Basic requirements for React Native app

(grocery lists app)

Arthur Tkachenko
Quick Code
2 min readJul 3, 2018


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This is a third article, related to development journey in my company.

We’ll build a simple grocery list app at first releases. You can read first article and second article, in order to get more information.

  • We’ll pick a React native UI Kit
  • We’ll deploy our app to
  • We’ll use our npm module, that contains json test data(database file)
  • We’ll use autocomplete element for search functionality
  • We’ll use ESLint with AirBnB styles addon
  • We’ll use Codacy for code reviews & code quality
  • We’ll use Sentry Releases to ship better code
  • We’ll use git-flow so we’ll not intersect between developers
  • We’ll use PR for pushing your code into master and I’ll be a reviewer
  • We’ll use bin-flow package
  • For making react components ready for cross-projects we’ll use Bit
  • We’ll use Jest + Enzyme for tests
  • We’ll use Travis CI for setting up tests coverage
  • We’ll connect to our API server. We should prepare documentation, related to remote methods, that will generate our API endpoints. For making calls to API we’ll use Axios.
  • At next stages we’ll switch from REST API to graphQL, so we should store our API requests separated from components logic
  • We’ll use GitBook for keeping updated documentation
  • We’ll use Facebook Login for sign up flow. Tutorial
  • We should keep a good components structure.
  • We should create a releases plan. We’ll follow Amazon's approach for this
  • We’ll create an app flowchart — this will save a lot of time to our development team
  • We’ll use an open sourced packages because I hate to re-invent the wheel

Thank you for reaching the end. Show me your love by clapping more times!

