15 Best Django Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUL]— Learn Django Online

Learn Django for web development with the best Django tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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14 min readMay 6, 2018


Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python. It was created about twelve years ago, but in December 2017 Django 2 was released with a whole new set of features and capabilities!

Django is an amazing framework for web developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework and utilize these components that are already built, and focus your time on developing your web app instead. Let's start with the following courses to learn the python Django framework.

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1. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Python 3, and Django.

Welcome to the Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp! In this course, we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies.

It will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django. But we don’t just teach that, we also teach the Front End technologies you need to know, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This course can be your one-stop shop for everything you need! It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey to becoming a web developer.

Here is just a small sampling of the topics included in this course:

  • Python
  • Django Basics
  • Django Templates
  • Django Forms
  • Django Admin Customization
  • ORM
  • Class Based Views
  • User Authentication
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap 3 and 4
  • Document Object Model
Best Django Courses List

2. Building Web Applications in Django

In this course, you will learn how Django communicates with a database through model objects. You will explore Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for database access and how Django models implement this pattern.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • review the Object-Oriented (OO) pattern in Python.
  • understand basic Structured Query Language (SQL) and database modeling, including one-to-many and many-to-many relationships
  • understand the relationship between both the SQL and Django models.

Explore how models are defined in Django and then you will learn to build the data models and explore the administration interface for our application.

Data models are how Django interacts with the underlying database to store and retrieve data.

You will review Python Object Orientation and look at the generic views capability within Django. The course uses generic views by extending Django classes to make a new view class.

Finally, you will cover how GET and POST work, how forms are constructed from HTML, how we protect our applications against Cross-Site Scripting Forgery (CSRF), and how you can handle browser refreshes after POST.

3. Learning Django

With Django, you can take web applications from concept to launch in a matter of hours.

The course includes:

  • Set Up a Django Project
  • Work with Django Models and Admin
  • Build URL Handlersand and Views
  • Build Django Templates

In this course, learn what you need to know to get up and running with Django.

You will walk through creating a brand-new Django project, defining a data model and fields, querying the database, and using the framework’s built-in URL handlers, views, and templates to structure the rest of the back end.

Plus, learn how to incorporate CSS and JavaScript to enhance the style and usability of your Django templates.

4. Projects in Django: Learn Django Building Projects

In this course, you will learn what is Django, how to install Django, how to work with its terminal and even how to design websites and apps with this amazing framework.

The five projects that are covered in this course range from simple to more complex websites and apps, where you will master how to create functional websites, including an ecommerce website.

Project 1: Database Driven Website — You will learn how to create a website and tie it in with a database, as well as how to use dynamic code in your HTML pages.

Project 2: Django app — You will learn how to build a complete functional app, as well as how to get it to communicate with other apps.

Project 3: Email sent form — In this project, you will create an email form that will be sent to a real email account to learn how messaging works in Django.

Project 4: Ecommerce website — In this one, you will learn how to design a complete ecommerce website, along with a cart and a checkout process.

Project 5: User authentication — You will learn how to do user authentication, where users can sign up, log in and modify their admin panel.

5. Django: Python Web Development Unleashed

Django is a free and open-source web application framework written in Python.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Django
  • First Django Application
  • Templates in Django
  • Static Files in Django
  • Django Models
  • Django Forms
  • Operations on Models

In this course, you will learn Django on beginning and intermediate level.

Get a hands-on learning experience with the help of interactive widgets. At the end of the course, you will have created a project in Django that can be used in your portfolio.

6. Django: Getting Started

Django is the most popular and mature Python web development framework. It lets you build better web apps quicker, and with less code. In this course, you will learn how to build your first web application with Django and Python.

The course includes:

  • Starting a Django Project
  • Creating a Simple Web Page
  • Setting up a Data Model
  • Combining Model, View, and Template
  • Urls and Link Building
  • Templates, Styling, and Static Content
  • Adding User Interaction with ModelForms

In this course, Django: Getting Started, you will learn how to build your first web application with Django. First, you will learn how to create a simple page showing a short text message.

Next, you will discover how to create an HTML page using a Django template.

Then, you will touch on how to create a database model so you can store and retrieve our data, and of course you will see how to show that data on your pages.

Finally, you will explore adding CSS styling to your site and how to use forms to enable a user to interact with our site.

After finishing the course, you will have a good overview of all the essential parts of Django and how they work together, so that you can go on and build your own websites in Django.

7. Django 2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with DigitalOcean.

I believe we learn best by doing. So, throughout this course you’ll be presented with coding quizzes and challenges in order for you to test what you just learned. This format will allow you to actually learn Django and not just follow along like a robot.

We will use Python in this course, so if you have never used Python before, we will start with a python refresher to get you up to speed (no other python experience required).

We will then dive into making three complete websites:

1 — Word-Counting Website: A simple website to count the most frequently used words in a piece of text. You will learn how to:

  • Install Django
  • Create a new project
  • Work with Django’s URL routing
  • Submit and handle HTML form data

2 — Personal Portfolio: Create your own portfolio to show to potential employers showing off your resume, previous projects, and a fully functional blog. You will learn how to:

  • Add apps to your project
  • Work with databases including SQLite and Postgres
  • Access the admin panel
  • Create super users
  • Create virtual environments
  • Make a responsive website with Bootstrap 4
  • Work with static and media files

3 — Product Hunt Clone: Make a simplified version of the awesome website to share new tech products. You will learn how to:

  • Work with the authentication system (sign up, login, logout)
  • Reuse templates
  • Create model relationships
  • Add icons via Iconic

I will also walk you through Git, which is an awesome tool for developers that allows you to create multiple versions of your code. I’ll explain why this is useful and help you understand why you should use it.

Additionally, I will show you how to take the projects that you made in this course and publish them live on the web through a Virtual Private Server.

8. Build Your Own Backend REST API using Django REST Framework

Finally, create that App + fully-functioning user database in this complete crash course to build a REST API.

Welcome to the comprehensive course on How to Build a REST API from scratch, using Django, Django REST Framework, Python, Vagrant, VirtualBox, Atom, and ModHeaders.

The skills taught in this course are absolutely essential for creating successful products that users love and can’t live without.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, you name it. These apps all have their own backend REST APIs that handle millions of call requests every day. You cannot build a successful app without a backend REST API.

Not only is it essential to whatever app or MVP you’re building — the skills you learn in this course will make you a kickass developer in the workplace.

If you’re a front-end developer and you take this course, you’ll be able to “speak backend” with your colleagues and understand what’s going on “under the hood” of all your projects, increasing your confidence and earning the respect of your peers.

If you’re a back-end developer, this course will help to sharpen your skills in some of the most in-demand technologies on the market today: Django, Django REST Framework, and Python.

If you’re a newbie developer or just starting out in your career, this course will give you a very practical foundation for building your portfolio and increasing your earning potential.

In this course, you will learn the best-practice way of building your very own REST API.

You will learn how to create a local development server and test your code each step of the way.

Whether you’re looking to gain a bit of experience with backend development, or you’re looking to create a REST API to turn your app idea into a reality — then this course is for you.

By the end of this course I guarantee you will have built a fully functioning REST API that can handle:

  • Creating and updating user profiles.
  • Login and authentication.
  • Posting status updates.
  • Viewing status update feeds.
Top Django Tutorials for Python Framework

9. Python Django Dev To Deployment

Learn Python and build & deploy a real estate application using the Django framework & PostgreSQL

This course covers all the important concepts of Django Framework:

  • Basic Python (lists, dictionaries, functions, conditionals, etc)
  • Setup Virtual Environments
  • Install & configure Django
  • Create Django “apps”
  • Postgres Setup (local and remote)
  • Schema planning, models & migration
  • Admin customization
  • Bootstrap integration
  • Full search functionality
  • User Authentication
  • Deploy to Digital Ocean with Gunicorn & Nginx

During this course, you will build real working application. That will include taking a list of requirements from a fictional company to build a real estate application using Django with a basic html/css Bootstrap 4 theme.

In this course you will learn:

  • Learn Python and it’s core fundamental syntax
  • Build a real estate application using the Django framework & Postgres
  • Learn about apps, templates, models & migrations, admin customization & more
  • Build virtual environments and deploy using Gunicorn and Nginx

10. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Django 1.11

Learn how to make and publish websites with Django and Python. We’ll make three complete apps and publish one online.

Welcome to The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Django. If you’re brand new to Django, or have gotten lost in online tutorials, this is the course for you. I’ll take you from being an absolute beginner to actually creating three complete Django websites. We’ll also cover how to publish your sites.

This course starts with a Python Refresher. Django is a web framework written in Python. If you’re new to Python, or just a bit rusty, this section will get you up to speed as quickly as possible. You don’t need to be a Python expert to make Django website, but a base knowledge is needed. In the Python Refresher I’ll teach you a new concept, show you some examples, then present you with a coding challenge to make sure you’ve understood that concept.

The three websites we’ll make are as follows:

  1. Pig Latin Translator — A simple two-page website that turns any text into Pig Latin! Creating this website will teach you the fundamentals of Django.
  2. Your Personal Blog — Don’t use WordPress or Tumblr to share your thoughts; make your own blog! This website will teach you how to work with a database and data models. We’ll also cover how to work with both static and user uploaded images!
  3. Reddit Clone — This is the most advanced and complicated website we’ll make in the course. With a big focus on creating user accounts and authentication, this website will teach you the more advanced topics that this course covers.

What are the key topics covered in this course?

  • URL Dispatching
  • Function and Class Based Views (FBV v. CBV)
  • How to start a new project
  • How to create apps within a project and why they’re important
  • Running your project in a virtual environment using Virtualenv
  • Publishing your site on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) running Ubuntu Linux
  • Working with templates
  • Debugging
  • Gunicorn
  • Handling GET and POST requests
  • Working with a Database and Models
  • Admin Interface
  • Static and user uploaded images
  • Authentication and User accounts

11. Python eCommerce | Build a Django eCommerce Web Application

Launch your business by learning to build your own eCommerce app step-by-step.

This course leverages Python to build a fully functioning eCommerce website and application using the Django framework.

  • Django is built for speed. Both in functionality and in development time.
  • Some of the top tech companies are build on Django: Instagram and Pinterest to name a couple.
  • Django is written in Python and therefore it helps you further master Python.
  • Huge support from developers around the world. Run into an issue with something in python or Django? A quick google search will likely yield an answer (if not, I’ll try to help you out too).

12. Build a Twitter-like app step by step with Django

Learn Django 1.10, jQuery, and Bootstrap step by step by building a real project that works like Twitter.

Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. The power behind social media allows us to do amazing things together. What exactly is behind it? Well.. it’s Simple Web Application concepts that can be applied to ALL and ANY web applications that you may build.

In this course we’re going to teach you what’s behind how Twitter works. Now, Twitter has hundreds of developers so what we’re actually building is the basis of what Twitter once was, the absolute most simple things by learning more Django along the way.

What are we going to learn:

  • Ajax + jQuery to “Tweet” messages
  • Tag users directly (@user)
  • Use Hashtags (#newtag)
  • Integrate Bootstrap
  • Using an Ajax form within a Bootstrap Modal
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Follow users (via Ajax)
  • Like posts (via Ajax)
  • Retweet posts (via Ajax)
  • Class Based Views
  • Custom Template Tags
  • Counting characters in a form
  • Basic Registration
  • And much more!

13. Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts

Dive in deep to the core concepts behind the power Django framework written in Python. Using Django 1.10 with Python 3.

In this course, we go in-depth into various Django concepts to provide a comprehensive guide to topics that include:

  • Django Models
  • Model Instance Methods & Properties
  • Model-level field validation
  • How models map to databases and Primary Keys
  • Django Forms and Formsets
  • Relating Data with Foreign Keys in Django
  • Handling Subdomains with Django Hosts
  • Form validation
  • Model Form
  • Function Based Views (FBVs)
  • Class Based Views (CBVs)
  • CRUD in Django Views (Create Retrieve Update Delete List)
  • Django Templates
  • Template Inheritance
  • Template shortcuts & Filters
  • Django translation
  • and much more!

14. Try Django 1.11 — Python Web Development — [Free Course]

Build a web app with Django // The #1 Web Development Framework for Python.

Python is one of the best programming languages in the planet. For a few reasons:

  • It’s proven & scalable
  • It’s open-source
  • The Internet of Things and Raspberry Pi
  • It’s leading the change for future technology

Proven & Scalable: Python runs Instagram’s backend. It also run’s Pinterest’s, NASA, Mozilla, and countless others. It scales.

Internet of Things (IoT) and Raspberry PI Connected devices are coming in waves. The easiest way to connect to these devices is using the Raspberry Pi and writing code in Python. Python is versatile so it makes controlling real-world objects with Raspberry Pi simple.

If you work with Python, the chances are good you need internet-connected data that stored securely and is reliable. This is where Django comes in. Django is a web-framework that can handle all of your data and handle it better than any web framework out there.

Django is the #1 Web Framework for Python for a reason: it’s easy enough for the beginners and yet powerful enough for the pros. Instagram uses Python by way of Django. So does Pinterest. And Nasa. And Mozilla. It may not be the only technology that they use but its… the backbone of them all.

If Python is the future behind underlying technology, Django will be it’s close cousin and if you love Python, Django will soon become your friend.

15. Try Django 1.10 | Create a URL Shortening Service— [Free Course]

Django is a powerful web framework that makes it easy to build web applications it’s why it’s the #1 Python library.

Generally the topics will include:

  • How we made the Kirr url shortening service
  • Django Project Setup
  • Class Based Views (& some Function Based Views)
  • Models, Model Forms, Forms, Form Validation
  • Overriding Model Save Method
  • Launching on a Live Server (via Heroku)
  • Custom Validation directly on Django Fields
  • And More

Django Framework (version 1.10): a powerful backend framework used by top sites like Instagram and Pinterest. Django makes it easier to have a powerful web application to use for all types of projects. Django is written in Python (and is one of the most popular Python libraries in the world).

Bootstrap (version 3.3): a powerful front-end framework used by thousands of sites around the world. Bootstrap makes it easier to have a responsive web application so it looks awesome on any mobile device and any desktop computer.

Python 3: One of the top programming languages in the world. Powerful enough for the experts, easy enough for beginners. Why? It uses spaces and line breaks with minimal special characters (like !@#$;*) which means it’s closer to English than most programming languages.

All of our tutorials have a simple goal in mind: get you building something real and quickly through step-by-step training.

16. Try Django 1.9 — Build a Blog and Learn Python’s #1 Library — [Free Course]

Learn step-by-step to build a Django Blog Web Applications and get your project in the real world today.

Three project tutorials to help you launch your project this month. This course teaches you the basics of Django by building an Advanced and Modern Blog; the #1 Web Framework written in Python.

Learn Django Rest Framework in Blog API section to build a powerful RESTful API service.

Django is awesome and very simple to get started. Step-by-step tutorials are to help you understand the workflow, get you started doing something real, then it is our goal to have you asking questions… “Why did I do X?” or “How would I do Y?” These are questions you wouldn’t know to ask otherwise. Questions, after all, lead to answers.

This is an Ad-Free Version of the Try Django 1.9 Tutorial Series from our Coding Entrepreneurs Youtube Channel. High Res Video Downloads are also included.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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