10+ Best Jenkins Tutorials for Beginners [2024 SEP]- Learn Jenkins Online

Learn Jenkins for test automation with the best Jenkins tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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Quick Code
12 min readJun 4, 2018


Jenkins is on the bleeding edge of technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development and operation practices.

The Jenkins Continuous Integration solution has become a standby in organizations of all sizes that want to increase productivity and streamline software development in the era of Agile. It has extensive community support has the extended the core functionality of Jenkins by developing thousands of useful plugins. An ecosystem of more than 1,100 plug-ins has emerged, enabling customers to add all sorts of functionality and integrate Jenkins with everything from Active Directory to GitHub to Tomcat.

Jenkins is becoming a must tool for DevOps. It allows companies to build very sophisticated build pipelines very quickly, thus greatly reducing the risk within the software development lifecycle. Tons of companies have already been using Jenkins to implement continuous integration pipeline. Today you have the access to that same technology right on your desktop.

1. Learn DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins using Pipelines and Docker

Use Jenkins the DevOps way. Automate your Jenkins jobs by using Jenkins Pipelines, Docker, and the Jenkins Job DSL.

This course will teach you how to use Jenkins using the Jenkins DSL and Jenkins Pipelines (Jenkinsfile). It’s a new way of using Jenkins, rather than using freestyle projects. I call it using Jenkins, the DevOps way. I’ll explain you about infrastructure as code and automation to make sure you understand how Jenkins Pipelines fits within this new way of thinking.

It’ll show you how to integrate Jenkins Pipelines with popular software tools, like:

  • Docker
  • GitHub / Bitbucket
  • JFrog Artifactory
  • SonarQube
  • Onelogin (Using SAML)

2. Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

Learn how to integrate Jenkins and Git into Robot Framework for automated continuous testing and for version control with shared codebases and scripts.

In this course, you learn how to:

  • set up and work with Git locally.
  • remote GitHub and Team Foundation Server (TFS) repositories.
  • branch and merge Robot Framework scripts and work more effectively as a testing team.

You will learn how to set up and work with Git locally and then apply the same skills to remote GitHub and Team Foundation Server (TFS) repositories, so you can branch and merge Robot Framework scripts and work more effectively as a testing team.

Then, you will learn how to trigger Robot Framework tests to run automatically, in parallel, on different browsers and operating systems using Jenkins, and use the results to analyze performance trends.

3. Learn Devops With Jenkins All in One Guide

This Continuous Integration with Jenkins course has been designed to help you master this brilliant software from scratch. We assume that you have no prior knowledge of Jenkins and Continuous Integration, but we do assume that you have an idea of how Ubuntu works, as well as basic virtualization concepts.

Using a hands-on approach, you will learn exactly what is CI, what is Jenkins, how to install CI, integrate it into your code and test your code. You will also learn a little bit about Java, including creating a basic ‘Java Hello World’ project.

you will find in this course:

  • What is Jenkins and Continuous Integration
  • A brief introduction to the system
  • How to install Jenkins and integrate the CI
  • Basic configuration of your Jenkins
  • Real-world example by building and testing a Java application using Maven through Jenkins.

4. Introduction to Jenkins

Learn the fundamentals required to implement Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) workflows using the Jenkins automation server.

In this course, you will learn:

  • understand the role of Jenkins in software development lifecycle.
  • set up and access Jenkins automation server.
  • build your software by configuring and running various types of Jenkins jobs.
  • install and manage plugins.
  • scale and secure Jenkins.

In this course, you will discuss the fundamentals of CI/CD, and you will talk about how they help transform the overall software delivery process.

It is most useful for roles such as DevOps engineers, software developers and architects, and professionals focused on site reliability and quality assurance, though anyone involved in the software delivery process will benefit.

This course offers an introduction to the Jenkins automation server, and also includes instructions on how to set up/use Jenkins for your CI/CD workflow.

Upon completion, you will have a solid understanding of the role that Jenkins plays in the software development lifecycle, how to install a Jenkins server, how to build software for it, how to manage third party integrations/plugins and how to scale and secure Jenkins.

Finally, you will get a glimpse of what you can do to further enhance your CI/CD skills.

5. The DevOps Toolkit: Working with Jenkins X

In this course, you will start by exploring the inner workings of Jenkins X and how to create a cluster using it.

The course includes:

  • What is Jenkins X?
  • Exploring Quickstart Projects
  • Importing Existing Projects Into Jenkins X
  • Creating Custom Build Packs
  • Applying GitOps Principles
  • Improving And Simplifying Software Development
  • Working With Pull Requests And Preview Environments
  • Promoting Releases To Production
  • Versioning Releases
  • Implementing ChatOps
  • Using The Pipeline Extension Model
  • Upgrading Jenkins X Components
  • Extending Jenkins X Pipelines
  • Using Jenkins X To Define And Run Serverless Deployments
  • Choosing The Right Deployment Strategy
  • Applying GitOps Principles To Jenkins X

You’ll then learn how to combine Jenkins X with tools you’re already using. Throughout, you’ll see how this exciting new tool changes how you work with Kubernetes.

By the time you’re done, you will be confident managing CI/CD using Jenkins X in a Kubernetes cluster.

6. Building a Modern CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins

By learning how to write Jenkins pipelines, you can build, test, and deploy code reliably, securely, and consistently.

The course includes:

  • Getting Started with Jenkins Scripted Pipelines
  • Building and Testing Code
  • Integrating Container Security and Compliance
  • Implementing Continuous Deployment Pipelines
  • Troubleshooting and Improving Jenkins Pipelines

In this course, Building a Modern CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins, you will dive into foundational knowledge to write a Jenkins pipeline.

First, you will learn the basic syntax and expressions. Next, you will discover how to version your pipeline code in GitHub.

Finally, you will explore how to import functions and pipeline code from a shared library.

When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge needed by DevOps engineers to create, version, and deploy pipeline code.

7. Jenkins: continuous integration & DevOps with Java and .NET

Jenkins: Learn continuous integration and DevOps for real world projects. Streamline software builds with Jenkins.

Today the technology sector is experiencing a boom throughout the world. There are hundreds of startups launching every day. In order to move fast — these startups need people who are skilled at automating as much as possible. Mostly progressive startups — favor implementing completely automated DevOpspipelines from the get go. They realize that these practices of continuous integration (CI) and DevOpswill yield tremendous benefits regarding speed and agility. The demand for these skills has been steadily rising over the last few years.

Jenkins is an award-winning open source toolset which enables us to build very sophisticated automated build pipelines very quickly. It has extensive community support which has augmented the core functionality of Jenkins by building and sharing hundreds of very useful plugins. Implementing continuous integration with Jenkins can help us immensely in reducing the risk within our software development lifecycle. It catches us bugs early and increases the quality of our software products. This, in turn, reduces the overall cost to develop innovative software in any environment — startups and enterprise alike.

The demand for professionals who have experience with these tools has been growing steadily over the last few years. The salaries and consulting rates for these skills have also been rising and are only bound to go up as the demand for these skills remains steady or increases.

In this course we will:

  • Learn about CI and why it is important
  • Learn about Jenkins
  • Build an automated CI pipeline with Jenkins
  • Learn how to version control and manage relational database schema
  • Run the CI pipeline to maintain build artifacts
  • Learn how to configure, secure and extend Jenkins
  • Learn how to configure automated build notifications
  • Integrate CI builds with Git repositories hosted in GitHub

8. DevOps with GIT(Flow) Jenkins, Artifactory, Sonar, ELK, JIRA

Complete Hands-On DevOps course that will demonstrate efficient use of DevOps Tool Chain.

In this course we will review some of the best practices and tool chain that will help you setup the automated workflows for operations and development. It will help you increase your knowledge around DevOps and provide you an opportunity to become a change agent in your company to minimize the manual tasks of branching, code commits, code reviews, code merges, build, tests (unit and integration), code quality metrics and standards, integration with repository manager, analytics, deployment of code to the server and application monitoring across environments. The course also covers the Agile lifecycle from the point of identifying a requirement and capturing and development and deployment and provide the traceability by the story.

Apache Tomcat, Apache Maven, Jfrog Artifactory, Jenkins (Maven Style and Pipeline Style), Jenkins Plugins, SonarQube, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana), GitHub (Git Flow), Spring STS, Atom, Atlassian Source Tree, CLI, Spring Boot, Junit, Eclemma (Jacoco), JIRA, Confluence, NGROK and several more configuration items you will use in this course.

9. Learn DevOps with Jenkins All-in-One Guide

Be a DevOps Guru and master CI and CD with Jenkins.

Forego the hours spent on debugging your code, or even looking for which bug broke what with Continuous Integration. So, instead of wasting hours going through each line of code to check for bugs, or running a number of different tools to test which code doesn’t work, Jenkins can help you as you write your code.

Continuous Integration tests every time your code is changed, which means that each line of code you add is automatically tested, the results of which will let you know if the code works or breaks. This is why it is currently extremely popular with developers and programmers because it saves them a good chunk of their time.

This course has been designed and built by experts who will help break down Continuous Integration into small and easy-to-understand segments. We have created this tutorial as a guide to help newbies not only learn what is CI but also actually understand how to integrate CI in their codes. We assume that you have no prior knowledge of Jenkins and Continuous Integration, but we do assume that you have an idea of how Ubuntu works, as well as basic virtualization concepts.

This course uses a hands-on approach and is loaded with examples at every stage to help students actually understand and learn what is going on, rather than simply follow through with the videos and end up lost and confused later on. We also use an example project that the student will build along with the instructor.

The course will cover important topics regarding CI and Jenkins such as what is Jenkins and continuous integration, a brief introduction to the Jenkins system, how to install Jenkins and integrate the CI, basic configuration of your Jenkins, and will also build a real-world example by creating and testing a Java application using Maven through Jenkins.

At the end of this course, you will have learned exactly what is CI, how it can help you, and also how you can save yourself from hours of miserable code checking and debugging.

10. Jenkins Bootcamp: Fully Automate Builds Through Deployment

An introduction to the Jenkins build server using continuous integration and deployment techniques — all step by step.

This is a comprehensive course designed to show how to setup and run a Jenkins CI server starting with continuous inspection (build, test and analysis) all the way through to continuous deployment. This course provides a strong foundation for implementing continuous inspection, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and even continuous deployment at your company or studio. In order to ikeep the course short and to-the-point, several decisions were made in order to provide a complete path from CI to CD.

The pipeline created in this course consists of the following:

  • Jenkins CI server installed and configured on Windows
  • Git as the source control system
  • Java as the main programming language of build projects
  • Maven as the build tool
  • Findbugs, PMD, and Checkstyle as the static code analysis tools
  • Tomcat as the deployment server

This set of tools provides a comprehensive, end-to-end implementation continuous deployment pipeline. Jenkins can be installed on many operating systems and supports a myriad of tools and technologies — which means, this course provides tremendous value to those comfortable or interested in other operating systems and/or technologies.

Introduction provides an overview for the course, which leas to the Core Concepts for Jenkins. This provides a foundation for the remainder of the course.

Installation provides step-by-step instructions on how to setup Jenkins and all the related tools specifically on Windows. The same principles are applicable to other operating systems as well.

The Basics provides a first look at Jenkins at work with a very simple “freestyle” project. This allows us to learn the Jenkins interface and the key features it provides.

After that, we dive into Maven Projects specifically — since Jenkins natively understand Maven and thus provides special features for Maven projects.

Jenkins can do so much more than simply building. In Test & Quality, we hook up a standard set of unit testing and quality analysis tools for Java projects. Then, we use that information to affect the build status based on established standards.

We also cover how to use Jenkins as an artifact repository which is used to store the build artifacts, like jars and wars, after successful builds. This is particularly useful when integrating Jenkins with other tools in a more comprehensive software delivery strategy.

Then, we bring everything together for Deployment to a running Tomcat server. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the complete setup and configuration to work seamlessly with Jenkins!

Finally, no course would be complete without talking about Security. In this final chapter, we setup Jenkins to allow users to login and only see their projects.

11. DevOps CI&CD with Jenkins pipelines Maven Gradle

This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Jenkins and setting up DevOps pipelines, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help implement these DevOps practices which will streamline your development processes.

Master Jenkins and pipeline plugins. Get familiar with advanced DevOps techniques and take your DevOps career to the next level.

This course is designed for all levels of DevOps practitioners who want to improve their skills, implement automation in their environments, and continue to be in great demand as DevOps engineers.

12. Jenkins Essential Training

This course covers the fundamentals of the platform, including automating builds and testing and securing deployments.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand the fundamentals of the platform, including automating builds and testing and securing deployments.
  • create jobs, trigger builds, and distribute those builds to multiple environments.
  • add notifications to alert you to build state changes and failures.
  • extend Jenkins with plugins, shared libraries, and APIs.

Learn how to create jobs, trigger builds, and distribute those builds to multiple environments. It also shows how to add notifications to alert you to build state changes and failures and extend Jenkins with plugins, shared libraries, and APIs.

The course also explains how to secure deployments and access to your Jenkins environment, and store artifacts from the build process for safekeeping.

Plus, learn how to combine multiple stages of the CI/CD process into a single automated pipeline.

The course includes advanced use cases, best practices, and customization tips, designed to give even the first-time user the skills to become a capable Jenkins engineer.

13. Learning Jenkins

This introduction helps you use Jenkins to release and deploy software more quickly and reliably.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • use Jenkins to release and deploy software more quickly and reliably.
  • set up Jenkins on Mac, Windows, Linux, or inside a Docker container.
  • configure your first job step by step, leading up to the requisite “Hello, World” output.
  • make your jobs more useful and portable with parameters.
  • install Jenkins locally or on a virtual machine.

First, learn how to set up Jenkins on Mac, Windows, Linux, or inside a Docker container, and find out how Jenkins plugins are used to extend its functionality.

Next, configure your first job step by step, leading up to the requisite “Hello, World” output, and learn to make your jobs more useful and portable with parameters.

Then, explore job scheduling, and Jenkins’s convenient aliases for running jobs at regular intervals.

Update: We have created the latest version of top Jenkins tutorials. Feel free to checkout the best Jenkins tutorials of the year.

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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