Ruby on Rails vs. Django — Which Framework is Best For 2020?

Here’s a detailed comparison of Ruby on Rails and Django web development frameworks.

Bharti Purohit
Quick Code


Ruby on Rails vs. Django

We all know that in the programming world, there are many web development frameworks in the market. And we are witnessing two frameworks that stand out the most are Ruby on Rails and Django. Both these frameworks are evolving as famous web frameworks, and the popularity is expected to grow more in 2020 as well.

That is the reason that makes a hot debate in front of us. Have a look;

Person A: “Ruby on Rails offers an extra edge with the lightning development process.”

Person B: “ Well, Django offers an easy and understandable code thus, it is the best web development framework.”

Such unending debates are going on as the discussions regarding Ruby on Rails and Django are becoming more popular.

As both RoR and Django are loved by top mobile app and web developers, let’s compare them and discover which is better.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails abbreviated as RoR is an open-source and server-side web application development framework. It offers fantastic default structures for web pages, services, and databases. It is regarded as a time-saving technique for programmers to write code.

Pros of Ruby on Rails:-

  • High-speed development
  • Active RoR community
  • Offers in-built plug-ins and gems for high functionality with less coding.
  • Diverse tools and presets
  • Easy to modify and migrate
  • Superior testing environment


Django is a Python-based web application framework that is the primary choice for Python app development. The reason for the popularity of Django is that it is a free, open-source, and general-purpose framework that makes it easily accessible. It fosters faster development with a pragmatic and neat design.

Pros of Django:-

  • Highly Customizable
  • Supports MVC programming
  • Scalable
  • It has the Representational State Transfer (REST) framework
  • Effective Admin Panel
  • Mature Software with numerous Plug-ins
  • High compatibility with databases and operating systems
  • Adopts Battery-included approach

Ruby on Rails vs. Django — Which Framework is Best?

Speed and Performance

In the head to head comparison of Ruby on Rails Vs. Django, it has been observed that Ruby on Rails is 0.7% faster than Django. The reason is that RoR comes with a rich repository of fantastic plug-ins and libraries for enhancing the speed and, ultimately, the performance. Django also offers a faster development process.

Verdict: RoR wins here


Stability and creativity are two essential pillars that are required for development. We can announce the one as the winner who is capable of managing both effectively.

RoR can juggle both stability and creativity as it enables users to reuse the code for minimizing dependencies. Moreover, coders are not required to put any additional efforts as it uses the Convention over Configuration approach.

On the other hand, Django practices a more traditional approach. For solving the problems to provide stability, it follows any proven technique.

Verdict: RoR can beat Django anytime for stability


Django still lags behind a little compared to Ruby on Rails, despite its inherent scalability from Python. Ruby on Rails and Django both are heavyweight web development frameworks; therefore they are certainly developed considering scalability.

Verdict: RoR takes the crown here

User Interface

Every web app owner looks for the best of the line User Interface for their application. Ruby on Rails and Django both emerge as absolute winners when we compare them on the grounds of the user interface. The reason is that both of these frameworks are developed for offering a high-class experience.

Verdict: Both are winners


As the name suggests, Ruby on Rails is developed using Ruby language, whereas Django is developed using Python. Python is known as the top programming language because it focuses on readability and clarity of the code.

On the other hand, Ruby is known for its attributes like understandable syntax, freedom, and flexibility. Ruby was developed with the focus on “enjoying” writing the language that makes it fun, whereas Python is the easiest programming language to learn and write.

Verdict: Ruby on Rails is more preferred


It is not difficult to compare Ruby on Rails vs. Django based on the installation process. Django has a very easy installation process, it will only take around a minute to install completely.

We can not say the same thing about Ruby on Rails. Because there is a need to understand what Gems and bundles are required for installing the specific Ruby packages. So, you need to install these gems and bundle first and then run Command Gem Install Rails. After that, you will be able to install the latest version of the Ruby on Rails.

Verdict: Django is the winner for sure


A comparison of security is inevitable in this comparison because it is an indispensable part of any application or website. Django has received its security from Python. In fact, Django is used by NASA to prove how secure it is.

Rails also offers robust security as it is supported with active records. Still, Django has got the upper hand here.

Verdict: Again, Django you got the crown

Documentation of Frameworks

Here, it’s a clear cut tie between Ruby on Rails and Django when we talk about the documentation. You can find the popular answers to the various queries & FAQs easily as both frameworks are well documented. And even the language of the documentation of both frameworks is very easy, straightforward and understandable that does not put readers into any kind of confusion.

Verdict: It’s tie

Learning Curve

It is a fact that Python is a very easy language compared to other languages. Therefore Django has a very small learning curve. Moreover, you can also find online as well as offline resources that make it easy to resolve your queries.

On the other hand, Ruby on Rails has a steep learning curve. The reason is that programmers are required to hone its various independent concepts to become proficient in Railṣ.

Verdict: Django beats RoR

Brands using Ruby on Rails

  • GitHub
  • Basecamp
  • Airbnb
  • Hulu
  • Slideshare

Brands using Django

  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • YouTube
  • The Washington Post
  • Dropbox.


Generally, Ruby on Rails and Django both web frameworks are at the top of their category, giving each other a tough competition. And there are many areas where one overrides the other.

  • You can use Django for building a detailed application with remarkable features.
  • And you can choose Ruby on Rails development company if you want a quick launch of the web app or the website and then work on the details.

Also Read:

Top 8 Amazing Reasons for Ruby on Rails | Why RoR?



Bharti Purohit
Quick Code

Digital marketing executive. I like to follow the technical updates and love to write about them!