The 10 Signs That You Need To Hire A Web Developer

Ankita Kapoor
Quick Code
Published in
8 min readAug 27, 2021

The 10 Signs That You Need To Hire A Web Developer

In today’s world, the Internet and the web have become so essential in our lives. We rely on the Internet and technology to connect with other people, exchange ideas, consume information, learn new things — and even more. Because of its growing importance, we also need people responsible for creating websites that provide us with all the above needs. In short, it’s time to hire web developers.

As we spend more time online, we want that experience to be as positive as possible, which means hiring the right developers to keep it running smoothly. Today, around 75% of people decide the business credibility on their website looks, and 25% of consumers will stop engaging with content if it doesn’t display correctly on their device.

Hiring web developers can be tricky, but here are some signs that make hiring a web developer an ultimate solution to move forward with your project. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about web developers and their roles in the digital age of business. So, let’s get started.

Know the Top Signs That Makes Hiring Web Developer Important for Your Project:

1) If you have time constraints

It is a difficult question. The hiring process for developers can be lengthy, so you’ll want to hire somebody that you know will work well with your company and your budget. It may be helpful to consider who in your network is a developer and reach out to them personally for recommendations on who they think would best fit your team.

While looking for developers, try not to make assumptions based on someone’s resume or credentials. There are tons of free tools that enable people to learn how to code — some of whom are very talented — but lack coding experience listed on their resumes or other credentials because they have no formal training.

2) If you don’t know where to start

Before hiring a web developer, it’s essential to know what you want and have some ideas for your requirements. But where do you start? What are you trying to achieve? Are there prerequisites or must-haves that need to be in place before going live?

Have you done your research on potential candidates? Make sure they are what they claim about themselves — remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Check their references and visit any websites/social media sites they may have worked on in the past. These will all help when hiring a web developer.

3) If your project requires technical expertise you don’t have

Source: Coders Daddy

If you’re not a technical person, it’s important to recognize when your project will require some special skills. If you can’t do that (or are still unsure), you should get help from someone who can — and that might be an actual web developer.

Always make sure you have a clear idea about your project requirement and determine whether or not you can provide those needs by yourself before moving forward. Better safe than sorry, right? When hiring freelance services, make sure to clarify everything in writing. Having an agreement on paper will protect both parties and act as a reminder of what was discussed. And be sure to read reviews from past clients, so you know if they provided good value for their previous customers.

4) If you need to scale

Scaling doesn’t happen overnight, and it can be a lot of work, but if you need to bring in more development help, it’s essential to know what signs you should look for when hiring new people. Here are some major questions that you should ask yourself before bringing on additional team members:
1) How fast are we growing?
2) Are we having performance issues?
3) Do we have enough resources to meet demand?
4) Are our existing employees feeling overworked?
5) Do we have a lack of qualified talent on staff that could help us grow faster than we would like?

If you have an answer Yes to the above questions, it may be time to hire web developers.

5) If your business is growing fast

Consider hiring developers if you’re in a rapidly growing business and looking to grow with help from outside sources. Without development support, it can be challenging to add new features and fix bugs for your users. Developers don’t have as much visibility into how things work in your code as you do, so it can be easy for them to miss important aspects of your software’s functionality.

With a single developer on staff, the chances are that you’ll end up working more than you should at some point because one of them is out sick or busy on other projects. If everything about growth is exciting and new to you, hiring developers may be overwhelming — if only because there are so many details involved in paying contractors.

6) If your website is not responsive

If you don’t have a responsive website, it’s time to hire a web developer. Remember, Google views mobile-friendly as mobile-first. In short, if your content isn’t mobile-friendly (meaning it doesn’t look good on a smartphone), then you don’t even have an opportunity to rank for mobile search traffic.

On top of that, studies show that around half of all Internet traffic now comes from smartphones and tablets. With more than a billion people using smartphones, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine how essential optimizing your website for viewing on all devices is necessary.

7) If your website has poor SEO.

Google’s algorithms look at your website as a whole when it decides where to place your page in its search results. So if you have poor SEO, it can lower your Google ranking and reduce website traffic.

If you notice that your website doesn’t seem to get much traffic or isn’t showing up in Google’s top 10 pages for popular searches, then it might be time to consider hiring an expert web developer. Hiring a professional is far more costly than doing some essential DIY work yourself — but if you want to increase traffic and make sure that you are ranking on page 1 of Google, then spending some money might be worth it.

8) If your website has navigation issues.

Your lack of a mobile presence, lousy navigation can lead to frustrated site visitors, or worse, an increase in your bounce rate. If people can’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll leave and never come back. More than one-third of all Internet users use their smartphones and tablets to go online — and that number is rising every year. Is your site friendly for these devices? Do visitors see a picture of an old computer when they visit? It could be time to rethink your mobile experience.

9). If your website is outdated.

If your website looks outdated, it’s time to hire a web developer. Sites that use ancient techniques and have broken links are often shut out of organic search results. Keep in mind, just because a website works today doesn’t mean it will work tomorrow; upgrades should be an ongoing process.

In addition to keeping your site up-to-date for SEO purposes, updating content regularly also makes Google happy. Regularly updated sites often rank higher than stagnant ones because search engines (especially Google) love frequent changes. Having fresh content is another way to improve your search engine rankings, which can help you attract new clients and customers.

10). If you have no online presence yet.

Do you use social media sites to promote your work? Have you set up a Twitter or Facebook page yet? If not, why not? The goal of all of your marketing and business efforts should be to build your online reputation.

I’m not saying that you need to have 100,000 Twitter followers or 7 million likes on Facebook (yet), but if you don’t have any presence at all, then start building it right away. Your website is a great start, but having one or more social media accounts will also help you be found in search engines and make connecting with your target audience easier.


When you decide to start your own business or even just work on a side project that requires a website, you should think about hiring web developers at some point in the process. — and hiring one isn’t always as easy as it may seem.

Having a great idea is easy. Making it come to life, however, is a lot more complicated. Finding and hiring a web developer or web development company in India can be challenging for many startups and entrepreneurs simply because there’s so much information on how to do it.

But that’s exactly why I’ve created this guide — to help you simplify your search and make your next hire painless. Follow these ten simple signs, and you should find yourself well on your way to developing an incredible product.

Good Luck!

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Ankita Kapoor
Quick Code

Hey, I’m Ankita, a tech blogger working with ValueCoders who loves to share her extensive tech-related knowledge with like-minded people.