QueueStatus Gets Web Notifications!

Luke Pappas
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2017

Today, we are happy to announce that QueueStatus now supports web browser notifications! Now, as long as you have a browser window with http://queuestatus.com/ loaded, you can browse other webpages or applications on your device and still stay connected to the queue.

Web notifications appear for both queue administrators and queue entries and are triggered under the following scenarios.

Queue Administrators:

  1. When a new queue entry joins an otherwise empty queue

Queue Entries:

  1. When your queue entry is 3rd in line
  2. When your queue entry is next up

As always, we would love your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to email us at support@queuestatus.com or send us a tweet @QueueStatus.

Happy Queueing!

