Top 10 Free Courses to learn React.js

Listed below are the top free React courses from leading providers like Udemy, Coursera, edX, and more!

Yash Tiwari
Quick Code
9 min readAug 11, 2022


Free React Courses

As we already know, React is one of the most well-known Javascript libraries in the programming industry. It is an open-source front-end library that lets you create fast and interactive UIs for web and mobile applications. The ultimately optimized design interfaces and code languages in React are one of the main reasons web developers use React.js for web development. It is easy to pick up, implement, create, and maintain professional-looking web (and mobile) applications because it is a component-based approach, has a clearly defined lifecycle, and uses only plain JavaScript. In comparison to Angular.js, React provides several advantages.

As a result, I have compiled a list of some free React.js courses that beginners can use to learn about this incredible Javascript library. Alternatively, if you want to invest in paid courses, I have also compiled a list of the best React.js tutorials for beginners. Therefore, React newbies and those wishing to learn more about React’s fundamentals will find this article informative. So, without further ado, let us get started.

1. React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners — [Udemy]

Anyone interested in learning React should consider this Udemy course a great starting point. In this course, you will learn React JS along with Modern JavaScript from scratch. Also, this course requires some knowledge of Javascript or another programming language.

In this React course, you will learn:

  • Modern JavaScript
  • React JS
  • React Hooks
  • To work with external API.
  • To make AJAX requests.
  • Build a News App

This course will teach you React JS, one of the hottest technologies of recent years. Furthermore, you will learn how to make AJAX requests to fetch data from remote APIs and display it in your web application.

It is a top-rated free React course on Udemy with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 2-hour 49-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

2. Front-End Web Development with React — [Coursera]

Photo by Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash

This course will explore JavaScript-based front-end application development, emphasizing React (Version 16.3). We’ll use JavaScript ES6 to create React applications. Furthermore, you will learn how to build responsive UIs using Bootstrap 4 by using Reactstrap.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Introduction to React
  • React Router and Single Page Applications
  • React Forms, Flow Architecture, and Introduction to Redux
  • More Redux and Client-Server Communication

In this course, you will learn about various aspects of React components. Learn about React routers and how to use them when building single-page applications. In addition, you will learn how to design controlled forms, and you will learn about Flux architecture and Redux. Using React-Redux, you will develop applications based on Redux.

Next, you will learn about client-server communication with Fetch and server-side REST APIs. The course concludes with a presentation on how React animations work and how to test them. For this course, students must have a solid working knowledge of Bootstrap 4 and JavaScript, especially ES5.

It is a top-rated free React course on Coursera with a 4.7 out of 5-course rating and a 36-hour duration. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

3. Developing Cloud Applications with Node.js and React — [edX]

Those who wish to begin a career in cloud development and those who want to stay current with current Cloud programming practices and technologies will benefit from this course. Initially, students will need a basic understanding of HTML5, JavaScript, DevOps, and Git, as well as a fundamental understanding of cloud computing.

In this React course, you will:

  • Create server-side applications using the Node.js framework.
  • Use Git for continuous delivery pipelines and DevOps practices.
  • Deploy your web application to the IBM Cloud platform.
  • Integrate third-party packages into your Node.js application.
  • Use the Express framework to build web applications.
  • Make your application AI-ready by integrating Watson APIs on the cloud.
  • Use ES6 and React to build rich application user interfaces.
  • Create callback functions and parse JSON data from HTTP messages.

Several JavaScript frameworks are covered in this course, enabling you to develop and deploy full-stack web applications. By using Node.js and Express, you will create backend server-side applications. Once you’ve developed the front-end user interface (UI), you’ll deploy your application to the IBM cloud platform using ES6 and React JavaScript. Upon completing this course, you will learn how to develop modern applications based on Cloud Native principles.

It is a top-rated free React course on edX with a time duration of 3 weeks (4–6 hours/week). Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free edX course.

4. React For Beginners — [Udemy]

If you want to become a front-end developer, learning React is crucial if you intend to build user interfaces for modern applications. As an absolute beginner, this course will help you get up and running with React, so if you’re trying to understand what React is, this is the perfect place to start.

In this React course, you will learn:

  • What is React & why it is used
  • What is JSX
  • Functional & class-based components in React.
  • What are props
  • State in React
  • How to handle events in React.

Aside from learning what components are, you will also learn about the different component types, such as functional and class-based components. Furthermore, you will learn how to use states in our React code to store data.

It is a top-rated free React course on Udemy with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour 57-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

5. Building User Interfaces Using Functional React Components — [Coursera]

React Components are typically implemented using Classes. Despite their excellent performance, they have some limitations. It is not possible to reuse the stateful logic provided by class components. Code developers need to develop reusable codes to enhance productivity.

This course will help you learn how to use JavaScript functions and React Hooks to create reusable stateful React components. Additionally, you will test the stateful logic of the different React Hooks.

Topics in this React course include:

  • Build React Components using Functions and React Hooks
  • Test Custom Hooks Using React Hooks Testing Library

It is a top-rated free React course on Coursera with a duration of 6 hours. Since this is a free Coursera course, you will receive a certificate upon completion.

6. Learn React — [Codecademy]

Learn React

This course provides an in-depth understanding of React’s key concepts: JSX, class and function components, props, state, lifecycle methods, and hooks. The modular programming style of React will allow you to combine these ideas. For this course, JavaScript and HTML are prerequisites.

Topics in this React course include:

  • JSX
  • React Components
  • Components Interacting
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Hooks
  • Stateless Components From Stateful Components
  • Additional React Basics

It is a top-rated free React course on Codecademy with a 20-hour time duration. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion unless you have a PRO membership on Codecademy.

7. React Redux Toolkit Complete Guide — [Udemy]

Redux provides a better way to manage the state in React than traditional redux. This course aims to teach you how to manage the state in React applications using a Redux toolkit. Throughout this React course, numerous discussion topics are included to help you understand exactly when and where to use each React feature.

In this React course, you will learn:

  • Redux toolkit to build two applications.
  • How to manage state using Redux toolkit.
  • How to use createStore.
  • How to use createAction.
  • How to use createReducer.
  • How to use createSlice.
  • How to use createAsycnThunk.

Also, a basic understanding of JavaScript, React.js, or any other programming language is required for this course. Knowledge of React Redux is a plus. (Optional)

It is a top-rated free React course on Udemy with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 1-hour 20-minute length. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion since this is a free Udemy course.

8. React 17: Getting Started — [Pluralsight]

It is a beginner-level React course that teaches you how to handle function and class components, manage an application state, and build a React application from scratch.

React Crash Course

As you go through this course, you will learn React’s fundamental concepts and how to apply them to building practical web applications. Initially, you will learn how to design class and stateful function components, one-way flow data and behavior in a component tree, and how to read and update state data.

The final step involves setting up a local JavaScript development environment on your computer and using it. Upon completing this course, you will be able to understand React projects, create simple React apps from scratch, and start new React projects.

Topics in this React course include:

  • The Basics
  • Modern JavaScript Crash Course
  • The GitHub Cards App
  • The Star Match Game
  • Setting up a Development Environment

It is a top-rated free React course on Pluralsight with a 4.5 out of 5-course rating and a 4-hour length. Also, you will get a certificate upon completion.

9. Learn React Testing — [Codecademy]

So, if you have covered the React basics so far, it is time to move on to some advanced topics. In this course, you’ll learn advanced React skills and how to test quickly with Jest. For those who don’t know, Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that provides all the tools needed for writing unit tests with simplicity and ease of use.

Additionally, you will learn to simplify component testing using React Testing Library. With this popular tool, you can streamline the testing of React components and focus on writing tests from the user’s perspective. The course is ideal for learners with React experience who want to learn more about building production-level applications.

There are only two topics you will cover in this React course:

  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

It is a top-rated free React course on Codecademy with a 3-hour time duration. Also, remember you won’t get a certificate upon completion unless you have a PRO membership on Codecademy.

10. React Course — Beginner’s Tutorial for React JavaScript Library — [freeCodeCamp — YouTube]

React Tutorial for Beginners

This freeCodeCamp course on YouTube will teach you React by building eight real-world projects and solving above 140 coding challenges. It will help you create modern React web apps using patterns such as functional components and hooks. Some projects you will create include:

  • Build an AirBnb Experiences Clone
  • Build a Meme Generator
  • Build a Notes app and Tenzies Game

