Art of Switching Habits: How to Stick With New Year Resolution 2020?
Have you picked your resolution for this new year? Start exercising, quit smoking or eat healthier are some of the top resolutions that people make. According to a recent study, just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. Thankfully, I found a way to be part of those elite 8 per-centers last year.
My Resolution Story
My profession involves a lot of writing, but I never enjoyed reading. After a few years my blogs became monotonous due to a lack of new perspectives. That’s why, I resolved to read more in 2019.
But, what is read more? I needed an actual number/goal. A book is usually 200–300 pages long and so if I could even read 10 pages a day on average — yes, I’m a slow reader — a book a month wouldn’t to be too hard. So, 12 books in 12 months was my goal. I started with interesting books like 1984, Becoming, Switch and others. Because when we start a new task/habit, it is important for us to try and enjoy it as much as we can.
I was thrilled to complete my first book in just two weeks and it gave me the motivation to go for the next one. Next, I was at 5 in 2 months and then soon I reached 12 in 4 months! I consistently exceeded my expectations and it gave me the drive to read more and more! Next, I updated my goal to 24 in 12. And…