Forward Cybernetica

Personal History of Computing — Part 2

Lorenzo M.
Quick Code


Statue of a Cyborg Owl — Minerva’s Owls Bath Sculpture Trail | Bath, UK, Summer 2018

A biological experiment that builds up intuition

Machine Learning, from a developer/engineer perspective, has innumerable ways to be accessed from, those may be different from the ones used by statisticians or scientists; the common ground in the end is the code that we all enjoy writing. Although, at a general level, how can we find the most effective ways into difficult concepts? My experimental way is to start from scattered pieces that I find attractive and try to assemble them via defining common “codes” among their foundational characteristics, from those try a build up. This is probably the most non-linear approach but somehow also the most naive, the approach of the one that tries to work out with the pieces he/she has been given; starting from something that generates curiosity is the only way to guarantee long-term sustenability and consistency of effort. The complete walkthrough for this research effort is collected in my Fungi Processing Series.

From shatters

Starting from an average background in current programming and Deep Learning techniques, when I stumbled upon Ashby’s Introduction To Cybernetics I found nice insights about computing but above all some clues about a valuable question: which problems are we…



Lorenzo M.
Quick Code

Software and Web APIs #Python #openscience #opensource