Is Ruby On Rails Still Worth Learning In 2020?

Sandhya Reddy
Quick Code
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2019

In This Article Iam Going To Say Is Ruby On Rails Still Worth Learning In 2020.

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT lisense. Rails works on MVC, (Model View Controller) structure, bestowing default structure for a database and web pages.

The initial release of Ruby on rails was on 13 December 2005 and in its initial years, it greatly affected the web app development through new features that comprise Seamless database table creation, a scaffolding of views to allow the rapid application development.

ROR or Ruby on Rails is older and mature technology to use but in the last couple of years, it has been facing a difficult time as many new technologies came over by taking over this sector. Some people say Rails is dead and it isn’t worth it but here we are going to see why it’s worth learning in 2020. For more Additional info at Ruby On Rails Online Training

Where Has ROR Been The Best

Rails have been the talk of the town and it is quite an old language. There are a few reasons that make the Rails best and really tough to compete. So, we would be looking for those reasons.

Simpler business logic Execution:- ROR has a simple and fast process of implementation for difficult business logic. For example, you need API for your application at the earliest so you can ask the developer. Rails developers can develop it really fast. You have to put the front- end framework like React and Vue and you are done.

Huge Collection of Gems:- Ruby has a huge collection of gems created by its developers. They act as a bridge to fill in the gap left in web apps and their services. And the best thing about them is that they are free for commercial use. And the minor things that might be left by the development team can be cleared with the help of these.

Ruby collection has made it really easier for developers to use it. It is like a readymade gem for developers when they get stuck at developing some features but they have it sorted with gems.

There are various companies that use Ruby on Rails in their products and apps that we would be discussing later.

Rapid development Process

Rails or ROR is known for its fast development process. Developers use Ruby on Rails to develop a project for its quick nature and creating a project with Rails is quite easy.

There is a difference of 40 to 45% in terms of speed in creating a project with ROR instead of Stacks. In layman terms, if a developer uses Stacks for developing a project then it will take 40% extra time than Rails.

Various types of apps which are developed using Ruby on Rails

We would be mentioning 6 well-known apps that are developed with ROR. These are widely known and you might be using these on a daily basis.

Basecamp:- It is a type of business organizer curated by David Hansson who is the creator of Ruby on Rails and his team members. We use Slack and other apps like Asana that are tough competitors of Basecamp. Recently, Basecamp has 2.5 million users and is a good alternative app and developed through ROR.

Shopify:- Shopify is an E-commerce platform that gives potential entrepreneurs a platform to start a business. And with this, it enables you to use the payment integration method, managing content, domain name generator, and everything that you need to start an online business. Half a Million plus merchants are using the Shopify platform and it is able to generate $40 billion in GMV. Shopify was developed and launched after 2 months through Ruby on Rails. For potential entrepreneurs, Shopify is a great source to launch a business as it provides everything you need for a business.

Airbnb:- Airbnb, Inc. is an online marketplace for arranging or offering lodging, primarily homestays, or tourism experiences. The number of people who use Airbnb for their travel stay is increasing rapidly. It has a total of 150 million+ users out of which 500k people use it to stay at nights. Airbnb was also created by ruby on rails and one of the best and popular services that use this framework.

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Fiverr:- Almost every freelancer knows this website but only a few people know that it was also created on ruby on rails. You can get a service or hire someone or you can also give a service starting from $5 and went up to $200. You can get every type of services from graphics to logo to webpage designing. It covers almost everything. It is also one of the popular services that use this framework. If you are a remote developer you can also register at our website.

Github:- Github is a popular service used by almost 26 million people. It is an app created on ruby on rails and it is used for bug tracking, task management and other features for developers.

Bloomberg:- It is developed on ruby on rails and it specializes in data analysis, trading services, and news. These services are the vital revenue-generating services of Bloomberg. And like others, it is also a popular service that uses this framework.

Thanks For Reading. In my next article i will discuss Benefits of ROR In 2020.

