15+ Best Bootstrap 4 Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUL]— Learn Bootstrap 4 Online

Learn Bootstrap for web development with the best Bootstrap tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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Quick Code
15 min readMay 20, 2018


Bootstrap is the world’s most popular mobile ready web development framework for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootstrap is for you if you want to quickly build a super cool website which work across devices and browsers. It is easy to learn and super powerful. We have recently included new projects from Bootstrap 4 beta in addition to Bootstrap 3 which is the stable version of Bootstrap.

1. Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects

Master the latest version of Bootstrap (4.0.0 Beta) and build 5 real world themes while learning HTML5 semantics & CSS3.

This course will literally take you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap 3 or 4 to learning all of the utilities, components, widgets and grids and building real world themes and websites. You do NOT need to know Bootstrap 3 for this course. Even if you already know Bootstrap 4, skip the learning sections and head right for section 6 to create the custom workflow and start the projects. Everything is completely modular!

Once you get through the sandbox, we will setup the starter pack which I also created for this course. This will give us a real development workflow to compile Bootstrap 4 from source and compile Sass. It will even give us a dev server with autoload. This is what we will use for the 5 projects

We will use the Starter pack to create 5 real world themes including

  1. LoopLap — A social UI Theme
  2. Mizuxe — A Book/Product Showcase Theme
  3. Blogen — A blog admin area UI
  4. Glozzom — A multi page theme with a carousel and some 3rd party scripts
  5. Portfoligrid — A portfolio theme using the grid, flexbox and the collapse widget

2. Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4

This course will give you an overview of client-side web UI frameworks, in particular Bootstrap 4. You will learn about grids and responsive design, Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript components.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • set up, design and style a web page using Bootstrap 4 and its components.
  • create a responsive web page design.
  • make use of web tools to setup and manage web sites.

You will learn the basics of Bootstrap, setting up a web project using Bootstrap. You will learn about responsive design and the Bootstrap grid system.

You will learn about Navigation and Navigation bar. Then, you will learn about buttons, forms, tables, cards, images and media, tags, alerts and progress bars.

You will learn about tabs, pills and tabbed navigation, collapse, accordion, scrollspy, affix, tooltips, popovers, modals and the carousel.

The course will discuss CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass. Finally, you will discuss building and deployment of our Web projects through task automation using NPM scripts, and task runners like Grunt and Gulp.

3. Bootstrap 4 Layouts: Responsive Single-Page Design

Find out how Bootstrap 4 can transform your standard HTML websites into inspired single-page designs.

The course includes:

  • Building a Header and Footer
  • Bootstrap Layout and Components
  • Adding Interactivity
  • Creating Animations

This course takes a project-based approach to explaining how to manipulate website layouts with the Bootstrap framework.

Throughout the course, you will work through popular layout patterns, helping to acquaint you with concepts that are key to creating a cohesive layout with Bootstrap.

The course tackles Bootstrap layout classes and shows what it takes to customize its CSS, addressing layout challenges like multiple grids and columns.

Learn how to leverage the Scrollspy plugin to track navigation, how to create an image carousel, and how to build animations.

Plus, this course provides you with a ready-to-go template with which to start new projects.

4. Learn Bootstrap 4 Responsive Web Development

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of creating responsive websites and apps by using Bootstrap 4. You’ll start off by learning the fundamentals of Bootstrap, and then going further in detail of how to actually create websites using this brilliant framework.

In this course:

  • Introduction to Bootstrap 4, as well as how to set up a projects
  • Understanding the Grid System
  • Introduction to Media Objects, including nesting media objects and Media Object Alignment
  • Introduction to Buttons and how to create a variety of different buttons
  • A look into the various cool Bootstrap features such as Jumbotron, Labels, Alerts, etc.
  • Introduction to Cards
  • A detailed introduction to Navigation
  • Other features such as Breadcrumb, pagination, pager, Progress, list groups, Tooltips, Popovers, etc.

5. Bootstrap: Getting Started

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework for creating responsive, mobile-first websites. This course will teach you how to create your first pages of a real site using the Bootstrap framework.

The course includes:

  • Getting to Know Bootstrap
  • Creating a Page Layout with Bootstrap
  • Adding Style with Bootstrap
  • Bringing in Functionality Using Bootstrap Components
  • Creating a Bootstrap-enabled Form
  • Making Pages Interactive with JavaScript-enabled Components

In this course, Bootstrap Getting Started, you’ll learn to use the Bootstrap framework in a practical, hands-on way.

First, you’ll explore the key parts of the Bootstrap framework so you understand what Bootstrap can help you achieve.

Next, you’ll discover how to create a responsive layout, based on the Grid and other Bootstrap classes.

Finally, you’ll learn how to add components to enhance the experience users will have on your site.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Bootstrap needed to build modern, mobile-first web sites.

6. Learn Bootstrap

You will see how Bootstrap makes it easy to layout and create interactive and responsive sites.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • use one of the most popular front-end frameworks, Bootstrap 4, to quickly layout and style your website!

You’ll learn about Bootstrap’s grid system to construct complex layouts. Then, you’ll style and populate your site using Bootstrap’s utility classes and components.

With Bootstrap, HTML, some familiarity with CSS, and JavaScript, you’ll be making websites in no time.

7. Learn Bootstrap By Building Projects — Includes Bootstrap 4

Master Responsive Web Development Using Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 While Building Real Life projects.

Bootstrap 3 Projects

Photo App Sales Website : A simple project to get you started. It will help you quickly master the basic bootstrap structures and you will be quickly up and running on your first bootstrap website.

Portfolio Resume using SASS — Learn to use SASS along with Bootstrap for this next project. Learn about Grid Systems, List Styling and Progress Bar Components in this course.

Social Network Template — This will be a fairly complex project with multiple bootstrap components. You will learn about Nested grids, Button Groups, Gallery plugin and Responsive Media Queries.

Agency Landing page — This project develops a landing page using LESS. LESS is a CSS preprocessor. You will also learn Jumbotron showcase,Scroll Down Effect and Font Awesome Icons.

Photo Gallery — You will learn to create a Photo gallery display using components such as Grid UI and Tab Widget. You will also learn the use of Bootstrap Image Carousel and Photo Lightbox Jquery Plugin.

CMS Admin Template — Learn to build an Admin template for a content management system. You will learn the use of Bootstrap Table Classes, Glyphicons, Breadcrums and Button Groups

Web hosting Company Website — This project will teach you Bootstrap Components such as Bootswatch UI tools, Content carousel, Stack icons and stylish fonts.

E-commerce Template — Learn to build a front end of an E-commerce website. Learn components such as Tab Widget, Product Grid and Custom header.

Business Bootstrap Theme — Learn to use animation in your website with animate css. Also learn to optimize your site for mobile with this amazing project.

Blog Website — Learn to build the front end of the blog with components such as Dropdown menu, Contact form, Carousel Thumbnails & Grid View.

8. Bootstrap 4 Beginners: Code a Responsive Landing Page

Learn how to code a fully responsive professional landing page in bootstrap 4, from scratch, using HTML & CSS.

Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional, professional landing page within the new bootstrap 4 framework. Ideal for students of all skill-sets, from total beginners or students that simply want to brush up on their coding skills.

Code a professional landing page and build a strong foundation in the Bootstrap 4 framework with HTML & CSS with this brand new course.

  • Fully Responsive Landing Page
  • New Bootstrap components
  • Solid Understanding of the Grid System & Media Queries
  • Apply Custom fonts
  • CSS Overlays
  • Use Font-Awesome Icons
  • Apply Animate CSS & WOW js

This course will help you create a perfect bootstrap responsive landing page for your own personal portfolio, or for your business. You will ideally have a little knowledge of HTML & CSS, however, it isn’t essential as I will walk you through every step of code to ensure you have the right understanding of the bootstrap framework, and the tools to further your learning after you have completed the course.

9. WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap in 2021

Learn how to design and build custom, beautiful & responsive WordPress websites and themes for beginners in 2021.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • acquire the skills to start making money on the side, as a casual freelancer, or full time as a work-from-home freelancer.
  • easily create a beautiful HTML & CSS website with Bootstrap (that doesn’t look like generic Bootstrap websites!).
  • convert any static HTML & CSS website into a Custom WordPress Theme.
  • have a thorough understanding of utilizing PHP to create WordPress websites & themes.
  • feel comfortable with the process of turning static websites into dynamic WordPress websites.
  • use Custom Post Types and Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress.
  • allow your clients to update their websites by themselves by creating user accounts.

In this WordPress course for beginners, you will transform from a Bootstrap or WordPress beginner to a highly valuable web designer and developer who is able to create beautiful, custom and responsive websites, themes and templates.

Learn how you can hand-craft a stunning website with valid, semantic and beautiful HTML5 & CSS3.

10. Master Bootstrap 4 and code 6 projects containing 21 pages

Learn all about Bootstrap 4 with 70 coding exercises, 5 quizzes and a free Learning Kit with more than 100 source files.

This course covers all the following aspects of Bootstrap 4:

  • how to create fluid and responsive layouts with the use of breakpoints, Bootstrap’s powerful grid system and more
  • how to structure all kinds of content, including typography, images, figures, tables and code blocks
  • how to build all of the 21 components, including buttons, cards, carousels, dropdowns, forms, modals and navigation
  • how to use all of the 15 utilities, including easy ways to change color, sizing, spacing and typography
  • how to build 14 responsive, modern and common web page templates with Bootstrap 4
  • how to use advanced features of Bootstrap 4: customizing the styling, adding icons, using Google Fonts and more
  • how to build a complete and customized landing page
  • how to build an online forum
  • how to build a blog
  • how to build a knowledge base
  • how to build a resume and CV page
  • how to build a small business website

In addition to just learning about the different parts of Bootstrap 4 you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build different responsive, modern and common web page templates, including a photo gallery, video gallery, mixed gallery, audio gallery, login, contact, footer, sitemap, shortcuts, FAQ, thank you, employees, pricing table and create account.

You’ll also learn how to create your own complete and customized landing page with web fonts, icons and JavaScript functionality as well as an online forum.

This course covers all important aspects of the latest version of the world’s most popular front-end framework, Bootstrap 4. Bootstrap has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces. Web pages built with Bootstrap 4 works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes while also taking care of accessibility and a clean and modern design.

This course is for the beginner who want to learn Bootstrap 4 from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently. In the end you will learn how to make common web page templates and use more advanced features of Bootstrap 4.

11. Bootstrap 4 Crash Course: Introduction to Building Websites

Discover the possibilities of the new Bootstrap 4 Beta release — create and develop a responsive website from scratch.

This course combines a total of 10 creative components — each built from scratch while I’m showcasing the complete process behind building even the smallest details. Here’s a list of all of the components that we’ll be building throughout this crash course.

Let me introduce you to the 10 components that we’ll be building throughout the course:

  1. Navigation Bars: A complete navigation bar built from scratch that’s responsive for all screen sizes and looking slick and modern.
  2. Dropdown Menus: Working Dropdown menus to showcase more options whenever we click on the parent list-item/link.
  3. Jumbotrons: Hero Sections to display important information are called Jumbotrons in Bootstrap 4. We’ll be using one in our course.
  4. Cards and Badges: Many different styles for Bootstrap 4 cards to display information in clean manner, alongside Badges to display important information about a particular span.
  5. Sliders / Carousels: Responsive, Modern and Clean Sliders are a must nowadays. Learn how to build one in no time thanks to Bootstrap 4 awesomeness.
  6. Progress Bars: Progress Bars are a cool way of displaying metrics in a visually appealing way. Using divs and custom data attributes, creating colorful and fun progress bars has never been easier.
  7. Modals and Buttons: Modals are modern way of showing additional content without interfering with the initial design.
  8. Forms: Forms are always the most important part of the website as it allows people to contact you. Don’t miss the designing of the Bootstrap 4 awesome responsive forms.

12. Website from Scratch using Bootstrap 4

Apply Bootstrap 4 class to build a modern website from scratch.

Rapid web development with Bootstrap starting with a blank web page. This course will show you how to take this blank file and create a website. Best of all once you become familiar with Bootstrap you can create websites like the one in the course in under 1 hour! Source code is included so you too can follow along with the course content and create a website upon completion of the course.

This course covers

  • Bootstrap 4 Grid
  • Build a responsive navbar
  • How to use Bootstrap 4 Cards
  • Jumbotron
  • and more

13. Bootstrap 4 for Beginners — Build 5 Websites from scratch

Explore Bootstrap 4 and learn how to apply layouts, use components, utilities for rapid website design and development.

Learn about the Bootstrap Grid and new changes making it easier to use. Find out how to use Bootstrap 4 Navbars making them responsive. Structure content in tables, lists and cards. Make text stand out with amazing Bootstrap 4 utilities.

This course will show you how to build website with Bootstrap Classes. Learn and see the Bootstrap components and utilities in action! Upon completion of this course you will have the knowledge to use it within you own projects. Lessons include source code, code snippets and exercises to help you learn Bootstrap quickly. Save time without the need to use CSS or JavaScript bring in all the amazing functionality using Bootstrap classes.

Bootstrap is Full of features that are commonly used within web design and development. With Bootstrap, you get extensive and beautiful documentation for common HTML elements, dozens of custom HTML and CSS components, and awesome jQuery plugins. One framework, every device. Bootstrap easily and efficiently scales your websites and applications with a single code base, from phones to tablets to desktops with CSS media queries.

Bootstrap has everything you need in order to develop your website really quickly without the need for styling or coding everything is pre-built ready to go within the bootstrap libraries. Take advantage of what bootstrap has to offer bootstrap is an amazing front-end framework that incorporates styling and functionality directly via the class and attributes within your elements of your HTML page HTML and websites. Building websites has never been easier to build and bootstrap makes it happen.

Learn about Bootstrap 4 find out whats new and how to apply Bootstrap to your web projects.

  • Learn how to add Bootstrap to your website
  • resources and top links are included
  • Explore how containers work
  • Add classes to make things happen
  • Media sizes and breakpoints
  • Find out about what the Bootstrap Grid is and how it works
  • Columns and row and how to structure your content
  • Use typography to make content stand out
  • List groups and more to group content
  • Custom components like Jumbotron and badges
  • Do amazing things with Buttons
  • Progress bars, alerts
  • Customize colors and fonts
  • Learn about Bootstrap tables
  • Bootstrap Cards are new see how they work
  • See how Bootstrap can enhance Forms
  • Drop-downs and grouping of elements
  • See navbar and nav items made responsive
  • Explore interactive bootstrap components like Tooltops and Popovers
  • See how modals can enhance your users experince
  • Dynamic jQuery components in action like Carousels, and more
  • Source Code and examples included

14. Create a website Bootstrap 4 rapid websites development

Rapid web development and design with Bootstrap 4 Beta Build a website from Scratch.

Using Bootstrap 4 you can build websites quickly and easily by applying the Bootstrap classes. Did you want to learn how to build websites? Bootstrap makes it easy and this course will show you how.

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. Find out why Bootstrap is the most popular Front end framework being used online today. Bootstrap lets you create amazing fully responsive websites quickly. Bootstrap 4 is even better with more control. Bootstrap is designed for everyone, everywhere. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier.

  • See the bootstrap grid in action
  • Explore building a fully responsive navigation bar
  • Use Cards to help structure content
  • Add Bootstrap Buttons
  • HD quality Videos
  • Instructor with over 18 years Real world experience
  • Top links and Resources
  • Source Code included
  • Bonus content using jQuery Animate for scroll effect

15. Bootstrap 4 — Create 4 Real World Projects (Latest — 4.1.1)

This course consists of several sections, it will start from bootstrap basics like typography and utilities. Then it will be able to learn how to align elements on the page, using bootstrap grid system, and besides, because of that, bootstrap 4 uses CSS Flexbox, it will cover this topic as well.

After that, starts the main and the most interesting parts of the course. It will start building projects, in which you will be able to learn the rest of the topics of bootstrap, like bootstrap components and much more. Our first project will be built using pure bootstrap without using any CSS or jQuery code.

The second project will be admin dashboard, in which we will use lots of bootstrap and also some CSS and little bit of jQuery. So, in this section, you will be able to learn how to create modern and well-designed dashboard for admin.

Next project is going to be photoX, it will be the website about something like photography company. This project, consists of multiple sections in which, you will meet more advanced and complicated things built using bootstrap, CSS and jQuery.

16. Bootstrap 4 from scratch by designing single page websites— [Free Course]

Crash course for those who want to make a single page website using Twitter Bootstrap 4 within 2 hours.

In this crash course we are going to learn how to build a responsive single page website using Twitter bootstrap 4. This course is initially done with Bootstrap 3.x but now updated to Bootstrap 4.0. Beside Twitter bootstrap, I’ll teach you how to make use of Google Web fonts and some interesting CSS3 features.

By end of this tutorial, not only you will have a responsive single page site but also a template that you can re-design and re-sell to your potential clients. Also, you will know how many designers and developers do rapid development using Twitter bootstrap.

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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