Ask Deeqa Good — Somalia and Human Rights

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Question Time
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2019

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Deeqa Good is among the lesser told sides of the stories for human rights abuses. Those of the loved ones who have been taken by governments, terrorist cells, etc., and then imprisoned, tortured, or killed. Here we get some insight into the Somalian state of affairs in this regard.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: In terms of the conditions for human rights in Somalia, what are their statuses?

Deeqa Good: The human rights situation in Somalia is very bad, because we, like all third world countries, live with a mentality of the ages of darkness, but we often pretend intellectual maturity for one reason only: our attempt to persuade the free world countries to help us financially and politically.

Jacobsen: What is the condition of women’s autonomy and equality there?

Good: Women, as in the famous Somali proverb (a child with a large body), society looks at us as property of men, and it is very difficult to see us as a personality independent of men, but there are many attempts by enlighteners like my husband to empower women, but these efforts need a long time and great support.

Jacobsen: What happened to your husband?

Good: My husband was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, just for asking the community to use reason and not to be attached to superstitions, and the authorities considered that as anti-Islam.

Jacobsen: How is this case being handled internationally?

Good: We have not received attention from world-famous human rights organizations that greatly affect the decision-makers in my country, due to the lack of cooperation of the local agents of these organizations, and I think the reason is that: the local agents refuse to engage in the enlightenment march that produces resistance by the traditional forces in society. Therefore, they prefer to defend marginal issues that do not embarrass them.

Jacobsen: What can be done for individuals who face similar circumstances?

Good: The most important help is: the continuous media publication of such issues, because it will create a discussion within society on these issues, and this will greatly assist the enlightenment movement.

Jacobsen: Thank you for the opportunity and your time, Deeqa.

Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash

