No Room

I don’t understand why

Written by Melissa
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2024


Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

It is so much easier to stay just to myself.
The world doesn't get me.
Those around me seem to think that my purpose in life, my very reason for existing is to cater to them.
They believe that I was put on this earth to take what they dish out and smile as they wipe their dirty shoes off my face.

That's not what I'm here for.

That's not anything that I would accept.
How dare they insult me?
How dare they mistake my kindness for weakness?

Another waste of my time.
Another disappointment. Another example of why I avoid people like the plague that they are.

They bring out the worst in me, deprive me of my positivity, and fill me with negative thoughts.

Away from me!

Be gone from my sight.

I have enough on my plate and I'm already full.
There's no room for your nonsense, your insecurities, your competitive nature, your kick them when they're down attitude.

There's no space in my life for you.

You pray for my downfall.
I want you to win.

We are not the same.

It's so sad to see how you've changed.
You perceive me as an enemy.

How can you turn a blind eye to what was once a friendship?

