How ‘Engineering Blogs’ Has Been Built & Launch In 2 Days

(by Keyul)

Nikita Tank
Quick Code
2 min readMar 31, 2018


Today, Engineering Blogs is featured on Product Hunt. The story behind building this product from idea to launch is very exciting. It was built in two days. Let’s look at the story behind it.

This is from Keyul on Product Hunt :

On Monday, I showed article “Reducing Slack’s memory footprint” in my twitter feed. It had well explained how they think about the problems and solve them.

On Tuesday, I started to look for more engineering blogs from different companies. In few hours, I found out that many of tech companies have a dedicated blog related to engineering where they publish lots of new things regarding their approach to solve the problem, their experience with different tools and technologies etc.

I decided to build a place where anyone can find all the engineering blogs. I started working on the idea on Tuesday. By the end of Wednesday, I have built the first prototype.

“Engineering Blogs” — A Collection of engineering blogs from top tech companies in the world.

It is a good way to learn from world’s great engineering teams about ‘engineering’ behind the products use by millions of people every day.

Let us know what do you think of it? How can it better?

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Nikita Tank
Quick Code

Looking for Full Time Opportunity as a Developer | Blog writer | Chatbot Developer | Software Developer | Self Motivated | Hardworking