10 Common Mistakes Every New Developer Makes

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2023
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

As a new developer, you’re likely to make a few mistakes. But understanding some of the most common missteps before you start coding can help you stay on track and avoid costly errors. Here are 10 of the most common mistakes new developers make and how to avoid them.

1. Not Understanding the Basics

As a new developer, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the language, tools, and frameworks you’ll be using. If you don’t understand the fundamentals, then you’ll struggle to debug, optimize, and maintain your code. Ensure you’re taking the time to truly understand the basics before diving into more complex coding projects.

2. Not Documenting Your Code

When starting out, it’s easy to think that code documentation isn’t important. But it’s essential to document your code and include clear comments explaining the purpose of each line of code. This will help you and other developers better understand the code and make it easier to maintain.

3. Not Testing Your Code

It’s important to test your code to make sure it’s working as expected. This involves running unit tests to make sure individual parts of your code are working correctly, as well as testing the entire system to ensure there are no errors. Taking the time to test your code can save you a lot of time and headaches in the long run.

4. Not Using Version Control

Version control is a must-have tool for developers. It helps you keep track of changes made to your code and allows you to easily undo mistakes or roll back to a previous version. Learning how to use a version control system like Git can help you stay organized and avoid costly errors.

5. Not Following Best Practices

Best practices help ensure that your code is consistent and easy to maintain. This includes following coding style guides, using descriptive variable names, and writing self-documenting code. Not following best practices can lead to code that’s difficult to debug and maintain.

6. Not Using Automation Tools

Automation tools, such as build tools, can help you automate tedious tasks and save you time. You can use these tools to automate tasks such as running tests, building deployment packages, and more. Taking the time to learn and use automation tools can help you be more productive as a developer. Some automation tools you can learn and utilize include Selenium, Katalon Studio, Appium, and Cucumber.

7. Not Following Security Best Practices

Security is a must for any software development project. This includes following best practices such as using secure passwords, encrypting data, and using secure communication protocols. Not following security best practices can put your code at the risk of being hacked or compromised.

8. Not Refactoring Code

Refactoring is the process of improving existing code without changing its external behavior. This can help you make your code easier to understand and maintain. Not taking the time to refactor code can lead to messy and hard-to-maintain code.

9. Not Asking for Help

Asking for help is a must when you’re starting out as a developer. Don’t be afraid to reach out to experienced developers or join an online development community. Doing so can help you get unstuck and learn from experienced developers.

10. Not Continuously Learning

The world of software development is constantly changing. It’s essential to stay up to date on the latest best practices, tools, and frameworks. Taking the time to learn new things and stay up to date can help you stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive as a developer.

Making mistakes is part of the learning process. But by understanding and avoiding some of the most common mistakes made by new developers, you can set yourself up for success and make sure you hit the ground running as a new developer.

