain will go like: “Yay, a compliment! Thanks, fellow human!”

But a more pessimistic (paranoid) side of your brain will look more like: “Hmm, I wonder why he said that? Is he just being a nice guy or is he trying to get into my pants?”

Do you know that feeling? That search for an ulterior motive? That fear that someone is just being nice to you to abuse you? Because we all know that sometimes humans do that. They will be nice to you while plotting how to hurt you.

Not dogs.

The greatest thing about dogs is their unconditional love. You can be a dick to them, but they will still give you another chance and come back for cuddles. You can be away all day at work, but they will be waiting for you like you are the most important person in the world!

When a dog is playing with you, you don’t have to fear that they are just doing it so that you will buy them another toy. You don’t have to fear that when they come and snuggle with you that they are just trying to ensure that you will let them stay.

Whatever may happen…


A dog will always love you…

Not for a reward. Not for a hidden motive. Not to try and get you to do something.

Their love has no conditions or motives. And that is why we love them.

Just had to add this picture of this pupper.

So, how can you be like dog? How can you be universally liked like dogs?

Simple. Be nice. Give compliments. Help others, before they even ask. Smile to them. Be kind to them.


Stop there.
Do not expect a reward.
Do not ask for a reward.

Just… be nice.



Frank Oudshoorn
Quest to a Happier Self

Welcome to my little corner! I usually write on Self Improvement or Productivity. Trying to learn something new every day.