Ask Gayleen 2 — Publishing Progressive Voices

Scott Douglas Jacobsen
Question Time
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2018
Image Credit: Gayleen Cornelius.

Gayleen Cornelius is a South African human rights activist from Willowmore; a tiny town in the Eastern Cape province. She grew up a coloured (the most ethnically diverse group in the world with Dutch, Khoisan, Griqua, Zulu, Xhosa Indian and East Asian ancestry). Despite being a large Demographic from Cape Town to Durban along the coast, the group is usually left out of the racial politics that plague the nation. She has spoken out against identity politics, racism, workplace harassment, religious bigotry and different forms of abuse. She is also passionate about emotional health and identifies as an empath/ humanist. Here we talk about Cornelius Press and progressive voices.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen: In terms of the publication, and as should be noted upfront, Cornelius Press is the main publication. That is to say, you are my boss.

But you’re also a colleague and mentor in terms of knowing more about South Africa and its progressive movements and culture. What were some of the problems with the website and the hosts for those with an interest in searching for the publication but not able to find it?

Gayleen Cornelius: The Cornelius Press website was hosted by a huge German tech company in South Africa. We had more than one website hosted by the company but they restricted ads for some content which was considered not favourable for advertisers.

This had a serious implication on the website’s potential for revenue and as a result, we ended up indebted to the company with Cornelius Press being suspended.

Jacobsen: What are the next steps for it?

Cornelius: We have thought of changing to a more wallet-friendly hosting service but we are in a position to redeem Cornelius Press’ debt to our previous service. If all goes well, the news site will be live again in January.

Jacobsen: Who are some living prominent progressive voices for South Africa?

Cornelius: South Africa is arguably the most progressive country in Africa. The government alone has been implementing progressive policies since 1994 with same-sex marriage being legalized years before most first world countries caught up.

There hasn’t been much cause for activism on a broader scale except for the problem of racism. Most activists in South Africa today fight against racism and income inequality, our two biggest problems that the end of apartheid didn’t take with it.

Far left movements like the Economic Freedom Fighters and alt right activists like the Afriforum are in the mainstream of civil society. It is in these raging identity politics that the progress we South Africans take for granted is lost.

There is a need for progressive activists to make it in the mainstream and protect whatever liberties are under threat.

Jacobsen: Thank you for the opportunity and your time, Gayleen.

Scott Douglas Jacobsen founded In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal and In-Sight Publishing. He authored/co-authored some e-books, free or low-cost. If you want to contact Scott:

Image Credit: Gayleen Cornelius.

