10 Free Django Courses to learn Django in Python

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
Published in
9 min readAug 5, 2022
Photo by Faisal on Unsplash

It’s no secret that Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, and Django makes web development easier for Python developers. In addition to being beginner-friendly and extremely powerful, the Python programming language has a robust ecosystem of frameworks & libraries, such as Django, that provide extra features. Because of its pragmatic design and user-friendliness, Django has gained traction quickly. In a similar way to a web application framework, it is a collection of components that are needed while building a website.

So what is Django? Django is a free and open-source Python-based framework that accelerates the development of web applications built in Python programming language. Using the Django web framework, you can build your application’s entire data model in Python without using SQL. Considering its uniqueness, Django is the only tool for Python developers.

Compared to web development tools, web application developers can concentrate on building unique applications using the Django web framework. Moreover, Django has the advantage of utilizing an extensive community-based support system, allowing it to take advantage of high customizability and third-party plug-ins ready to use immediately. A powerful and flexible toolkit for creating Web APIs is the Django REST framework.

Free Django Courses for learning Django

Now, let us move on to the free Django courses for learning Django in Python. Remember that these free Django courses may turn into paid ones again in the future, so put them on your list to avoid paying for them later.

1. A Beginners Guide to Django [Best Free Django Course — Udemy]

Learn all the basics of Django through a step-by-step process by creating your very own Polls Application for free.

Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

In case you don’t know, Django is the programming language used to build applications like Django and Pinterest. Hence, this course will help you learn all the Django basics and create apps like Instagram and Pinterest.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Create their own Django App.
  • Create web applications on a compelling infrastructure.
  • Create a responsive site through bootstrap.
  • Setup applications and models in Django.
  • Create custom URLs and Views.
  • Leverage the use of templates.
  • Add Static Files (CSS/JS).

The course will cover everything about Django, from creating and populating a database to directories and apps. With this course, you will learn how to use URLs and templates in your app and integrate CSS and Bootstrap into your app.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Udemy with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour 46-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

2. Building Web Applications in Django [Coursera]

This course will help you learn how Django communicates with a database via model objects. Additionally, we will look at how Django models implement Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to access databases. On the other hand, we will also review Python’s Object-Oriented (OO) pattern.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Describe and build a data model in Django
  • Apply Django model query and template tags/code of Django Template Language (DTL).
  • Build forms in HTML
  • Define Class, Instance, Method

This course will cover SQL basics and database modeling principles, including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships and their use in Django and SQL. Additionally, you will learn how to interact with your application objects interactively using the Django console and scripts.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Coursera with a 4.7 out of 5-course rating and a 13-hour length. Also, in Coursera, you will get a certificate upon completion.

3. Django Features and Libraries [ edX]

Create Django-based web applications through the use of cookies, sessions, and authentication processes in Django.

This course will teach you how to build end-user-friendly Django web applications. Additionally, you will learn about cookies, sessions, and authentication in Django. As you develop Django applications, you’ll learn how to add navigation and improve the user interface.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Define Django sessions and how cookies are used to support sessions.
  • Use built-in login functionality in Django and manage login users in views.
  • Define one-to-many models and demonstrate how to represent links in a database.
  • Create, edit, and delete form flow inside of a generic edit view.

This course will walk you through numerous issues and techniques related to website development by creating a simple application to support a classified ads website. Moreover, you will see how to move an application from development to production.

It is a top-rated free Django course on edX with a time duration of 6 weeks (2–4 hours/week). Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free edX course.

4. Building a Personal Portfolio with Django [Linkedin Learning — Free Trial]

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

It is possible to quickly create your website ideas with Django, an open-source web framework built on Python. During this course, you will learn how to build a website from the ground up using Django for web development.

Topics in this Django course will include:

  • Portfolio Project Overview
  • Creating Django Apps
  • Django and Databases
  • Designing Your Django Project
  • Object Details in Django

In addition, the Django course will teach you how to create a database, design the layout for your website, and add and modify URLs. Using Django, you will connect your project to Postgres, add static files, and submit URLs, for example.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Linkedin with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour time duration. You will not get a certificate upon completion.

5. Advanced Django: Introduction to Django Rest Framework [Coursera — Django Course]

In this course, you will learn about the Django REST framework and handling JSON within the context of APIs, fundamentals such as serialization ViewSheets, and authentication/permissions. Learners familiar with Python and Django are best suited for this course.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Build an API with Django Rest Framework.
  • Use Postman to explore the API.
  • Add functionality with serializers, view sets, routers, authentication, and permissions.

Rather than relying on videos, this course is completely hands-on and self-paced. In assignments, students will find brief explanations with images and runnable code examples with suggestions for further exploration.

Throughout the course, you will receive instant feedback from a variety of assessment items, gently progressing from quick understanding checks (multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and unscrambling code blocks) towards slowly building features, culminating in large coding projects at the end.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Coursera with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 9-hour length. Also, in Coursera, you will get a certificate upon completion.

6. Django Application Development with SQL and Databases [edX]

Gain hands-on practical experience developing and deploying a full-stack Django web application on the cloud.

This course will introduce you to the fast and straightforward framework Django, used by developers to simplify their work. Additionally, you will learn how Django models, views, and templates display data on a website and how to manage website content using Django’s powerful admin site functionality.

In this Django course, you will

•Describe a database and how to model data.

•Compose SQL queries to insert, select, update, and delete data in a database.

•Understand the Object Relational Model (ORM).

•Integrate Bootstrap into your Django template and build interactive web pages.

•Employ Django to develop database-powered applications.

•Create and deploy your Django app on the cloud.

During your final project, you will develop a full-stack Django web application on the cloud and deploy it. Moreover, you will learn about Bootstrap, an open-source web front-end framework.

It is a top-rated free Django course on edX with a time duration of 2 weeks (6–8 hours/week). Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free edX course.

7. Django for WordPress Developers [Udemy]

Learn how to code in python and how to use Django while drawing parallels to WordPress.

Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

This course aims to introduce WordPress users or intermediate web developers to Django. Additionally, it will teach you everything you need to know about Python and how to use Django to build an e-commerce site.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Understand how python works as a programming language.
  • Create a basic Class and Object in python and PHP.
  • Create a to-do application using python.
  • Understand the architecture of the Django framework.
  • Create a Django server.
  • Create a basic blog using core python and Django.
  • Create a CMS using Django’s powerful package and extension management system.
  • Create an eCommerce store using Oscar Commerce.
  • Create an eCommerce store using a Mezzanine and Cartridge.
  • Create an eCommerce store using Saleor.

This Django course will offer an understanding of the differences and similarities between PHP and Python, as well as step-by-step instructions for setting up a working Python environment. Also covered are how to create a basic TODO app in Python, a blog with Django, a content management system with Django, etc.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Udemy with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 6-hour 30-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate on completion since this is a free course.

8. Django Essential Training [Linkedin Learning — Free Trial]

Learn the fundamentals of the well-known Python framework, Django.

Django is a powerful and robust framework with many moving parts. It is quite easy to start a new project, but there is a lot to learn. Therefore, in this course, we will learn about frameworks, HTTP requests, and how Django responds to them.

Topics in this Django course include:

  • Starting Your Django Project
  • Django Built-In User Management
  • How Django Interacts with Databases
  • Building Dynamic Webpages
  • Building a Robust Front End in Django
  • Django Forms: Validation Shouldn’t Be Hard
  • Working with Existing Data
  • Using Django to Store and Display User-Specific Data
  • Login, Logout, and Signup Are Simple

Throughout this course, you will learn how to build a working system that allows users to create, edit, and list books. There is a lot to learn, such as creating users and data, ORMs, creating a dynamic template, class-based files, and static views in Django, etc.

It is a top-rated free Django course on Linkedin with a 4.7 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate on completion since this is a free course.

9. Django Deployment on DigitalOcean Made Easy [BitDegree]

Quickly deploy Django projects on DigitalOcean with the Django deployment tutorial.

Learn how to deploy your Django projects on DigitalOcean quickly. This course will provide a quick introduction to Django development and a look at Django deployment basics. You will have the opportunity to learn from a tutor with extensive experience working with Django.

In this Django course, you will:

  • Install & set up Django on DigitalOcean.
  • Install & set up PostgresSQL & MySQL with your Django project.
  • Find out how to create & set up a Debian server on DigitalOcean.

Getting started with DigitalOcean doesn’t require any experience; all you need is a desire to learn about it and a desire to do so. This course will help you accomplish that. In the end, you will have successfully deployed a Django project to DigitalOcean.

It is a top-rated free Django course on BitDegree with a 4.3 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour length. Also, remember you will get an NFT certificate upon completion.

10. Python Django Crash Course

This Python Django Crash Course from Traversy Media will talk about the Django framework in detail. As part of our discussion, we will build an app from scratch using MySQL and discuss the advantages of the framework. This tutorial will introduce you to the MTV (Model-Template-View) design pattern, help you set up a virtual environment, go over the core Django files and build the application. Also remember, this crash course uses Python 1.x.

