Dominating Web Development Trends 2023šŸ’„[Updated]

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Published in
25 min readDec 23, 2020
Credit: Freepik by upklyak

ā€œFiguring out what the next big trend is, tells us what we should focus on.ā€ ā€” Mark Zuckerberg

Web development, over the years, has proved itself as an indispensable element in the success of any organization/business. It is a window to your business, which helps you grow it globally.

Now, the Web development world is constantly changing, and so do the trends. Sometimes these trends change much faster than they can be used. To stay ahead, it is necessary to focus on the latest trends, updates, techniques, and approaches that are getting popular. Besides, knowing trends and keeping in check what is happening around is highly essential for web development.

Here we have gathered some trends after analyzing tendencies across industries in this list of web development trends for 2023. Youā€™ll get to know about the top web technology stacks worth your attention in the coming year.

We have made this list so that you can save time and can help you grow your business in the upcoming era. So, letā€™s begin.

1. Single-page Apps

All in one place. No need to switch. No need to wait..!!

Well, it is a bit irritating when one click leads to one more web page downloaded from a server. It also consumes your time and leaves a bad impact on users as well. This situation has led to a trend of SPA.

SPA is one of the trends of recent years that helps to avoid lengthy communication with the server. It offers better page performance and provides a high level of data protection.

So, A single-page application is an app that works inside a browser and does not require page reloading during use. You are using this type of application every day. These are, for example, Gmail, Google Maps, Facebook, or GitHub.

Image credit: Pinterest

As JavaScript frameworks in 2023 are going to actively rise, & SPA uses this language for content loading, this trend isnā€™t going away soon. Besides, these apps donā€™t require additional waiting time providing the users with instant feedback. Furthermore, it offers some amazing advantages.


  • Great UX/UI in a native browser environment
  • Saved bandwidth
  • Easier set-up and debugging with Chrome tools
  • The focus on APIs
  • The efficiency of a caching process

Single-page app examples:

You can check Sneat Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template for instance. It is the latest most developer-friendly šŸ¤˜šŸ» & highly customizableāœØ Admin Dashboard Template based on Bootstrap 5.

Besides, the highest industry standards are considered to bring you the best bootstrap admin template that is not just fastšŸš€and easy to use, but highly scalable.

bootstrap 5 html admin template

In addition, incredibly versatile, the Sneat Bootstrap 5 Admin Template also allows you to build any type of web application. For instance, you can create:

  • SaaS platforms
  • Project management apps
  • Ecommerce backends
  • CRM systems
  • Analytics apps
  • Banking apps
  • Education apps
  • Fitness apps & many moreā€¦.

Furthermore, you can use this one of the best innovative Bootstrap admin to create eye-catching, high-quality, and high-performing Web Applications. Besides, your apps will be completely responsive, ensuring theyā€™ll look stunning and function flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.


  • Based on Bootstrap 5
  • Vertical & Horizontal layouts
  • Default, Bordered & Semi-dark themes
  • Light & Dark mode support
  • Internationalization/i18n & RTL Ready
  • Layout Generator
  • Theme Config: Customize our template without sweat.
  • SASS Powered
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • Clean & Commented Code
  • Well Documented
  • Enjoy hassle-free support

Download Demo

Also available in React Dashboard Version.

Sneat MUI React NextJS Admin Template
This Admin Panel provides 6 different applications which enable you to build your applications faster.

2. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Image credit: Pinterest

Everything at your thumbā€¦!! We know this concept right? Easy navigation, smooth working, less loading, and fast. Yes, thatā€™s what PWA i.e Progressive Web App is about..!! Fast, Reliable, and smooth user-friendly experience.

No doubt, PWA is not that new. Although, it is the talk of the town since it arrived and it is going to dominate 2023 as well. Modern developers and investors are aiming for it because of its capability to perform a high-quality user experience. As they are highly mobile-friendly, there is no doubt demand for PWA is going to increase.

Well, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase. Which makes it suitable for cross-device compatibility.

They not only are fast and load instantly, but they also allow users to use services offline, while performing all the functions of a native app.


  • PWA helps deliver a smooth and user-friendly web experience.
  • Helps reduce bounce rates
  • Works offline as it is connectivity independent
  • Makes your app reliable, capable and installable

Some examples of services using PWA :

If youā€™re looking to create a progressive web app then we recommend using Bootstrap Dashboard Templateā€¦

3. Artificial Intelligence Development

As per the report ā€œThe artificial intelligence market is to be valued at USD 39.9 billion in 2019 and is likely to reach USD 190.61 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 42.2% during the forecast period.ā€ Thatā€™s a pretty huge numberā€¦!! Isnā€™t it?šŸ˜®

Now, around 38% of people skip a website if the content or layout is unattractive. More than 75% of customers decide on a businessā€™s credibility based on its website design. Users take just 0.5 seconds to form an opinion about a website. Henceforth, it is essential for technology to involve in the world of web development. Here, AI comes into the picture of web development trends in 2023.

Applying AI in web development helps you predict customer choices using which you can shape the overall look and feel of your website. AI allows you to know,

  • What are your customers planning to buy next?
  • The ideal time frame during which a customer decides to buy a product.
  • What kind of products allures the most to the customers?
  • What are the products that are not appreciated by the customers?
  • Who all are interested in buying your products?

We live in a digital era, and itā€™s a well-known fact that the upcoming age will be all about a smarter approach in every field. This means less manual operating. Examples are chatbots, Augmented Reality/Virtual reality. Speaking of which, many Startups, SMEs, & Large-scale organizations are already looking to hire AI Developers for their businesses to beat the future demands of their end-users with AI-powered apps, software, and tools.

Sketch2Code, a web-based solution, has recently been introduced. It relies on artificial intelligence in order to transform a handwritten UI design from an image to a valid HTML markup code.

Many users arenā€™t even surprised that AI is involved to some extent in most sites. It created a new dimension in the sphere of web development.

4. WebAssembly

The first thing that must not be neglected when developing a web application is performance. Now, JavaScript limitations make heavy calculations slow. That significantly worsens the user experience.

This is one of the main reasons for the rising popularity of WebAssembly. With this technology, the code in any programming language can be compiled into bytecode, which runs in a browser.

WebAssembly is an open standard that defines a portable binary-code format for executable programs, and a corresponding textual assembly language, as well as interfaces for facilitating interactions between such programs and their host environment.


  • Itā€™s independent of programming language and platform
  • Independent of hardware
  • Executes code fast
  • Provides a high level of security.

It all comes down to the triangle ā€” small footprint, cross-platform scripting, and speed. All three of these components are the key ones in modern web development. This is why a lionā€™s share of web development cases is not without WebAssembly today.

For more info check Webassembly concepts

5. Voice Search and Navigation

Credit Giphy

Hey Siriā€¦. Whatā€™s trending today?

We, humans, are getting lazy day by dayā€¦ isnā€™t it..!!?šŸ˜‚ First, we made mobiles, then developed smartphones to reduce manual work, and now we are heading towards ā€œvoice-oriented hands-freeā€ gadgets. Command-oriented services are a hot topic nowadays.

Well, voice search and navigation are going to be one of the most dominant web development trends in 2023. They are already a part of our daily routine. They are super awesome as they kind of made it easy the way we search for information, take notes, and so on.

Brands like Apple, Android, and Google implement the trend in their UI/UX design process. So, this rapidly emerging trend isnā€™t something you can ignoreā€¦!!

Google reports that 27% of the online global population is using voice search on mobile. reports that over half of all adults have used voice search, with 33% using voice search monthly in early 2019, jumping up from 25% in 2018.

By implementing Voice search and navigation in web development, you can make sure your service delivers an amazing user experience.

Voice user interfaces work according to the following algorithm:

  • Speech recognition software converts input analog waves into a digital format
  • The audio input is broken down into separate sounds, phonemes
  • The software analyzes each of them and compares them to words from the dictionary
  • Speech is converted to on-screen text or computer commands


  • Ease of use
  • Allows freehand interaction
  • High speed of task execution
  • Great user experience
  • Intuitiveness and convenience

People prefer to spend less time typing commands. This is why they increasingly use voice search. Therefore, web development will be closely related to the implementation of such functionality.

6. Native Apps will dominate the market

What if you are working and suddenly there is a net issue..!! Bit irritating to depend on the internet all the time. Thatā€™s where the Native app comes into the picture. It allows you to work offline as well.

A native mobile app is one that is installed directly on the smartphone and can work, in most cases, with no internet connectivity depending on the nature of the app.

Well, native app development is already in demand as it is, going ahead, software developers can expect this trend to dominate web development trends in 2023.

Since they are uniquely designed for specific platforms, they generally deliver a better user experience and more powerful performance compared to hybrid apps. Thatā€™s the reason, more and more businesses are investing in multiple native apps for iOS and Android to enable them to provide their users with a better experience.


  • Broad functionalities due to using the capabilities of the underlying device
  • UI that better matches with user experiences of the OS
  • Responsive and fast performance
  • Push notifications
  • Quality assurance through ratings in application stores.

With the increasing popularity of smartphones in the market and with the ever-increasing dominance of iOS and Android operating systems in the market, it doesnā€™t seem like an investment in native app development will dwindle anytime soon, not in 2023 or in the foreseeable future as a matter of fact.

7. Motion design UI

Credit: Vuexy By Anand Patel on Dribbble

Motion design is one of the main web design and web development trends in 2023. Minimalistic design coupled with sophisticated interactions gives an engaging and interactive look that attracts the userā€™s attention.

As its name strongly suggests, motion design is about designing movement. However, it goes quite beyond simply animating an element of the screen after it has been conceived.

Motion design must be contemplated already in the UI/UX design stage. The reason behind this is that just having a screen that contains animations falls a bit short of its intended aim: the movement added has to mean something and have a purpose.

Due to motion design, these elements will be implemented:

  • Page header transitions;
  • Charts
  • Pop-ups
  • Pull-down menu
  • scrolling

All of that will help you display your unique style and entertain the user, improving behavioral factors, and helping your web app rank higher in search results.

With the help of AMP, motion design can be implemented without loss of download speed. Therefore, if you want to hold the user on your page, then do not ignore this oneā€¦!!


  • Define your structure and interactions
  • Eases navigation
  • Dissimulates slow load times
  • Increases session length hence reducing the bounce rate

To increase engagement and provide better UI/UX to your web appā€™s users, try to upgrade it with motion UI techniques.

  • Guide users through your app with animations demonstrating which step to take next;
  • React to usersā€™ gestures with catchy animations;
  • Demonstrate the relations between different components of an app, etc.

8. Serverless Architecture

Credit: Runcloud

Serverless architecture is a way to build and run applications and services independently to manage infrastructure. Your application still runs on servers, but all the server management is done by AWS. You no longer have to provision, scale, and maintain servers to run your applications, databases, and storage systems.

So basically, Serverless applications are event-driven cloud-based systems where application development depends solely on a group of third-party services, client-side logic, and cloud-hosted remote procedure calls. (Functions as a Service).

No doubt, Serverless is reaching new heights in its path to disrupt your server infrastructure. Serverless is already used in production by companies like Netflix, Reuters, AOL, and Telenor.

as Serverless architectures help reduce system overloading, data loss, and expensive development. Consequently, one of the solutions became cloud computing, which can replace regular servers.


  • Easy to deploy
  • Better scalability
  • it reduces development and ongoing support budgets
  • strengthen app architecture
  • increases flexibility

The most common tasks that can be very quickly executed due to serverless technologies are downloading file backups, notification delivery, and object export. Stated differently, serverless architecture is one more trend, which will dramatically change the approach to web development.

9. Continuous Integration And Deployment

Credit: By Stories on Freepik

We are living in the digital era where speed and continuity play a brutal role in any sector and business, the web development world is no different either. In fact, in the world of web development, it is the uppermost priority to deliver speedy, smooth, and updated services.

The frequency of Regular bug fixes, updates, improvements in UI/UX, etc makes your web service accountable and user favorite. Also, most modern applications require developing code in different platforms and tools, the team needs a mechanism to integrate and validate its changes. It affects your overall business. Thus, Continuous Integration And Deployment are crucial in the web world.šŸ§

Well, Continuous Integration is the process of testing each change done to your codebase automatically and as early as possible. Continuous Deployment follows the testing that happens during Continuous Integration and pushes changes to a staging or production system. While continuous delivery means apps get into production for thorough testing, and continuous deployment updates them automatically.


  • Smaller code changes are simpler (more atomic)
  • Fault isolation is simpler and quicker.
  • The product improves rapidly through fast feature introduction
  • Mean time to resolution (MTTR) is shorter due to the smaller code changes and quicker fault isolation.
  • Testability improves because of the smaller, specific changes. These smaller changes permit more accurate positive and negative tests.
  • Elapsed time to detect and correct production escapes is shorter with a faster rate of release.

With such advantages, no wonder more software development companies will implement this approach in their work. As it is the most crucial aspect in the world of web development.

10. Cloud technology is here to stay

Created by Taras Ivanytskyi on dribbble

Did you know that in 2020, the cloud services industry generated almost $40 billion in revenue, taking its market value to a total of $266.4 billion from $227.8 billion in 2019, an 17% growth in just one year?

With these figures, one thing is sure; in web development services, cloud technology is the king. In 2023, it is expected that cloud vendors like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon will continue to rake in lots of cash thanks to cloud technology.

The reason behind this hot trend is, there are several companies on the cloud, and more are expected to move there. Businesses of all sizes, from small entrepreneurial startups or multinational corporations, to businesses across several industries, from health care to intelligence agencies and even government organizations are all going to cloud providers for data storage.

Credit: Cloudopedia

Following are some cloud services.

Cloud technology offers great security, scalability, and flexibility when it comes to data storage, and considering the ever-present threat of hackers which could lead to a security breach, organizations will want to ensure they are taking measurable steps to safeguard their sensitive data and avoid a data breach and other activities that might compromise the privacy of data.

11. 5G Technology will be unparalleled

Credit: Rpc senate

5G is the fifth generation of cellular networks, bringing new capabilities that will create opportunities for people, businesses, and society. Even in the web development world, 5G is ruling. As there is a need for enhanced service, faster connectivity is a must thing.

In 2023, software developers can expect the 5G technology to return as a trend, but for all the right reasons this time around. With the use of new radio frequencies and speed reaching 100 Gbps, the 5G technology is about 100 times faster than 4G networks and experts in the software development industry predict that it will lead the standard data transmission with 1.4 billion devices around the world in the next five years.


  • Greater speed in transmissions
  • Lower Latency
  • Greater number of connected devices
  • Network slicing
  • Enhanced Capacity
  • Availability and Coverage

Credit: By Kate mangostar on Freepik

5G technology is designed for compute-intensive apps like augmented reality, virtual reality, and 4K video streaming. Software developers interested in creating designs and features that enhance business performance will find this technology especially useful.

With the promise of better data transmission and a faster network, the 5G technology is no doubt a great contender for one of the best web development trends in 2023.

12. Mixed Reality (MR)

As per the report, the market of AR/VR i.e mixed reality will grow from $1.054 billion in 2017 to $9.982 billion in 2024, and it will see a CAGR of 73.2% during the 2018ā€“2023 period.

Mixed Reality (MR), is a combination of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). It has a pivotal role in enterprise applications. AR combines digital content with the physical environment of users, whereas VR creates an immersive experience for users.

Organizations in many sectors like Web app development, defense, tourism, architecture, construction, gaming, healthcare, etc. are realizing key business value with the help of this technology.

How MR is turning the table:

  • Businesses, government organizations, and even non-profit organizations can use AR and VR to train their employees in complex jobs.
  • The ability to overlay digital information on the physical environment on a real-time basis creates many possibilities for augmented reality in business.
  • Media and entertainment businesses are using AR and VR in a significant way to offer engaging content to consumers.
  • Businesses can use AR and VR to let their prospective customers ā€œtry outā€ their products virtually, and this augments their sales effort.

MR experiences on websites will keep increasing over the coming years. Think of furniture sites like IKEA that showcase what furniture would look like in your room..!!

13. Blockchain: Augmenting enterprise solutions with transparency, efficiency, and security

Bitcoins kind of turned revolutionary when it arrivedā€¦!! It sort of shook the market and opened a new gate for the web development world as well. A Cision PR Newswire report estimates that the blockchain technology market will touch $57.641 billion in 2025, by an impressive 69.4% CAGR between 2019 and 2025.

The cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether have made us notice blockchain, the technology has a wide impact on enterprise systems. Basically, blockchain is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, and it offers decentralization, a distributed ledger, transparency, and security features.

Smart contracts running on blockchain networks are tamper-proof and transparent, therefore, they are secure and trustworthy. Besides, their execution is irreversible, which makes contract administration easier.


  • Decentralization
  • Immutability
  • Security
  • Transparency.
  • Securing the Internet of Things (IoT)

Check ā€œBenefits of blockchain for identity managementā€ for more information

Examples of a few blockchain use cases:

  • Improving supply chain management
  • Identity management: Blockchain can improve the ā€œIdentity and Access Managementā€ (IAM) processes with its tamper-proof data and distributed ledger.
  • Better analytics: Blockchain offers immutability and audit trail, thus assuring the right quality of data. This can help businesses in all sectors since they can run their analytics tools on reliable data.
  • Disruption through decentralization: Blockchain platforms like Ethereum and NEO enable entrepreneurs to build ā€œDecentralized appsā€ (DApps), therefore, they can disrupt existing centralized business models.
  • Securing the Internet of Things (IoT): The Internet of Things (IoT) has significant potential since it can derive insights from billions of sensors and devices. Although, IoT faces risks since the entire communication between devices takes place over the Internet. Blockchain can secure this communication with its robust security features.

14. IoT: Internet of Things

Credit: By vectorpouch on Freepik

According to research, ā€œover 20 billion IoT devices will be active and connected to the internet by the year 2020ā€. Thatā€™s pretty impressiveā€¦!!šŸ˜Ž

We want everything smarter. Be it a smartphone or even a light-bulb..!! You see, the demand for smart gadgets is increasing day by day and it is not going to stop. And, thanks to the internet, smart life is becoming a reality. All you have to do is, commandā€¦!! Yes, thatā€™s the thing we love.šŸ˜

Well, It is impossible to imagine life without the internet as each and every aspect of the world is now connected to make everything convenient, simple, and smart. Thus, to keep the world even more connected, the advent of IoT (Internet Of Things) has been a blessing.

IoT refers to a broad range of internet-connected devices that are capable of communicating with other devices and networks. They can perform a variety of functions but are most often used to gather information and perform specific actions. Youā€™ll be amazed to know that Every Second, Another 127 Devices Are Connected to The Internet.


  • Improve monitoring
  • New capabilities to predict and act
  • Increase customer dialog
  • Fine-tune services and products
  • Improve control of operation processes

Nowadays, the internet is making life extremely easier but also making the world a small place now. Thanks to the growing enhancements, the internet is now part of our systems and routine to enrich us.

Iot is definitely going to rule the web development world for a long span of timeā€¦!!

15. MEAN-React-Vue-Flutter

Most of the listed above trends canā€™t be implemented without a certain technological stack. But nowadays there are hundreds of frameworks and libraries. Which of them will be used most often?

MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web applications. Because all components of the MEAN stack support programs are written in JavaScript, MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments

MEAN stack is one of the most popular ones out there. It includes:

  • MongoDB ā€” a database
  • React.js ā€” a web framework
  • Vue.js ā€” a front-end framework
  • Angular ā€” a front-end framework
  • Flutter for web

React library plays a major role. Itā€™s frequently used as a replacement for Angular in the MEAN stack. It enables the faster and easier implementation of changes, so more and more developers choose it over Angular.

  • React is an open-source, front-end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.

You can check Sneat MUI React NextJS Admin Template & Vuexy React Admin Template. These are the best React Admin Templates for building powerful & awesome web apps.

You can check ReactJS Roadmap For Developers for a detailed overview of how to start with reactjs. Apart from this, there is an article on the best ReactJS UI Frameworks and component libraries which will be helpful.

Vue has already made its place in the global market after giants like Xiaomi and Alibaba switched to it. This is a very compact front-end solution.

You can check The Materio Vuetify VueJS Admin Template which is made using VueJS.

  • Vue.js is an open-source modelā€“viewā€“ViewModel front-end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.

Also, there is a detailed article on Trending VueJS UI Components Library and frameworks that youā€™ll find useful.

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.

For a better look do check Apex Angular Admin Template which is made using Angular

And the last popular solution is Flutter for Web. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. It helps to provide high-quality work of web apps on any device, so it stands high in web developersā€™ ratings.

16. API-First Development

Credit: Freepik

An API-first approach means that for any given development project, your APIs are treated as ā€œfirst-class citizens.ā€ It fulfills usersā€™ needs. With this approach, developers can do their tasks and push the code simultaneously when users access a website.

It also lowers development expenses and boosts delivery speed. Furthermore, this method also permits new websites to become content delivery sources. This interconnectivity allows developers to add external products to their applications that help enhance their functionalities and performance.

New IoT devices, software tools, and web interfaces all contain APIs that allow them to connect with each other and offer users a seamless digital experience.

Previously, many developers may have focused on the product first and then treated the fact that it needed to be connected to other devices as an afterthought. Now, the APIs are in focus, and center as companies look for ways to increase interconnectivity with users.


  • Development teams can work in parallel
  • Quicker time-to-market
  • Reduces the cost of developing apps
  • Good client experience
  • Reduces risk of failure

17. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP is akin to PWA and is one of the emerging technologies in web development. It is a new web development trend as the internet is getting more user-centric. Thus, many brands choose to create native applications to improve user experience. Besides, the AMP plugin also helps businesses save expenses on UX and reach target users.

The aim behind AMP is to provide users with a seamless page experience to keep them hooked to the site. The different feature is the open-source plugin recently developed by Google and Twitter.

AMPs are optimized pages that load and operate fast. Besides, they have a convenient yet basic design, unlike full-scope web products. The pages become mobile-friendly and increase the readability of the content. Plugins like AMP allow users with different internet speeds to access the pages and are making the internet more user-friendly.

It allows companies to save costs on UX and also increases their reachability. Furthermore, the following are some of the advantages that AMP brings.


  • Increased website engagement
  • Improved ranking and traffic
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Increased ad views
  • Higher click-through rates

18. Dark mode:

bootstrap 5 html admin template

Credit: Materio Vuetify VueJS Admin Template

Well, dark mode, night shift, and other low-light user interface options are in trend mostly because they provide users with a low-contrast site or app that is easier to look at in low-light environments.

Also, black is a particularly strong color that hits strong emotions in people and could easily overpower an individual when itā€™s overdone. The dark mode is particularly useful when you want to highlight a specific type of content.

Besides, Spotify, Netflix, and Steam are designed in dark mode. While, Google started offering dark mode, and Instagram, Twitter, Apple, and Android are some of the most popular apps and services that offer dark mode.

As per an assessment of Android Authority, 81.9% of respondents accepted the use of dark mode on their devices, and 9.9% moved between light and dark mode. Another survey by Polar states that 95% of users like to use dark mode instead of light mode.

Here are the main reasons for the trend:

  • It gives an ultra-modern and cool look
  • It saves device battery power (in the case of OLED/AMOLED screens)
  • It allows popping and highlighting other design elements
  • It reduces eye strain in low-light conditions.

Although, one should not ignore the fact that, Anything in excess is harmful. So, use it carefullyā€¦!!

19. Cybersecurity

This is one of the most important trends in 2023 and the future as well. The risk of cybersecurity threats is increasing with emerging technologies and dependency on technology. In October 2020, Hackers attacked Germanyā€™s second-largest software vendor Software AG with a malware attack, demanding almost $20 million.

According to Cloudflare, The number of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in 2020 has doubled each quarter. In a DDoS attack, hackers overwhelm a targeted server with a mass of malicious internet traffic. This can cause hours of downtime and can also result in a loss of revenue.

Customers have acknowledged this emerging threat and want companies to put strong security measures in place to keep their personal information secure and safe. Thatā€™s why, Protecting your company and customer information will be a priority in 2023, especially at a time when cyberattacks continue to increase.

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment
  • Secure your remote access
  • Introduce roles, permissions, and multi-factor authentication

20. Push Notifications

Credit: FreePik

Push notifications are small, pop-up messages sent to a userā€™s device by a mobile app that appear even when the app isnā€™t open. These notifications are designed to grab attention and can convey reminders, updates, promotions, and more.

They can provide real-time updates or capture usersā€™ attention with necessary details and push notifications, such as a reminder to revisit a recently viewed item or a new blog post.

Push notifications represent a great way to communicate with your audience. According to a study by Localytics, 52% of smartphone users have push enabled on their devices, and these notifications can be used to benefit businesses in the following ways:

  • Directing users to your social media channels
  • Promoting products and services (especially special offers)
  • Building trust and brand reputation by delivering valuable content
  • Engaging users who arenā€™t currently on your site
  • Restoring abandoned carts for ecommerce applications

The following apps use this technique to boost their sales:

21. No-Code/Low-Code Apps

Credit: By iuriimotov on Freepik

Platforms with no/low code make web development easier. These tools enable users to create software solutions by utilizing pre-made code blocks and admin templates.

In a nutshell, they are visual software development environments that enable developers to drag and drop software components, connect them, and create mobile or web apps. These platforms are frequently used interchangeably with the development methods they represent.

As a result, it lessens the amount of time and effort required for coding. Furthermore, regardless of technical experience, anyone can develop software and high-demand apps. These tools have also made it easier for citizen developers to build useful applications without writing complex code.

Following are some of the No Code Development Tools that you can use.

For more such, No code tools refer to the collection: Best No Code Development Tools

22. Personalization

Credit: FreePik

Different versions of a web page are displayed to different segments of visitors, depending on their needs and peculiarities. Itā€™s possible to personalize landing pages that will share a message perfectly tailored to a specific visitor. It is a fact that customers crave personalization. Thatā€™s what keeps them engaged and loyalā€¦!!

Therefore, personalization is setting its benchmark in the world of web development in 2023. You can offer Personalization authority to your site visitor in many interactive ways. For example, you can allow your users to set their preferences manually or through their feedback. Apart from that, you can also give them authority to change your site appearance as per their will, this way they will feel more connected.

Content personalization with machine learning, also called predictive content personalization is an advanced AI-driven approach to dynamically display the most relevant content to each user.

23. CRM Integration

Credit: Adobe Stock Images

Customer relationship management (CRM) system assists businesses in managing relationships and interactions with current and prospective customers. Amidst its potential, many businesses do not incorporate it into their web solutions and thus miss out on the benefits.

By connecting your website and CRM, you will be able to enhance the customer experience. You will be able to assist your customers at every phase of their consumer journey in this manner. Furthermore, you will save money on administration by eliminating the need for manual copy-and-paste or export-and-import. This increases your productivity and frees your schedule to focus on other goals.

Following are some of the services & apps that offer CRM Integration:

24. AI & Machine Learning

Credit: Adobe Stock Photos

Artificial intelligence has been infiltrating our digital lives for a few years, but as more companies invest in technology, we can expect significant advancements in what is possible. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), in particular, have progressed from theoretical concepts to full-fledged applications.

For example, ā€œYouTube uses NLP to automatically create subtitles from a videoā€™s audio, or Google Analytics uses ML to better understand how a website user behaves, or Alexa uses VR and ML so we can have a full conversation with a machine.ā€

Machine Learning (ML) is used in web development to provide an improved experience to users. Developers use ML to enable software to analyze incoming data, detect patterns and personalize content. Many leading companies use this technology to enhance user experience. For instance, Airbnb and Netflix use ML to customize search results for their users.


Well, as here talked about web development trends in 2023, It can be hard to chase them since they change so fast. But, we must keep them in check and try them out..!!

By following the latest tendencies in web development, you can appease your users with a world-class user experience, improve your web app ranking, and open new markets for your servicesā€¦!!

By using these trends, you will be able to provide an amazing experience to your web appā€™s users. Also, you will increase your chances of becoming their first choice!

Generally speaking, every web development trend is worth your attention. Some of them may continue for the next decade, for example, IoT, Voice bots, MR, ETC. While some of them will become the norm in just a few months.

So, donā€™t hesitate to start implementing them in your next project as soon as possible.

Do tell us your favorite one and in case we missed any here, we would love to hear it. Happy developing.šŸ¤©

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You can check Sneat Free Bootstrap Admin Template and Materio Vuetify Vuejs Laravel Admin Template.

Originally published at on December 7, 2020.



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ThemeSelection provides selected high quality, modern design, professional and easy-to-use Bootstrap HTML Themes, Admin Dashboard Template, and UI Kits.