The Game world of Afrikaner Apokolips

It’s the year 2079 — drinking water has vanished & diamonds are used to purify seawater, which side will you be on?

Carla Inez Espost
Afrikaner Apokolips
3 min readJun 20, 2019


Afrikaner Apokolips aims to tell an affective story of South Africa’s future by starting with the story of ‘Bettie & Clive’, the Bonnie & Clyde of South Africa.

After the tragic death of Clive, Bettie van Der Merwe is caught in the crossfire of Africa’s most notorious diamond-smuggling crime syndicate all by herself.

‘Bettie & Clive’ — the Bonnie & Clyde of South Africa. Photo by Carla Inez Espost, 2012.

It’s the year 2079.

Location: !Hui Gaeb City

*Formerly known as Cape Town

Drinking water has vanished & diamonds are used to purify seawater, making it triple in value.

Will you help Bettie van Der Merwe track down her deceased boyfriend’s killer?

Or will you join Africa’s most notorious diamond smuggling crime syndicate?

Beware, whichever side you choose, the trance of the diamonds reaches you in your dreams, your memories… Invading your thoughts is the Ancient Water Spirit, your murky guide in this dangerous journey of revenge, diamonds and corruption.

Which side will you be on?

Photos by Carla Inez Espost, 2012.

Relying on various myths and oral traditions from the continent, while weaving, trance-like through different centuries in Southern Africa’s then future, a Khoi medicine woman foretells the story of ‘One Grave Dusk’ (‘n Grou Skemer).

Societal limits of class and race echo across the decades as four multi-racial couples fearlessly traverse the criminal and political underworld; determined to defy and correct the injustices of their time.

‘We witness the many leaders cum criminals wheel and deal, all the while crippling many a just South African’s fate because of their narcissistic greed for power over love.’

From the first colonial endeavors in the 17th century, to the diamond and gold discoveries and rapid industrialization of the late 1800’s — up to the late 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries that saw the slow transformation and stabilization of South Africa’s democracy — we witness the many leaders cum criminals wheel and deal, all the while crippling many a just South African’s fate because of their narcissistic greed for power over love.

The death of Clive Meintjies is the death of a previous martyr, born 100 years before. And his death linked to another…

‘Bettie grasps at Clive who gasps for his last breath.’

We are excited to share this journey with you! Please tell us what you think?

Feedback is more than welcome — PS. it is direly necessary😄

*Comment below or DM us on Instagram



Carla Inez Espost
Afrikaner Apokolips
