Little Kidogo Sprint Retro Report #3

We just finished our 14th Sprint Retro and planning session of 2019 💾

Carla Inez Espost
Little Kidogo
4 min readJun 14, 2019


We finally received our OTP to verify Little Kidogo’s profile on Google Business 🎉

This week we’ve had very little on our plate, to be honest. The month of June, being the 6th month of the year has been spent mostly on reviews. Crucial, slow and super rewarding, our 6 month review has left us at a new crossroad.

The 1st step of our 6 month company review has been to organize our Github

And so the past sprint was dedicated to just that; organise repos, update and add labels to all repos as well as update Little Kidogo company procedure manuals.

As per the usual marketing schedule, we also wrote 3 blogs as part of our Electronics for laymen & women series. Then we also published our very first blog on the Afrikaner Apokolips game development journey.


We would like to thank our one and only MountainGoat for helping designer Carla Inez Espost make her first Pull Request 👾 WHOOP!

We also want to acknowledge the team’s patience and consistency in the last sprint.

What did we do well?

  • We tried our best every day
  • We scheduled our meetings well, taking into account that we never missed any one of them ;)
  • We finished our daily objectives in good order
  • We updated our Standup and Standdown manuals
  • We chose a simple goal to complete for the sprint
  • We completed the first draft of our brand bible, marketing strategy and content calendar
  • We made sure Kachuma can run on multiple servers 🐘🤖

What can we do better?

  • When we choose a project we should plan how to tackle the project in more detail, this would mean planning the agenda before the meeting
  • Agree on our mission and vision for the company with more clarity so that we are all working on the same thing

What should we stop doing?

  • Working on more than 1 thing at a time
  • We should stop having meetings without agendas

What should we start doing?

  • We should start preparing agendas for meetings beforehand
  • Working towards a unified mission and vision

Next Actions:

  • Prepare a ‘How to Make an Agenda’ manual
  • Have a meeting to agree on the Little Kidogo mission and vision
  • I need to finish the marketing manuals (posting checklists, profile checklists) and start making Next Actions for updating the profiles, from LK to AA and CIE. I need to work on making the manuals Pull Requests on Github and starting to collaborate on these with Zacck so that the marketing that goes out under the LK name is consistent and strategic. I also need to write 4 blogs next week (1 x AA) (2 x LK) (1 x EYD).

What we’ve learned is that,

This past week we were focused on updating our Github procedures. In our effort to make issue templates we discovered that to make proper issue templates we need to know our business model by heart💖.

‘Focus’ seems to be the keyword right now.To keep staying focused we realized we need to work on making clearly defined goals. And most importantly to keep trying even when the conditions aren’t perfect.

We also realized that when we have doubts we sabotage things. So now we know that we need to make sure to stick to our plans instead of stopping and making new/other plans. To do this we will review and plan more regularly and work these reviews into our daily routines.

However, the efforts we put in this past sprint left us happy and content, as we noticed our ever growing consistency will only come from being good daily rather than aiming to be perfect in one huge chunk.

Knowing things have gotten started leaves us feeling way more clear, however, we still feel like we need to be more serious about finishing work faster. To do this we aim to work on our personal and team routines in order for us all to get a rhythm that can help us achieve the momentum necessary.

Summary of the past sprint’s lessons

  1. Pick a reasonable amount of tasks so that you always have a chance of finishing.
  2. Stop messing with your consistency and keep being focused on finishing.

At that our dear readers is Mission Accomplished🎖️

What did you do well in your past sprint?

Let us know in the comments below 🦄

Proudly brought to you by Little Kidogo

& sponsored by Eat Your Day

Reminders that actually remind you



Carla Inez Espost
Little Kidogo
