8 Free Courses to Learn Node.js Online

Here’s my list of top free Node.js courses for beginners to learn Node.js

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
7 min readAug 15, 2022


Learn Node.js

There is no doubt that Python and Java are the two most popular programming languages for web development. However, anyone interested in becoming a web developer should also learn Node.js. It provides a wide range of JavaScript modules to simplify the development of web apps using the framework. But what is Node.js?

Node.js is a web application framework based on the Chrome JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build fast, scalable web applications. It is a popular framework for developers to build backend web applications, and the event-driven, asynchronous model makes it an ideal framework for data-intensive applications. Additionally, it runs JavaScript, a popular and easy-to-use programming language. Real-time applications such as web push notifications, chat, and newsfeeds also use Node.js (Node) for persistent connections between the browser and the server.

Top Courses to learn Node.js for Beginners

Now, if you have learned the basic stuff about Node.js, it is time to move on to learn Node.js with the free courses. Alternatively, if you want to invest in paid courses, I have compiled a list of the best Node.js tutorials for beginners that you can check later. So, without further ado, let us get started.

1. Node JS API Development for Beginners

Node JS Fundamentals

For absolute beginners, this course will teach you the fundamentals of Node JS so that you can start building APIs immediately. Throughout this course, you will learn Modern JavaScript, Node JS event loops, Asynchronous programming, using node modules, building your modules, creating a server, sending json responses, connecting to a database, and creating node modules.

In this Node JS course, you will learn:

  • Modern JavaScript
  • Node.js Fundamentals

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on Udemy with a 4.4 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour 47-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

2. Building RESTful APIs Using Node.js and Express

In the case of newly emerging technologies, REST APIs provide a method of integrating applications that is simple and flexible. As a result, they have become one of the most popular methods for linking distributed components. Building REST APIs is one of the key skills for a backend developer.

Topics in this Node JS course include:

  • Documenting and Building REST APIs using Vanilla Node.js.
  • Building REST APIs using ExpressJS.
  • Securing REST APIs using JSON Web Tokens and Oauth.

This course will teach you how to build and document REST APIs using frameworks and tools. It is used primarily to create REST APIs that accept requests from the front and send appropriate responses. As part of this course, you will also learn how to document REST APIs using Swagger.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on Coursera with a 17-hour duration. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

3. Introduction to Node.js

This course will teach you how to build command line tools, mock JSON APIs, and quickly prototype real-time services. Additionally, you will discover and use various ecosystems and Node.js core libraries and come away with a better understanding of how to use Node.js.

In this Node JS course, you will learn:

  • How to rapidly build command line tools.
  • How to rapidly mock RESTful JSON APIs.
  • How to rapidly prototype real-time services.
  • How to use ecosystem utilities.

It provides students with a pragmatic foundation in building diverse types of Node.js applications by immersing them in a full-stack development experience. Furthermore, students can further study for the OpenJS Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD) and OpenJS Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD) certifications by mastering the principles and core understandings introduced in this course.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on edX with a time duration of 7 weeks (1–2 hours/week). Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free edX course.

4. Learn Node.js

Node.js Tutorials

There is no doubt that JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages on the market. Professional developers rely on Node.js as their most common runtime environment. Unlike other JavaScript runtimes, Node.js is event-driven. In addition to being the ideal environment for developing network applications, Node has myriad potential uses for JavaScript development.

Topics in this Node JS course include:

  • Welcome to Learn Node.js
  • What is the Back-End?
  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Node.js Essentials
  • Setting up a server with HTTP

The concepts of server-side web development are explained in this course. The course will teach you how the backend of a website or web application works and how Node.js works. After this course, you’ll explore popular Node frameworks like Express.js to build robust applications. Having prior experience with HTML and JavaScript is helpful but not essential.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on Codecademy with a 7-hour time duration. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion unless you have a PRO membership on Codecademy.

5. A Beginner’s Guide to Node.js

NodeJS is a cross-platform, event-driven, asynchronous JavaScript runtime. Over a billion people have downloaded it, making it the fastest-growing open-source project. Due to its lightweight and flexible characteristics, it is becoming increasingly popular for building scalable web applications. To name a few, Netflix, PayPal, LinkedIn, and Uber use it in their web applications.

In this Node JS course, you will learn:

  • Backend Development
  • Node.js

This course will teach you how to build your app using Node.js. With this course, you will learn about this powerful tool and learn how to build APIs so that you can start building backend web applications right away.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on Udemy with a 4.1 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

6. Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB

The course focuses on everything server-side. Throughout the course, we will use the NodeJS platform as a foundation. First, we will discuss HTTP and HTTPS, the two Web protocols. Meanwhile, to build a web server, we will examine NodeJS and NodeJS modules: Express. Additionally, the database section in this course will cover basic CRUD operations and NoSQL databases, specifically MongoDB and Mongoose for interacting with MongoDB.

Topics in this Node JS course include:

  • Introduction to Server-side Development
  • Data, Data, Where art Thou Data?
  • Halt! Who goes there?
  • Backend as a Service (BaaS)

In this course, we will look at the basics of REST and build a RESTful API. You will also learn about authentication and security. Lastly, we examine backend-as-a-service (BaaS) approaches, including mobile BaaS and open-source and commercial BaaS solutions.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on Coursera with a 48-hour duration. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

7. Web App Development with the Power of Node.js

The course introduces you to the robust Node.js framework for developing JavaScript web and end-to-end applications. There is no prior knowledge of JavaScript required for this online course. This course begins with an introduction to the language’s fundamentals and moves on to more advanced topics like functions and objects in the second week.

It’s the perfect course for anyone considering a career as a full-stack web developer, thinking about developing a mobile app for their next startup, or simply looking to add a highly sought-after skill to their toolbox.

It is a top-rated free Node JS course on edX with a time duration of 4 weeks (2–3 hours/week). Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free edX course.

8. Learn Node.js — Full Tutorial for Beginners

Using this freeCodeCamp course, you’ll learn about Node.js, an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a browser. It is a beginner-friendly tutorial on YouTube that will help you grasp the Node.js concepts with ease.

