10 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Linux

10 Things Linux Can Do That Windows Can’t

Samuel Martins
Quick Code


Photo by the Author

This is going to be a pretty straight forward article. I am aware that it might get a lot of negative comments from Windows users just from reading the title alone. I believe these are the reasons why everyone should try using the Linux system.

1. You can download the source for Linux

I believe in transparency when it comes to the digital world. You can go over to https://github.com/torvalds/linux and download over 800k commits for Linux. You will be able to see everything that has ever been done on Linux all the way back from its inception. Why would anyone even care about the source code? Well, the reason you are going to want to care is that there are people who are constantly looking at the source for things like bugs and security issues, and various other matters.

You can see the ins and outs of the system you are using. With Windows, everything is completely closed, which means you are putting a hundred percent of your trust into Microsoft developers to check their own stuff and make sure it is okay. Even if you do not care about the source, know that there are a lot of people who do care, and they make your experience better as a result. In addition to the Linux kernel being open source, almost…



Samuel Martins
Quick Code

I am a full-stack developer. I love sharing my knowledge of development technologies and programming in general. Subscribe to get an alert anytime I publish.