The Power of a Thank-You

Frank Oudshoorn
Quest to a Happier Self
2 min readMar 6, 2019


Thank-you’s are underrated. Today’s society is faster than ever. So fast, that we often forget to thank those that got us to where we are today.

Your husband, who kept your back at all times.

Your boss, who worked hard to get you your promotion.

Those teachers, that taught you so much of what you know.

Your family, for always sticking around with you, no matter what happens.

Perhaps for something smaller: That nice co-worker that got you some coffee while he got his. That lady at the front-desk that always smiles at you.

A thank you is very simple but very powerful. Most people are good people. They try to help whenever they can. They do not mind to go out of their way for a friend, a family member, a stranger.

But so often they do not get that well-deserved “Thank you!”.

Think back: When was the last time someone took the time to stop what they were doing, look you in the eye and say a wholehearted: “Thank you!”? How did it make you feel? Appreciated? Happy? Did it make you like him/her more?

I have no doubt you felt happier after getting that Thank-You than before you got it.

That person had the power to make you feel happier.

However, so do you!

Life is a videogame and I have a quest for you:

Thank someone. Thank someone who has been deserving of a thank-you for far too long.



Frank Oudshoorn
Quest to a Happier Self

Welcome to my little corner! I usually write on Self Improvement or Productivity. Trying to learn something new every day.