Binary Tree

Abhimanyu Dwivedi
Quick Code
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2019
Fig. A sample binary tree.

Trees are data structure which are of hierarchical order and every node, called a parent node, can have zero to many child node. A binary tree is a type of tree in which every parent node has at most two children.

Traversal of Binary Trees:

There are three ways to traverse a binary tree. We can also use them , with few modification, to traverse other type of trees. They are namely along with the parent-child configuration:

1) Inorder Traversing — — Left child/ Parent / Right child


class Node:    def __init__(self, value):        self.left =None        self.val = value        self.right = Nonedef inorder(root):    if root:        inorder(root.left)        print(root.val)        inorder(root.right)

2) Preorder Traversing — — Parent / Left child / Right child


class Node:    def __init__(self, value):        self.left =None        self.val = value        self.right = Nonedef preorder(root):    if root:        print(root.val)        preorder(root.left)        preorder(root.right)

3) Postorder Traversing — — Left child / Right child / Parent


class Node:    def __init__(self, value):        self.left =None        self.val = value        self.right = Nonedef postorder(root):    if root:        postorder(root.left)        postorder(root.right)        print(root.val)

Time complexity in traversing is O(n).

The total number of nodes in a tree:

Below is a given script to find the total no. of nodes in a binary tree:

class Node:    def __init__(self, value):        self.left = None        self.value = value        self.right = Nonedef total_nodes(root):    if(!root) :        return 0    else :        return 1+total_nodes(root.left)+total_nodes(root.right)

Total number of possible trees:

Formula to find total number of unlabelled binary trees when “n” nodes are given:

Fig. Formula for unlabelled

Formula to find total number of labelled binary trees when “n” nodes are given:

Fig. Formula for labelled.



Abhimanyu Dwivedi
Quick Code

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