6 Free Spring Boot Courses For Java Programmers

These free courses will teach you everything you need to know about the popular Java framework, Spring Boot.

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
6 min readAug 10, 2022


Master Spring Boot

Over the last decade, Spring has become one of the most popular frameworks for Java developers. In the same way, Spring Boot is a lightweight version of Spring Framework for microservices. It is more than just a framework but a platform with many integrated tools that support multiple industry use cases, such as Spring Batch and Spring Integration. It is an intuitive and easy-to-configure next-generation framework.

Thus, I am sharing a few of the most useful free Spring boot courses here. If you aren’t interested in paying for Spring Boot tutorials, this article will help you learn it. So, without further ado, let us get started!

Free Spring Boot Courses For Java Programmers

Remember that these free Spring Boot courses may turn into paid ones again in the future, so put them on your list to avoid paying for them later. Without further ado, let’s go!

1. Spring Boot Restful Web Services Tutorial — [Udemy]

Learn Spring Boot

Spring Boot allows developers to quickly and easily create Spring-based applications. Using Spring Boot, developers can quickly create Spring-based applications without writing boilerplate code again and again.

In this Spring Boot course, you will:

  • Learn how to build RESTful web services using Spring Boot.
  • Discover how to implement three-layer architecture (Controller, Service, and Repository) in the Spring boot application.
  • Find out how to connect Spring boot applications to MySQL databases.
  • Learn how to use the Lombok library to reduce boilerplate code.
  • Discover how Spring Data JPA works in Spring Boot applications.

In summary, Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring framework that eliminates all the boilerplate configurations required to set up a Spring application. This course will help you learn how to develop REST APIs for Employee Management Projects using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate), and MySQL.

It is a top-rated free Spring boot course on Udemy with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour 51-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

2. Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud — [Coursera]

Microservices are loosely coupled services that form a software design pattern. They are fine-grained and can be scaled and maintained independently. With its emphasis on elastic scaling and on-demand resources, microservices are ideal for public cloud environments. This course teaches you how to develop Java applications on Google Cloud using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

In this Spring boot course, you will:

  • Learn to build Java applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on Google Cloud.
  • Send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration.
  • Learn how to migrate from Cloud SQL to Cloud Spanner as a managed relational database for Java applications.
  • Trace and debug your Spring applications with Google Cloud’s operations suite.

Throughout this course, you will use Spring Cloud Config to manage application configuration. You’ll send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration. In addition, you’ll learn how to use Cloud SQL, which is Google Cloud’s globally-distributed strongly consistent database, for your Java applications, and how to migrate to Cloud Spanner. Additionally, you’ll learn how to debug and trace your Spring applications using Google Cloud’s operations suite.

It is a top-rated free Spring boot course on Coursera with a 4.3 out of 5-course rating and a 13-hour duration. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

3. Introduction to Spring Boot 2 and Spring Framework 5 — [Udemy]

Learn Spring

This free Spring boot course from Udemy will help you learn about Spring Boot 2 and Spring Framework 5. This course is perfect for anyone new to Spring Boot! It explains how to build a web application quickly and easily using Spring Boot 2. Using the Spring Initializer, you will create your initial Spring Boot project.

In this Spring Boot course, you will:

  • Learn How to Create A Spring Boot Web Application.
  • Create a new Spring Boot Project.
  • Store and Retrieve Data with Spring Data JPA.
  • Use Thymeleaf to Display Data from a Database to a Web Page.

After that, you will create JPA Entities for persistence to a database using Hibernate in this Spring boot course. Using Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA, you will see how to configure an in-memory H2 database and initialize data. Lastly, you will see how to display data from the database on a web page using Spring MVC and Thymeleaf templates.

It is a top-rated free Spring boot course on Udemy with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour 18-minutes length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

4. Spring MVC, Spring Boot, and Rest Controllers — [Coursera]

Students who wish to develop Java-based Web Applications and Restful Micro Services using the well-known Spring MVC and Spring Boot frameworks will benefit from this course. As a part of the course, students will create services using an assortment of URL templates, consume and respond with json or XML payloads, and create custom HTTP headers.

These services will support Java and Angular JS clients to demonstrate their reusability in distributed systems. We will also discuss traditional web applications that use the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture to render web pages. Several labs are included to illustrate the key concepts in this hands-on course.

Topics in this Spring boot course include:

  • Spring MVC, SpringBoot and RestControllers
  • Request Parameters
  • Controllers

It is a top-rated free Spring boot course on Coursera with a 4.3 out of 5-course rating and a 12-hour duration. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

5. Spring Framework And Dependency Injection For Beginners — [Udemy]

This course is ideal for beginners who are new to Spring Framework or Spring but have never configured Java in the past. A real-world developer needs to know only a few key features of Spring Framework’s Dependency Injection framework. These are a few things you’ll need to know to start creating real-world applications right away.

In this Spring course, you will:

  • Get started quickly with spring applications.
  • Use Java and annotation-based dependency injection effectively.
  • Configure custom external properties and beans for different environments.
  • Send SMTP emails in the right way using Spring Boot.
  • Learn Spring further with confidence.

In this step-by-step video tutorial, we are first going to learn how you can quickly create a Spring application. This course will teach you the fundamentals of Spring’s dependency injection (IoC) features using Java and annotation-based configuration. This skill will be invaluable in any Spring Framework course.

It is a top-rated free Spring boot course on Udemy with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour 24-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

6. Spring Boot Tutorial For Beginners [FreeCodeCamp — YouTube]

Spring Boot Tutorial

Developing Java applications with Spring Boot is a great experience. The framework simplifies the process of creating standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications. In this complete Spring boot course for beginners, you will learn everything you need to know about Spring Boot.

