How to get a key from Google Maps JavaScript API

If you get this error message (Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError), you’ll need a key.

Quick Code
2 min readJan 30, 2018


  1. Here is the link that you can set up your key:

you must register your app project on the Google API Console and get a Google API key which you can add to your app.

You get the key after you pick up a project.

2. Add the API key to your application

Clicking the YOUR_API_KEY

It’ll create a credential automatally.

Great, you’ve got what you want! The google map with the key!! Learn JavaScript online from the best JavaScript tutorials recommended by the programming community.

However, you can do more for the key, Detailed guide for users of the standard Google Maps JavaScript API

  1. Go to the Google API Console. There have all of the credentials that you’ve created.

I recommend you should set up the key restriction to avoid be abused.


*/your-production-domain/* => This will need a wildcard. If you don’t have a wildcard for your domain, you should use your-production-domain/* instead.


Awesome, you’ve done a great job, you’ll see the beautiful map.

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