How to Design a Successful Enterprise App?

Gapsy Studio
Quick Code
6 min readAug 16, 2023


As businesses and organizations evolve in the digital age, the demand for well-designed and user-friendly applications that cater to their unique needs is rising. Productivity and efficiency are critical in the enterprise landscape. Today, we will explore the fundamental principles, challenges, and best practices of enterprise app design and dig into the nuances of designing applications that meet the complex requirements of modern businesses.

What is Enterprise Application?

An enterprise application (EA) is a large-scale software application developed to support an enterprise’s operations and management. Enterprise applications are built to handle high volumes of users and often integrate with multiple systems and databases within an organization.

Enterprise applications are essential in modern enterprises, helping them manage processes, make data-driven decisions, and achieve strategic objectives. They are often customized to suit the specific organization’s requirements.

There are various types of enterprise applications. Let’s look at the main ones.

  1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP systems integrate the management of key business processes such as finance, human resources, supply chain management, procurement, manufacturing, and customer relationship management. They provide centralized data and allow organizations to simplify their operations.
  2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM systems manage an organization’s interactions with customers and potential clients. They help track activities, manage sales leads, automate marketing campaigns, and provide insights into customer behaviors and preferences.
  3. Human Resources Management System (HRMS). HRMS systems manage human resources processes such as recruitment, onboarding, benefits administration, performance management, and payroll. They help organizations manage their workforce effectively and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations.
  4. Supply Chain Management (SCM). SCM systems control the flow of goods, services, and information from the point of origin to the moment of consumption. They help optimize the supply chain processes, such as procurement, inventory management, logistics, and demand forecasting.
  5. Enterprise Content Management (ECM). ECM systems help manage an organization’s content, including documents, records, images, and multimedia files. They provide features such as document capture, storage, retrieval, versioning, and workflow automation to improve content management and collaboration.
  6. Business Intelligence (BI). BI systems collect, analyze, and visualize data to derive insights and support decision-making. They help enterprises monitor performance, identify trends, and make data-driven results across various functional areas, such as finance, sales, marketing, and other operations.

Why is Enterprise App Design Important?

Design is the product’s outer shell and the psychology behind every decision. Effective UX/UI design gives more to its users. Read further to see the significance of enterprise app design.

the importance of enterprise app design

Productivity and efficiency

Streamlined workflows are critical in enterprise applications to help employees complete their tasks quickly. Well-designed applications can simplify complex processes, minimize the steps required to complete a task and provide actionable feedback. It results in increased productivity, reduced errors, and improved efficiency in the workplace.

Moreover, EAs can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, saving users time and effort. For example, automating data entry, generating reports, or sending notifications can make users focus on more strategic and valuable activities.

Flexibility and scalability

Qualitative application easily adapts and accommodates changing business needs, user requirements, and technological advancements. Flexibility in your web or mobile app design allows easy collaboration with other systems and technologies. It enables enterprises to extend the application’s functionality by adding new features, modules, or integrations without significant redevelopment efforts. It promotes agility and adaptability in the face of changing business requirements.

A flexible app design can support increasing data, users, and transactions while an organization grows. Scalability ensures the app can handle larger workloads without compromising performance or user experience, allowing companies to expand their operations without disruptions.


Enterprise apps handle sensitive information, including confidential business details and customer and financial data. Ensuring the data’s protected is critical to secure the organization’s reputation, maintaining customer trust, and complying with data protection regulations. A well-designed application should incorporate security best practices, such as user authentication, authorization, and encryption, to safeguard an organization from security threats.

Ensure the app design complies with relevant security standards and regulations depending on the industry and the company’s geographic location.

Typical Mistakes in Enterprise App Design

Designing an application is a challenging process. Avoid the following mistakes in the app’s design to get the benefits we discussed previously.

common enterprise app design mistakes
  • Complex navigation. Confusing workflows can make it difficult for users to understand how to perform tasks efficiently. Poorly designed navigation may involve too many steps, redundant processes, or unclear decision points, leading to confusion and errors. Simplify workflows and ensure they are logical and intuitive. Allow users to customize the application so they will use it for their needs.
  • Preliminary user evaluation. Poor usability testing can result in missed design flaws and usability issues. User testing and feedback are crucial for identifying and addressing design problems. Overlooking usability testing and evaluation results in pricey and time-consuming redesign efforts after the app is released.
  • Lack of consistency. Irregular design elements and branding across various enterprise applications can confuse users. Inconsistencies in color schemes, fonts, icons, and layout lead to an unsatisfactory user experience and obstruct users’ ability to learn and use different applications.
  • Mobile-unfriendly design. With the increasing use of mobile devices in the workplace, creating a responsive design for enterprise applications is essential. Neglecting mobile usability results in poor user experience and reduced work productivity. Designing for different screen sizes, input methods, and mobile contexts is essential for modern enterprise applications.

Tips for Enterprise App Design

So, how to design a CRM system, ERP, or HR management software? Look at some of the best tips for creating outstanding enterprise software.

tips for enterprise app design

Create a customizable app

Personalization and customization allow users to tailor the app interface, features, and settings to their unique needs. It helps employees to work more efficiently, as they can align the app with their unique workflows, duties, and work styles. A personalized user experience can boost productivity, engagement, and user satisfaction.

Enterprises often have diverse user groups with varying preferences, skills, and requirements. Personalization enables the app to be adaptable to different users, accommodating their preferences. It includes features like font size adjustments, color schemes, language options, and accessibility settings, making the app more inclusive and accessible to a broader range of users.

Adjust the scaling

The app’s layout should be adaptable to different screen sizes and orientations. Ensure the application’s content and UI components can rearrange and resize to fit different screens without overlapping or being cut off. Adjustable layouts ensure the app’s content is easily accessible and usable on various devices. It contributes to avoiding cognitive overload while using the EA.

Scaling in enterprise app design involves optimizing the app’s performance on different devices. Optimize image sizes, reduce unnecessary animations or effects, and enhance code to ensure smooth and fast performance on various gadgets, including those with lower processing power or limited bandwidth.

Design for longevity

Every successful enterprise design team prioritizes longevity. One of the ways to achieve this result is by developing a user-centric design that meets all the requirements. User satisfaction and adoption are critical factors for the long-term success of an enterprise app.

Plan for regular app updates and maintenance to find bugs, performance issues, and security vulnerabilities. It’s essential to stay up-to-date with new technologies, frameworks, and best practices and understand any potential risks or weaknesses in the app. Regular checkouts help keep the app relevant, secure, and functional over time.

Wrapping Up

Well-designed and user-friendly applications can greatly enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and improve communication within an enterprise. In today’s competitive business landscape, enterprise app design is a crucial aspect for companies looking to stay ahead and achieve success. By creating intuitive and efficient applications that meet the unique requirements of organizations, businesses can thrive in the rapidly evolving digital world. Such a complex design process can give you many benefits, and you saw it yourself.



Gapsy Studio
Quick Code

Gapsy Studio is one of the leading UI/UX agencies. We focus on: mobile and web design and development, branding and animation.