15 Best Node.js Tutorials For Beginners [2024 JUL] — Learn Node.js Online

Learn Node.js to start learning web development with the best Node.js tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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Quick Code
15 min readDec 22, 2017


NodeJS is a platform that allows developers to write server-side high-performance and networked applications. And that too using good old Javascript.

Why should I learn NodeJS? Well, for starters, learning something new never hurts. But most importantly, learning NodeJS is great because :

  1. Node allows you to write highly scalable networked apps deployed on the cloud!
  2. You’re working at a different level of application design per se with Node and that means that you’re not writing an app that sits on top of a stack, you design the stack from the server up. And while that may sound daunting, it really is not and you’ll see why.
  3. Your code in the same language, both on the server and on the front end! We’re all polyglots (we use multiple programming languages and syntax in most of our projects), but managing code in the same language on the back-end and the front-end never hurts and in-fact can be a huge time saver when debugging.
  4. NodeJS is used by the likes of LinkedIn, Yahoo and Microsoft to name a few. It is pretty new and consequently you gain advantage from the exponentially growing community of NodeJS & Javascript developers and that’s great fun, really!
  5. If you’ve been coding in Javascript, you can leverage your existing knowledge and skills and take it to a whole new level!

Following are some of the courses from the list of top node js tutorials curated by experts of time you should take to deep dive into Node Js development.

1. The Complete Node. Js Developer Course (3rd Editon)

Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, and more.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (37,569 Ratings total)

The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2 covers the fundamentals of Node before diving deep into great tools like Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB.

The entire course is based around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.

You’ll be building four projects:

  1. A note-taking app to get your feet wet.
  2. A weather application that interacts with Google Maps and Dark Sky API.
  3. A to-do REST API complete with user accounts and authentication.
  4. A real-time chat app with a client-side companion.
Top Node Js Tutorials

2. Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB

This course deals with all things server-side. The entire course is based around the NodeJS platform.

Course rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (904 Ratings total)

You will start with a brief overview of the Web protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. You will examine NodeJS and NodeJS modules: Express for building web servers.

On the database side, you will learn basic CRUD operations, NoSQL databases, in particular, MongoDB and Mongoose for accessing MongoDB from NodeJS. You will examine the REST concepts and building a RESTful API. We touch upon authentication and security. Finally, you will review backend as a service (BaaS) approaches, including mobile BaaS, both open-source and commercial BaaS services.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of server-side concepts, CRUD and REST
  • Build and configure a backend server using NodeJS framework
  • Build a RESTful API for the front-end to access backend services

3. Learn To Build Apps Using NodeJS and Angular

The course starts at the very beginning with the fundamentals of NodeJS, MongoDB, and Angular.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (386 Ratings total)

The course focuses on building a library database that allows you to add, edit and delete books from the database. The course will help you learn how to use NodeJS and create an API based application. You will also learn how to build an API from scratch and then build a front-end that can sit on the API and work seamlessly.

Learning Nodejs Programming has never been so easy. This online Nodejs Course breaks down the difficult part & makes the course very interactive & practical for you to master.

4. Developing Cloud Applications with Node.js and React

Learn how to develop and deploy web applications with JavaScript frameworks. Create server-side applications using Node.js and develop the front-end using React. Deploy the app on Cloud.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create server-side applications with Node.js Javascript framework.
  • practice DevOps and utilize continuous delivery pipelines with Git.
  • deploy your web application to IBM Cloud platform.
  • extend your Node.js application with third-party packages.
  • leverage the Express web application framework.
  • integrate with Watson APIs on Cloud to add AI to your application.
  • build rich application user interfaces using ES6 and React.
  • develop callback functions and parse JSON data from HTTP messages.

You will learn how to develop and deploy full-stack web applications several JavaScript frameworks. You will start by creating backend server-side applications using Node.js and Express.

You will then develop a front-end user interface (UI) using ES6 and the React JavaScript library, and deploy your application to the IBM cloud platform.

You will learn how to invoke Web Services, parse with JSON data and integrate with Cloud APIs to add AI capabilities to your application.

You will also practice DevOps and GitHub concepts to enable continuous delivery of your application.

5. Learn Node.js

This course is an introduction to the concepts of server-side web development.

In this course, you will learn:

  • about the different components of a web application’s back-end and explore the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment.

You’ll learn the different parts that make up the back-end of a website or web application, and you’ll gain familiarity with the Node.js runtime environment.

After this course, you’ll be set up to explore popular Node frameworks like Express.js to build powerful applications.

6. Node.js: Getting Started

The Node.js runtime powers back-end servers for big players like PayPal, Netflix, LinkedIn, and even NASA. This course will teach you the fundamentals of this very popular runtime and get you comfortable writing code for Node.

The course includes:

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started with Node
  • Modern JavaScript
  • NPM: Node Package Manager
  • Modules and Concurrency
  • Working with Web Servers
  • Working with the Operating System

In this course, Node.js: Getting Started, you’ll learn the basic skills you need to create scalable back-end services with Node.js.

First, you’ll explore the tools that come built-in with Node as well as some of the tools that are offered by the community.

Next, you’ll learn about package management, module dependencies, event-driven concurrency strategies, and how to write code to interface with the operating systems on servers.

Finally, you’ll discover the modern JavaScript features that you can use with Node.js today. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be comfortable creating and executing code for Node.

7. Learn and Understand NodeJS

Dive deep under the hood of NodeJS. Learn V8, Express, the MEAN stack, core Javascript concepts, and more.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 21,545 Ratings total)

In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems.

In this course, you will look at how the C++ written V8 Javascript engine works and how NodeJS uses it to expand the abilities of Javascript. You’ll learn how to structure your code for reuse and to be easier to understand, manage, and expand using modules and understand how modules really work.

You’ll learn how asynchronous code works in Node and the Node event loop, as well as how to use the event emitter, streams, buffers, pipes, and work with files. We’ll see how that leads to building a web server in Node.

You will dive into web sites, web apps and APIs with Express and learn how Express can save us time as Node developers.

8. Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs

Learn to build fast, scalable, and secure RESTful services with Node, Express, and MongoDB, from setup to production

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (6,718 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Build the backend for your web and mobile apps.
  • Use modern JavaScript features (ES6, ES7).
  • Implement CRUD operations.
  • Handle and log errors, the right way.
  • Write unit and integration tests.
  • Practice test-driven development (TDD).
  • Store and retrieve complex data in MongoDB.
  • Implement authentication and authorization.
  • Deploy your Node apps to production.
  • Apply the best practices for building fast, scalable and secure apps.

During this course you will cover the following Node Js topics:

  • Node module system
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Useful ES6+ features
  • Implementing CRUD operations
  • Storing complex data in MongoDB
  • Data Validation
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Handling and logging errors the right way
  • Unit and integration testing
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Deployment

9. Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2022

Master Node by building a real-world RESTful API and web app (with authentication, Node.js security, payments & more)

Course rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (1518 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Master the entire modern back-end stack: Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver).
  • Build a complete, beautiful & real-world application from start to finish (API and server-side rendered website).
  • Build a fast, scalable, feature-rich RESTful API (includes filters, sorts, pagination, and much more).
  • Learn how Node really works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, streams, modules, etc..
  • CRUD operations with MongoDB and Mongoose.
  • Deep dive into mongoose (including all advanced features).
  • How to work with data in NoSQL databases (including geospatial data).
  • Advanced authentication and authorization (including password reset).
  • Security: encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc..
  • Server-side website rendering with Pug templates.
  • Credit card payments with Stripe.
  • Sending emails & uploading files.
  • Deploy the final application to production (including a Git crash-course).
  • Downloadable videos, code and design assets for projects.

Here is what you’re going to learn in this course:

  • Fundamentals of Node.js, core modules and NPM (Node Package Manager)
  • How Node.js works behind the scenes: event loop, blocking vs non-blocking code, event-driven architecture, streams, modules, etc.
  • Fundamentals of Express (Node.js framework): routing, middleware, sending responses, etc.
  • RESTful API design and development with advanced features: filtering, sorting, aliasing, pagination
  • Server-side website rendering (HTML) with Pug templates
  • CRUD operations with MongoDB database locally and on the Atlas platform (in the cloud)
  • Advanced MongoDB: geospatial queries, aggregation pipeline, and operators
  • Fundamentals of Mongoose (MongoDB JS driver): Data models, CRUD operations, data validation, and middleware
  • Advanced Mongoose features: modeling geospatial data, populates, virtual populates, indexes, etc.
  • Using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
  • How to work with data in NoSQL databases
  • Advanced data modeling: relationships between data, embedding, referencing, and more
  • Complete modern authentication with JWT: user signs up, log in, password reset, secure cookies, etc.
  • Authorization (user roles)
  • Security: best practices, encryption, sanitization, rate limiting, etc.
  • Accepting credit card payments with Stripe: Complete integration on the back-end and front-end
  • Uploading files and image processing
  • Sending emails with Mailtrap and Sendgrid
  • Advanced error handling workflows
  • Deploying Node.js application to production with Heroku
  • Git and GitHub crash course
Best Node Js development Courses List

10. Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

Build and deploy full-stack web apps with NodeJS, React, Redux, Express, and MongoDB.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (9,936 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Create boilerplate starter projects with React, Redux, Express, and Mongo.
  • Understand common web technologies and design patterns to connect them together.
  • Master deployment techniques between the production and development environments.
  • Make an app with Google OAuth authentication.
  • Learn to effectively create and send emails from a backend server.
  • Accept and process credit card payments from users.

Note: This course assumes you’ve got the basics of React and Redux down.

In this course, you will build one massive web application that profiles the advanced features of React, Redux, Express, and Mongo. By putting each concept into a real app, you’ll get a better idea of when to use each unique and powerful feature.

During this course you will cover the following Node Js topics:

  • Learn the architectural considerations of building a full-stack app
  • Connect a front-end Create-React-App server to a NodeJS and Express backend
  • Communicate data from your Mongo database to your React application
  • Understand how to route user requests on the front end with React Router and on the backend with Express
  • Build reusable user inputs with Redux Form, complete with navigation
  • Handle credit cards and receive payments from your users with Stripe
  • Engage your users with automated emails
  • Enhance authentication flows in your app with Google OAuth authentication
  • Separate production and development resources with advanced API key handling techniques
  • Educate your users on how to use your app with custom build landing pages

11. Level Up with Node.js: Advanced Node.js Concepts

Get advanced with Node.Js! Learn caching with Redis, speed up through clustering, and add image upload with S3 and Node!

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (3,686 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Absolutely master the Event Loop and understand each of its stages.
  • Utilize Worker Threads and Clustering to dramatically improve the performance of Node servers.
  • Speed up database queries with caching for MongoDB backed by Redis.
  • Add automated browser testing to your Node server, complete with a continuous integration pipeline setup.
  • Apply scalable image and file upload to your app, utilizing AWS S3.

During this course you will cover following advanced Node Js topics:

  • Master the Node Event Loop — understand how Node executes your source code.
  • Understand the purpose of Node, and how the code you write is eventually executed by C++ code in the V8 engine
  • Add a huge boost to performance in your Node app through clustering and worker threads
  • Turbocharge MongoDB queries by adding query caching backed by a lightning-fast Redis instance
  • Scale your app to infinity with image and file upload backed by Amazon’s S3 file service
  • Implement a continuous integration testing pipeline so you always know your project functions properly
  • Think you know everything there is about managing cookies and session? Well, you might, but learn even more!
  • Ensure app works the way you expect with automated browser testing using Jest and Puppeteer
  • Learn advanced JS techniques along the way, including where to use ES2015 proxies!

12. Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB

Create a real world backend for a bootcamp directory app

Course rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (639 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Real World Backend RESTful API For Bootcamp Directory App.
  • HTTP Fundamentals (Req/Res Cycle, Status Codes, etc).
  • Advanced Mongoose Queries.
  • JWT/Cookie Authentication.
  • Express & Mongoose Middleware (Geocoding, Auth, Error Handling, etc).
  • API Security (NoSQL injection, XSS protection, Rate Limiting).
  • API Documentation & Deployment.

This is a project based course where we build an extensive, in-depth backend API for DevCamper, a bootcamp directory app.duriong this course, you will learn the following topics:

  • HTTP Essentials
  • Postman Client
  • RESTful APIs
  • Express Framework
  • Routing & Controller Methods
  • MongoDB Atlas & Compass
  • Mongoose ODM
  • Advanced Query (Pagination, filter, etc)
  • Models & Relationships
  • Middleware (Express & Mongoose)
  • MongoDB Geospatial Index / GeoJSON
  • Geocoding
  • Custom Error Handling
  • User Roles & Permissions
  • Aggregation
  • Photo Upload
  • Authentication With JWT & Cookies
  • Emailing Password Reset Tokens
  • Custom Database Seeder Using JSON Files
  • Password & Token Hashing
  • Security: NoSQL Injection, XSS, etc
  • Creating Documentation
  • Deployment With PM2, NGINX, SSL

13. The Definitive Node.Js Developer Course

Take your coding to the next level with Node js, the most popular Javascript open-source server framework.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (198 Ratings total)

You will learn all the logic and practice behind Node.js in different modules, and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.

To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:

  • The very basics of Node js. How to install and run it.How it works, and what happens behind the scenes.
  • Learn the tools Node js provides, to get your project going.
  • Create simple web server servers with the built-in power of Node js.
  • Take things to the next level using Express and HBS to render you web apps.
  • Understand the essentials of Mongo DB, and go deep with Mongoose.
  • Apply security, authentication, restricting routes, hashing passwords and JWT’s
  • Learn how to process uploads using multi and cloud services.
  • Level up your application using sockets with socket io
  • Full ES6 course.

14. Learn Nodejs by building 12 projects

Become an Expert Nodejs Developer While Building Real World Applications.

Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (1,673 Ratings total)

You will learn about JavaScript Server programming, Node and NPM modules, the use of other associated technologies and frameworks while building the twelve projects. The technologies covered in the course include HTML/CSS Frontend technologies, Nodejs NPM, NoSQL database, Column Databases, Database ORM, Express Framework, Asynchronous programming, Kraken layer, Drywall user management, Bcrypt encryption, Socket IO and REST APIs.

Project 1: Simple Web Server

Project 2: Basic Express Website

Project 3: User Login System

Project 4: Node Blog Systems

Project 5: Community Events

Project 6: BookStore

Project 7: Chat IO

Project 8: Doctor Directory

Project 9: Portfolio App

Project 10: Elearning System

Project 11: Recipe Book

Project 12: Album Organizer

15. Angular & NodeJS — The MEAN Stack Guide

Learn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real Application

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (13,679 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • Build real Angular + NodeJS applications.
  • Understand how Angular works and how it interacts with Backends.
  • Connect any Angular Frontend with a NodeJS Backend.
  • Use MongoDB with Mongoose to interact with Data on the Backend.
  • Use ExpressJS as a NodeJS Framework.
  • Provide a great user experience by using Optimistic Updating on the Frontend.
  • Improve any Angular (+ NodeJS) application by adding Error Handling.

Create modern, scalable and high-speed Web Applications with Angular and Node.js + Express + MongoDB.

Specifically, you will learn how to:

  • Set up a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB + Angular Application with the help of the Angular CLI
  • Use NodeJS and Express efficiently
  • Build reusable Components in Angular and create a reactive User Experience with the Tools provided by Angular
  • Connect your NodeJS (or any other language!) backend with your Angular App through Angular’s HttpClient service
  • Provide appropriate endpoints on your Backend, for your Frontend to consume
  • Add advanced features like file upload and pagination
  • Make your Application more secure by implementing Users, Authentication as well as Authorization
  • Handle Errors gracefully

16. Elite NodeJS Course — Become Certified NodeJS Developer

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (445 Ratings total)

  • This Elite NodeJS Course is more hands-on than theory.
  • Learn the latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry.
  • The only Elite NodeJS Course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes.

This is the best course to fulfill your dream to become a NodeJS Developer. It will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skills faster.It will guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and it teaches you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really needed

17. All about Node.JS

Create & Deploy High-Performance NodeJS Apps on the Cloud and More.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (1,387 Ratings total)

In this course, we’ll go from absolute scratch, all the way up to a building and deploying a full-blown NodeJS app on the Cloud.

With NodeJS, you will build two full-blown apps. You will go all the from concept creation, UI/UX design to coding and deploying our app on the cloud.

A. ChatCAT — One of the fun things that you can do with NodeJS is to build realtime apps that allow a high number of concurrent users to interact with each other. Examples of this kind include Chat Servers, Gaming Servers, Collaborative Tools, etc. You will build a multi-room chat server that allows users to login via Facebook, Create Chatrooms of their choice and Chat in realtime. You will not only create this app but also deploy it on Heroku and Digital Ocean.

You will learn all about using Websockets, Structuring your App in an efficient manner, creating and using development & production configurations, Authentication using Facebook, Setting up an App on Facebook, Managing Sessions, Querying & Using a Hosted MongoDB Database, Using Heroku & Digital Ocean’s Cloud Services and lots more…

B. PhotoGRID — The second complete app that we will build in this course is a Photo Gallery app which lets users upload images into a gallery with the ability to vote up the images that they like. This NodeJS app lets users upload files, which are then resized to thumbnails on the server and stored in an Amazon S3 Bucket for optimal delivery to the front end interface. The entire app runs on an Amazon EC2 Cloud Server which we will create from scratch and configure for use.

You will learn about managing file uploads using NodeJS & AJAX, Resizing Images on the Server, Accessing & Storing files in an S3 Bucket, Querying & Using a Hosted MongoDB Database, Using Amazon’s Elastic IP Service & Cloudfront distribution, ensuring your NodeJS app runs automatically even if the server is restarted and lots more.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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