10 Best Git Tutorials for Beginners [2024 SEP]- Learn Git online

Learn Git for code management and version control with the best Git tutorials for Beginners in 2024.

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Quick Code
21 min readMay 16, 2018


Git is open-source software originally created by Linus Torvalds. Git manages team files for large and small projects. This allows the team to continuously improve its product. It is used by most major technology companies and is assumed knowledge for many modern programming and IT jobs. It is a core component of DevOps, continuous delivery pipelines, and cloud-native computing. You could also use Git to manage the many continuously improving revisions of that book that you are writing.

The following are some of the courses from the list of top git tutorials curated by experts of time you should take to deep dive into git development. Based on rating and reviews and quality the list of top git tutorials curated by experts. Let start with the following courses to learn git.

1. Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git

Go from zero to hero with Git source control step-by-step with easy to understand examples. Become the next Git expert.

Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 ( 8,612 Ratings total)

This course is designed to be a comprehensive approach to Git, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required but students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and related source control concepts.

Course Introduction and Overview provides an introduction to this course and the Git source control system and sets the stage for the rest of the course. After the introduction, the first thing we do is Git Installation for both Windows and Mac.

Quick Start a very quick (15 minutes), hands-on introduction to Git. We start off by signing up for GitHub, creating a repository there, the makiing a local copy (clone), local changes (add/commit) and then update GitHub with our changes (push).

In Basic Commands, we walk through all the foundational commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.

With a strong foundation in place, we explore ways to make Comparisons in Git, including all the different local states, between commits, and between local and remote repositories.

We give great attending to Branching and Merging in Git. We start off with the simple “happy path” and learn about “Fast-Forward” merges and how to control them. It walks through common “automatic” merges. Finally, we cause trouble on purpose so we can step through resolving conflicting merges with our visual merge tool.

With a strong foundation in branching and merging, we will then cover a more complex topic, Rebasing. In that section, we cover several rebasing examples, including how to resolve a rebase conflict.

In the Stashing section, we save our work-in-progress while we attend to more pressing issues, then pick up where we left off after that.

In the Tagging section, we mark important milestones or releases within our project. We also use those tags later for comparing differences between important milestones. We also look at how to use tags within GitHub.

All tools have installation and configuration sections to ensure no one is left behind.

Top Git Tutorials

2. Version Control with Git

The Version Control with Git course provides you with a solid, hands-on foundation for understanding the Git version control system.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 697 Ratings total)

In this course, you will not learn everything there is to know about Git, but you will build a strong conceptual understanding of the technology, and afterward will be able to confidently dig deeper on any topic that interests you. This course assumes no previous knowledge of Git, but if you do have experience with it, you may find this course to be both useful and challenging. This is especially true if you currently “know just enough Git to be dangerous”.

There are two paths in this course. Both rely heavily on hands-on labs. One path assumes that you have experience using a command-line interface, and the other path uses the Sourcetree graphical client. If you are not experienced with a command line, we highly suggest that you go through the Sourcetree path. Eventually, you might want to go through both paths, so that you can decide which tool to use for specific tasks.

In this course you will learn:

  • Creating First Repository
  • Branching and Merging
  • Git Workflows

3. Git Essential Training: The Basics

Learn how to use Git, the popular open-source version control software, to manage the source code for almost any project.

The course includes;

  • What is Git?
  • Install Git
  • Getting Started
  • Git Concepts and Architecture
  • Make Changes to Files
  • Use Git with a Real Project
  • Undo Changes
  • Ignore Files

In this course, you will explore the fundamental concepts behind version control systems and the Git architecture.

Using a step-by-step approach, he shows how to install Git and presents the commands that enable efficient code management.

Learn how to add, change, and delete files in the repository; view a log of previous commits; and compare versions of a file.

Plus, see how to undo changes to files and ignore certain files in a Git repository.

4. Git and GitHub Essentials

Learn about Git, Github & version control from scratch, including how to install Git in this Git & Github online course.

In this course, you will learn:

  • an introduction of Git and Github, including how to install Git on your Linux system.
  • first steps with Git.
  • how to start working with remote repositories.
  • how to work with different files.
  • how to revisit the history, branching and recovering from failures.
  • how can you customize Git to get the most out of it, including working with submodules.
  • a detailed introduction to Github.
  • how to host your own Github repository.
  • understand and work with best practices.

Using Linux as an example system and HTML as the main programming language, this course will guide you through the rough seas of Git and Github, helping you learn how you can master these brilliant technologies and use it to simplify your programming life.

5. A Guide to Git & Version Control

This course is your no-fuss, comprehensive guide to version control and Git, which is one of the most popular tools available for software engineers.

The course includes:

  • Configuring Git Locally
  • Branches
  • Merging Branches
  • Remote Repositories
  • Rebasing Branches

In this course, you will learn the basics of version control, how Git can be useful for your projects, as well as how GitHub can serve as a software development platform.

You will learn how to set up Git for your own projects and as the course progresses, you will cover more complex topics including Git commits, branches, merging, and rebasing.

By the end of this course, you will have a great new skill that you will use throughout your entire career.

6. Getting Started with Git

This course will teach you the everyday basics of Git with a hands-on, step-by-step project. Come see why leading companies around the world rely on Git to improve code projects and collaboration with speed, transparency, and reliability.

The course includes:

  • Get Up and Running with Git
  • Basic Commands of Everyday Git
  • Extended Commands of Everyday Git

In this course, Getting Started with Git, you’ll learn the popular version control system Git and why it plays a significant role in creating better projects.

First, you’ll see the basics of understanding Git. Next, you’ll explore how Git elevates his project in a fun and easy step-by-step experience.

Finally, you’ll discover common and extended commands used in Git everyday. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a working knowledge of Git as a version control system for your project.

7. Learn Git

Git is the most popular version control tool — something that developers use to save all relevant versions of their work to avoid moments like those. Git also makes it easy for developers to collaborate and share work with others!

In this course, you will learn:

  • an introduction to Git and a few of its core features.
  • different ways to undo changes made to a Git project and when to use them.
  • how to Manage Multiple Versions of a Project with Branching.
  • an introduction to Git collaborations with remotes, pulling and pushing.

This course will teach you a basic workflow and Git’s core features, different ways to undo changes or save multiple versions of a project, and how to collaborate with other developers.

8. Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow

Learn Git, GitHub, Node.js, NPM, Object-oriented JavaScript, ES6, webpack, Gulp, BEM and Job Interview Tips.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 5,117 Ratings total)

You already understand the basics of HTML and CSS, but you don’t necessarily feel qualified for the web developer jobs you want. In this course we’ll bridge that gap by building a mobile-first responsive website, together, step-by-step. Along the way we’ll learn the modern skill-set that companies are looking for in developers.

I know what companies are looking for because as a senior developer I’ve been on the hiring side of job interviews. Every time we passed on a candidate I’d think to myself “It would be nice if we could point them towards a course that taught the exact skill set we’re looking for.”

By the end of this course, you will be able to build sites using the modern skills, tools, and best practices that companies need in developers.

9. GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub — Beginner to Expert

Go from complete novice to expert in Git and GitHub using step-by-step, no-assumptions learning.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (3655 ratings total)

This course will comprehensively cover the GitHub hosting service as a companion to the Git source control tool, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required. Students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and GitHub.

The course is divided into four major components:

  • Introduction and Setup
  • Learning Git Source Control
  • All About GitHub
  • Bonuses

Each one of the above components spans multiple sections in this course.

The Introduction provides a welcome to the course including some useful tips for getting the most out of taking the course and how the course is designed. That is followed by the Core Concepts which go over some critical theory before diving straight into Git.

After the introduction and core concepts, the first thing we do is a Quick Installation for both Windows and Mac. The Bonus section has a more comprehensive, step-by-step process for those that prefer it.

In The Basics, we walk through all the foundational commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.

With a strong foundation in place, we explore some more Advanced Git topics like comparing differences, branching and merge resolution, tagging special events, saving work in progress, and even a bit of time travel.

The main part of this course is all about GitHub. We will explore GitHub in depth from a source control hosting repository perspective.

In Welcome to GitHub, we start off exploring some of the basic features of GitHub by creating a fresh repository and associate our local repository with it. Then, we prepare for the remainder of the course by setting up SSH Authentication, which we will use from this point forward. After that, we continue looking at the GitHub Repository, including many of the same operations we performed locally but done directly within GitHub. Then in GitHub Repository Branches, we dive into how Branches on GitHub and our local system work with each other.

After we have comprehensively covered how GitHub repositories work, we focus on how GitHub Tags and Releases work and their relationship with local tags in Git. We can then use tags/releases while Comparing Differences on GitHub.

We start tying things together in Social Coding where we join other projects on GitHub by forking and then submitting our contributions back using pull requests.

Once part of a team, you might use GitHub Issues to track defects or enhancement requests.

Sometimes you just need to share small parts of a file or a set of files but don’t want to bother with a full Git repository. That where GitHub Gists help out — share just a snip of code or entire files.

Finally, group related GitHub repositories with GitHub Organizations and manage permissions and access using teams.

Best Git & Github Courses List

10. Complete Git and GitHub Masterclass : Beginner to Git Expert

Most comprehensive, STEP by STEP Git & GitHub tutorial with great & easy to understand examples and Quizzes.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (1,054 ratings total)

This course is aimed at providing a rock-solid foundation in Git. It covers the most needed basic and intermediate Git concepts that form the foundation of this wonderful source control management system (SCM) so that the student can go up and running within a matter of few hours. However, this is not to say that this Git course covers things in hurry. On the contrary, all the foundation Git concepts are explained with utmost care so that the student feels (assuming a newbie or starter) comfortable with the concepts that have been laid down with great consideration and due diligence. The sections devoted to GitHub bears the same hallmark of care & clarity that the sections on Git are marked with.

The Git & GitHub course is power-packed with intensive hands-on Lab sessions that cover the basic and elemental concepts in great detail. The Labs are the highlights of this Git course which implements all the concepts that are explained thoroughly and exhaustively in the presentations.

The section “Introduction and Getting Started” covers a great overview of Git that will warm up the student before taking on the concepts layered in the subsequent sections. To spice up things, it briefly covers the history of Git. Next, the fundamental principles that govern Git are explained with well-illustrated diagrams so that student doesn’t face difficulty in facing the Labs that implement those concepts and principles. This section also introduces the Instructor and explains how to go through this Git course so that one gets the best out of it.

The section “Git Setup and Installation” demonstrates the installation process of Git on all the three prevalent platforms, namely Windows / Linux / Mac. Each platform is covered nicely with detailed explanation so that student does not face any difficulty in understanding the Git setup process and one can get up and running without a hitch.

The section “Setting up a Git Repository” explains thoroughly the Git configuration process which forms the basic prerequisites before one goes to the next step of creating Git repositories. Once the prerequisites are taken care of, the subsequent lectures carefully craft its way through explaining the step-by-step process of the Git repository creation process. The Git repository creation process comes in three flavors — creating from scratch with nothing on hand, converting an unversioned codebase to Git repository and Cloning a Git repository that was existing on GitHub.

The section “Enter GitHub” explains this massively popular web based Git repository with utmost care and precision. It explains the hugely popular and effective GitHub “fork” and “clone” processes. Before that there are sections that navigate through GitHub in order to make the student familiar with GitHub website, it’s user interface and general remote repository management process.

The section “Committing changes in Git” is where the action starts approaching the climax. Here the student will work on the Labs to in order to understand the few concepts that form the pillars of Git, namely the “Git states”. One can understand how an artifact (file/directory e.t.c) goes through the Git workflow to reach the climactic point wherein the artifacts are safely placed in the Git database.

The section “Inspecting what’s going on in a Git Repository” explains how to peek into the internal workings of Git. In short — what’s going behind the scenes! Git status and log checks are covered in great detail wherein students start appreciating the beauty of Git.

The section “Git Branching basics” covers branching basic concepts. Branching is an advanced concept and attempt has been made not to burden the student with gory details of this advanced concept.

The section “Undoing changes in a Git repository” covers great details on the mechanisms you can use to undo changes in Git repository in case one changes his mind and want to revert changes or fix any mess up. Techniques such as resetting, reverting, cleaning and checkout for a Git repository have been treated with great care and detail.

The section “Pushing into GitHub” makes things hotter when the students start learning how to extend one’s arms beyond his local repository in local machine to a remote repository on GitHub. The local-remote interaction and play are as fascinating as the lectures in this section unravel usage of Git and GitHub in a step-by-step manner.

The section “GitHub via SSH” is an advanced one and hence had been kept for the last. Here you will learn how to connect with GitHub via SSH protocol. In the learning process, the student will learn basics of public-key cryptography and it’s implementation w.r.t GitHub. SSH key generation and using them to connect local Git repository and GitHub forms a stimulating walk in the entire learning path.

The section “Making Git bash friendlier and productive” will empower you to have Git bash prompt that allows customization in terms of its content, color, and functionality. It makes Git commands and their output highly readable and adds more expressiveness and color to all operations in the git bash terminal.

The section “Installing and Configuring default text editor for Git” demonstrates how to install a graphical text editor (Sublime Text) and configure it as the default text editor for Git.

The section “Installing and Configuring Diff and Merge tool for Git repository” demonstrates how to install and configure “p4merge” as Git diff and merge tool.

The section “Git Comparison with Git Diff Tool (p4merge)” demonstrates how to perform Git comparisons between various sections of a Git repository using “p4merge”

The section “Git Branching and Merging techniques” demonstrates advanced techniques for Git Branching and Merging that includes — fast-forward merge, no-fast-forward merge, 3-way merge along merge conflict resolution process.

The section “Commit History rewriting in Git” demonstrates various techniques for modifying commit history to suit your project needs. You can amend your commits, do a rebase and so on.

The section “Git Tagging” demonstrates how to use tags to mark production releases with tags and how to manipulate tags for the best outcome

The section “Git Toolset” demonstrates the git tool “stash” which is an extremely convenient tool to save off unfinished work.

The course is heavily hands-on with lots of great Lab sessions interspersed with brief slide presentations illustrating and unfurling the conceptual maze. All the commands that have been used in the relevant sections have been summarized in the form of text/pdf at the end of each section to consolidate the concepts that were laid down previously.

11. Git Going Fast: One Hour Git Crash Course

Learn the key concepts and basic workflow for Git and GitHub with this easy to follow a course.

Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (4,729 ratings total)

This course is designed to cut academic theory to just the key concepts and focus on basics tasks in Git in order to be productive quickly. Students can expect to learn the minimum needed to start using Git in less than an hour.

Course Introduction and Overview provides an introduction to this course and the Git source control system. Key concepts and basic workflow are discussed.

Setup and Configuration provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up Git for Windows and Mac OS X, how to use Git’s help command, and how to set up the minimum required configuration to start using Git.

In Working with Git Locally, we walk through all the commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.

Going Remote covers publishing the locally created repository (previous section) on GitHub. Starting off by setting up SSH authentication, creating the remote version of our repository, linking the local repository with the remote version on GitHub, and finally sending our changes up to remote repository.

Best Git and GitHub Courses For Beginners

12. Git Github Gitkraken: Version Control without Command Line

Learn Version Control using one of the most intuitive graphical user interface for Git. Just Point and Click.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (228 ratings total)

In this course, you will learn how to start using Git Version Control. Instead of using the command line approach, we will use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) from Gitkraken. At the end of the course you will be highly proficient and has an adequate hands-on experience to hit the ground running.

In this course, you will:

  • Download the software and course material for FREE.
  • Create a repository (storage room for all your backups).
  • Making backups and restore from backups(commit).
  • Collaborate in a team environment without the risk of overwriting others work.
  • Upload your backup to the cloud through Github for free.

13. Git for Geeks: Quick Git Training for Developers

Learn the core features of Git in less time for experienced software engineers new to Git.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (4,846 ratings total)

This course is designed to cut academic theory to just the key concepts and focus on basics tasks in Git in order to be productive quickly. Students can expect to learn all the main features of Git in just two hours.

Course Introduction provides a welcome to this course with a few suggestions on how to get the most out of it. After that, we cover the minimum theory before getting our hands dirty with Git in the Core Concepts section.

Quick Installation provides an overview of the installation process for all tools needed for this course. A more detailed set of instructions is available in the Bonus section.

In The Basics, we walk through all the commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.

We then go a bit deeper in the Advanced section when we cover comparing changes, branching and merging (including merge conflict resolution), tagging milestones, saving temporary work, and even a bit of time travel.

Finally, Going Remote covers publishing the locally created repository (previous sections) on GitHub and BitBucket. We cover the main concepts related to working with any remote Git repositories and compare the differences between the two most popular Git hosting services.

After the main part of the course, this course offers several bonus sections that explore some topics in more detail for those that like more information.

Learn Git for Beginners

14. Git for complete beginners

Git. All you need to know to start working with it.

Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (77 ratings total)

This course simply teaches how to use Git, the popular open-source version control software, to manage changes to source code and text files.

Using a step-by-step approach you will learn the commands that enable efficient code management and reveals the fundamental concepts behind version control systems and the Git architecture. Discover how to track changes to files in a repository, review previous edits, and compare versions of a file; create branches to test new ideas without altering the main project; and merge those changes into the project if they work out. The course begins by demonstrating version control in a single-user, standalone context, before exploring how remote repositories allow users to collaborate on projects effectively.

15. Git with GitHub Bootcamp & Integration with popular IDEs

Master Git and Github in Eclipse, Android studio, IntelliJ and the command line. Add valuable skills to your resume.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (656 ratings total)

In this course, you will discover Git and version control systems in general, and obtain real-world, value skills that can dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer.

The fact is that an understanding of version control systems and source control, in general, is vital for developers in 2016, and this course will get you up to speed fast.

Git is one of those skills that employers look for on resumes, so don’t miss out on opportunities because you are do not have the necessary skills.

You will learn how to:

  • Setup and install Git for your operating system, with separate videos for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • How to use Git from either the command line/shell, or from software development tools like IntelliJ, Android Studio, and Eclipse.
  • How to create and maintain your own Git repositories on your local computer.
  • Understand core Git commands like add, push, pull, checkout, clone, and more
  • Learn how to create new repositories on Github.
  • Obtain the skills to setup GitHub as a remote repository for your local Git repositories.
  • Learn how to download and install a valuable free tool that makes it dramatically easy to understand how Git works.
  • Understand the core differences between centralized version control systems and distributed version control systems, and why it's vital to use the right system.
  • And for bonus points, find out the reason why Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux actually developed Git in the first place!
Learn Github for Beginners

16. Learn Git by Doing: A step-by-step guide to version control

Learn the basics of Git through detailed and easy to follow along with screencasts. Start using Git today.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (988 ratings total)

This course is designed to get students working with Git and Github as soon as possible. By the end of the course, students will have hands-on experience working with Git and Github and will be able to use Version Control on any project.

Course Principles

  1. Learn By Doing — We believe that the best way to learn is by doing. That is why all of the core videos are designed for you to be able to follow along and reinforce the concepts taught in the video by actually typing along.
  2. 80/20 Rule — With most technologies, it takes 20% of the knowledge about the technology to be able to accomplish 80% of the tasks you need to do with that technology. Therefore it’s important to start by learning that crucial 20% that allows you to get up and running with the technology quickly. We still believe that you should learn the rest as well so we’ve included that material in the Advanced Topics section and continue to add to it.
  3. I do, We do, You do — We believe that the best way to learn a new technology is to first observe how it is used, then code along with someone, and finally use the technology yourself. This is why we have our videos along with assignments throughout the course that allow you to solidify what you learned from following along.

The course is split into two main sections: Core Competencies and Advanced Topics.

Within the Core Competencies, we first go over using the Terminal for students who have absolutely no experience with the Terminal (this section can easily be skipped by those who already feel comfortable interacting with the Terminal). We teach students how to navigate their folder structure and create files and folders. We then jump straight into Git and teach students how to create repositories and commit changes. We then teach students how to “go back in time” with resetting and reverting before moving on to branching and merging. After teaching the basics of Git we add in Github to show students how to interact with a remote repository and then we go over the proper workflow for collaborating using a remote repository.

After going through the Core Competencies we feel that the student will have a solid foundation to be able to use Git with collaborators on 80% of the tasks they may need to tackle.

In the Advanced Topics section we periodically add content on some more advanced aspects of git including Rebasing, Stashing, advanced Merge scenarios, etc. to make sure that students always have a place to learn the advanced concepts that they may not see too often but still need to know.

Update: We have created the latest version top tutorials to Learn Git. Feel free to checkout the best git tutorials of the year.

Disclosure: We may get a small affiliate commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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