Keep It Professional

Never make friends at work

Written by Melissa
Published in
Feb 18, 2024


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

We were friends, or at least I thought we were.
I talked to you, opened up, and shared things that I never shared before.
You didn't hurt me.
At my age, I expect to be disappointed.
You just caught me off guard.
The way you suddenly make jokes at my expense, laugh behind my back, and see me as competition.

When did this start and why?

I should have known better than to let my guard down.
You're so young and I see that now.
Your true colors reminded me of the gap.

I am not your competition, nor am I your enemy.
I tried, but I see that I can not even be your friend.

So, I will keep it how it should have been from the beginning, which is professional.

