8 Best Entity Framework Tutorials For Beginners [2022 Jul] — Learn Entity Online

Learn Entity for basics and advanced concepts of Object Relational Mapper (ORM) with the best Entity tutorials for beginners in 2022

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6 min readNov 18, 2018


Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that helps you read and write data from and to a database. Entity framework helps developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. Using entity framework, developers can eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that they need to write.

1. Entity Framework in Depth: The Complete Guide

Connect your applications to a SQL Server database.

In this course, you will:

  • Understand the differences between database-first and :code-first workflows
  • Build a domain model using database-first workflow
  • Build a domain model using code-first workflow (with an existing or a new database)
  • Use code-first migrations to upgrade or downgrade your database
  • Override code-first conventions (using data annotations and fluent API)
  • Query data using LINQ (using query syntax and extension methods)
  • Use eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading effectively
  • Add, update and remove objects
  • Use additional tools to profile and troubleshoot your applications
  • Understand what the repository pattern is, what and if you need it, and how to implement it
  • Apply best practices with Entity Framework

This course teaches you the core concepts of Entity Framework through a series of clear, concise and hands-on lectures. With this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand the differences between code-first and database-first workflows
  • Build a domain model using database-first workflow
  • Build a domain model using code-first workflow (with a new or an existing database)
  • Use code-first migrations to upgrade or downgrade your database
  • Override code-first conventions (using data annotations and fluent API)
  • Query data using LINQ (using query syntax and extension methods)
  • Use eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading effectively
  • Add, update and remove objects
  • Use additional tools to profile and troubleshoot your applications
  • Understand what the repository pattern is, why and when to use it and how
  • Apply best practices with Entity Framework

In each section, you’ll find exercises to help you reinforce the materials.

2. Using Entity Framework Core with Legacy Databases

Using the practical techniques shown in this course, you can use EF Core with existing relational databases, and modify the generated code as necessary.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • connect to a database, scaffold a model from it.
  • write clean, cross-platform code that is easy to maintain in the long run.

This course shows how to connect to a database, scaffold a model from it, and begin improving on that model.

It uses shadow properties, concurrency tokens, and other techniques to best map a database to an application.

No matter how untidy your tables and fields, EF Core will help you write clean, cross-platform code that is easy to maintain in the long run.

3. Entity Framework Core: Getting Started

This course helps those with experience in earlier versions of EF and EF Core, and developers completely new to Entity Framework.

The course includes:

  • Creating Your First App Using EF Core 3.1
  • Controlling Database Creation and Schema Changes
  • Mapping Many-to-Many and One-to-One Relationships
  • Interacting with Your EF Core Data Model
  • Interacting with Related Data
  • Working with Views and Stored Procedures and Raw SQL
  • Using EF Core with ASP.NET Core
  • Testing with the InMemory Provider Instead of a Real Database

Learn how to build data models with EF Core 3.1, use EF Core to let your software interact with data in your databases and incorporate EF Core in your automated tests

First, you will learn how to build and interact with data models. Then, you will discover how to set up logging to gain insight into how EF Core is interacting with your database.

Finally, you will explore how to get EF Core to use your own database logic and use EF Core in tests and ASP.NET Core apps.

By the end of this course, you will be able to use and benefit from EF Core 3.1.

4. Learn C#: Make a Databased App with Entity Framework

Learn how to create an application in C# that can generate it’s own database using Entity Framework and Code First.

In this course you will be able to:

  • Define and build an SQL database using only C# code. No database development required!
  • Perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on entities using C# code.
  • Handle entity changes using Code First Migrations.
  • Call custom SQL statements if you need to.

In this course you will learn how to create a simple C# application using Microsoft Visual Studio that creates and connects to an SQL Database with the Entity Framework, with no database development required!

You will use Code First development principals to define all database tables and columns using only C# code. All database tables and columns will be generated automatically from the C# code without the need to edit the database directly.

5. The Complete ASP.Net Core MVC & EF Core (Formerly MVC5-EF6)

Both the approaches of web development from .Net Framework To .Net Core

In this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the core concepts of Entity Framework
  • Start working with Entity Framework as your data access layer
  • Handle all real time scenarios when working with Entity Framework
  • Understand the basics of Asp.Net MVC
  • Make a real, production ready, web application
  • Build any web application usinf Asp.Net MVC and Entity Framework

As a start this course contains all the stuff with ObjectContext in the basic entity framework course and all the stuff with DbContext in the advanced entity framework course which covers all the areas that a normal developer needs to know to work on any project with entity framework as data access layer. It ranges from basic operations like insert, update, delete and select to the advanced operations like transactions and optimization technique (lazy loading, eager loading, etc.,).

Finally the presentation logic layer will be of ASP.Net MVC and you will learn ASP .NET MVC is a framework for building salable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns.

You will also learn how to validate forms and implement business rules validations by implementing custom validators.

6. Learning Entity Framework Core

Learning Entity Framework Core from scratch for building efficient and secure web applications.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Explore object-relational mapping
  • Install Entity Framework Core
  • Create a database context
  • Create, execute, and roll back migrations
  • Execute complex relational models
  • Seed the database
  • Write custom SQL queries
  • Work with existing databases

In this course, you will learn how to create, execute and rollback your own migrations. You will also get familiar with everything you need to create complex relational models.

You will explore some of the most important advanced features of the entity framework like shadow properties, database generated values and raw SQL queries. You will know how to take an existing database and write a project based upon it with minimal intervention.

7. Learn ASP.NET Core using MVC 6 and Entity Framework Core 1.0

Learn web application development using the new completely written from scratch framework called ASP.NET (5) Core.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop Asp.Net Core web apps using MVC and Entity Framework Core
  • Develop and Host Web APIs in the Cloud using Asp.Net Core
  • Consume Web APIs from iOS (iPhone) app using Swift from scratch

In this new course, you will learn web application development using the new completely written from scratch framework called ASP.NET Core 1.0 using MVC 6 and Entity Framework.

8. Entity Framework : A Comprehensive Course

Entity Framework in depth. Covers from basic to advanced topics like Code First, LINQPad, Projects

With this course:

  • Learn ORM Technologies — Basic concepts
  • Understand Entity Framework — Overview
  • Read data with EF
  • Create, update, delete using Entity Framework
  • Execute native SQL queries
  • Join and group tables
  • Attach and detach objects
  • Implement code first main
  • Create database interaction
  • Implement code first migrations
  • Configure mappings
  • Implement LINQPad
  • Create transactions in Entity Framework
  • Understand repository pattern and unit of work
  • Create demo project

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