5 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks Businesses Need to Consider Using in 2019

Sandeep Agarwal
Quick Code
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2019
Best Mobile App Development Frameworks 2019

Over the past recent years, cross-platform app development has gained notable momentum and the majority of its credit goes to the various mobile app development frameworks that are out there.

The mobile app development frameworks not only offer a cheaper option to build mobile apps, but they also deliver native-like user experience, which is what a business or a company with strict budget needs.

Although, it is critical to choose the right mobile app development framework, as the choice of framework can make or break the success of your mobile app.

What is a Mobile App Development Framework?

A mobile app development framework is a library that is designed to help developers in building mobile apps. It basically provides a fundamental structure that not only supports mobile application development, but it also boosts the process while reducing the costs at the same time.

In this article, I have listed the 5 best mobile app development frameworks that we highly recommend to all of our clients.

5 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in Detail

Choosing the right mobile app development framework depends on a number of factors.

That’s being said, let’s understand the best 5 mobile app frameworks individually that make the mobile app development simple.

1 — React Native

React Native was launched by Facebook in 2013, and since then it has become the prime choice of mobile app developers.

React Native is a Javascript-based, open-source cross-platform app development framework that allows developers to build high-performance mobile apps with shorter development cycles and faster deployment times.

The best part about React Native is that it’s a JSX-based (JavaScript-XML) framework, which means developers need not learn any complex programming languages such as Swift or Java in order to build mobile apps.

The framework takes care of converting the React Native code into native views before rendering so that grants a native-like experience for its end-users.

Advantages of React-Native:

  • Optimal Performance
  • Reusability
  • Proficiency
  • Lots of third-party plug-ins
  • Modular architecture

2 — Flutter

Flutter was launched by Google and is basically an open-source software development kit (SDK) for developing mobile apps. Unlike React Native apps or Hybrid Apps, Flutter is capable of fully compiling to native code.

This compilation allows mobile app developers to give not native-like but truly-native feel. Google made this possible through its graphics engine called Skia, which is a popular 2D graphics engine built by Google.

Flutter uses Dart as its primary programming language and it can construct cross-platform mobile apps for both iOS and Android that can run on any device.

In a nutshell, Flutter is considered to be the best mobile application development framework amongst all frameworks available in the market.

However, you should utilize Flutter only for a certain type of mobile app projects. And this is why you must consult with a mobile app development company if you’re not completely confident about the framework you’re planning to use.

Advantages of Flutter:

  • Flexible UI
  • Light-weight components
  • Lighting fast speed
  • Native performance

3 — Ionic

Ionic is free, open-source, and also one of the most widely used mobile app framework for building mobile apps.

Ionic basically enables mobile app developers to build native-based apps for various platforms with the combination of HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript.

It uses minimal DOM to maximize performance and better efficiency and also provides native APIs like Ionic Native and Cordova.

Apart from this, the element of HTML5 in Ionic also allows developers to build hybrid apps.

Advantages of Ionic:

  • Fast Execution
  • Near-Native Performance
  • Cordova Plugins
  • Easy to adopt

4 — Xamarin

Microsoft bought Xamarin from its founder in 2016 and they made it open-source ever since.

Xamarin is basically a cross-platform app development framework based on C# programming language that takes a slightly different approach than the rest of the mobile app frameworks.

For instance, Xamarin allows code sharing, which ultimately saves a lot of developers’ time in building mobile apps for multiple platforms.

In addition, Xamarin also comes with an excellent native UI, which allows businesses to build truly-native apps to give the best user experience to their customers.

Advantages of Xamarin:

  • Native UI
  • Easy API Integration
  • Shared Code Base
  • Huge Community
  • Less complex development environment

5 — Adobe PhoneGap

Adobe PhoneGap is another popular mobile app framework that uses HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to build mobile apps.

One of the main reasons why it’s in the list of best mobile app development frameworks is its best-in-class performance, which enables mobile app developers to build apps without facing any hardware restrictions.

Apart from this, PhoneGap also supports using inbuilt hardware features such as Storage, Phonebook, Accelerometer, Camera, GPS, etc.

In fact, unlike most hybrid mobile app frameworks, PhoneGap can build mobile apps for almost all major operating systems including Blackberry, Windows, Ubuntu, Firefox OS, Mac OS, and of course, Android & iOS.

Advantages of Adobe PhoneGap:

  • Supports most major OS
  • Based on HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Uniformity across platform
  • Robust support
  • Flexible with web technologies


Mobile app development frameworks are basically driving tools to build mobile apps. And the above-mentioned 5 frameworks have proved to be the best mobile app development frameworks in the market.

Although, the choice of a mobile app framework largely depends on the type of app your building and its specific requirements. So, if you’re planning to build a mobile app, it’s best to consult with a mobile app development company to maximize the outcome of your app idea.



Sandeep Agarwal
Quick Code

CEO at Credencys Solutions Inc. A Leading Web and Mobile App Development Services Provider in USA.