Hack: Integrating Gitlab with Fastlane for Android

Hannah Olukoye
Quick Code
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2020

So far, I have enjoyed using Fastlane as a CI tool for deployment of APKs on my Android projects. This post is just to build on what my friend Roger wrote about on his detailed 3 part series “Automating the Android Build and Release Process using Fastlane”.

I remember spending hours of research trying to find a config.yml file that would work easily for Gitlab specifically.

Here’s a config that can work for you if you are going to integrate Fastlane with Gitlab. I put in short comments to guide you as you set up but you can always reach out in case you get stuck.

Main Reference:


Sharing is caring! I wouldn’t mind a few claps too :)



Hannah Olukoye
Quick Code

Google Developer Expert— Android Engineering Manager