10+ Best Kotlin Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUL]- Learn Kotlin Online

Learn Kotlin for android development with the best Kotlin tutorials for beginners in 2024.

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11 min readNov 21, 2017


Kotlin is the leading language in the manufacture of mobile applications in the future and has been adopted by the largest global company Google and is characterized by ease and power at the same time. Kotlin development is growing very fast and the demand for kotlin developers has never been high. Start learning kotlin development for android mobile applications.

1. Kotlin for Beginners: Learn Programming With Kotlin

Learn Kotlin from scratch. Grasp object orientation and idiomatic Kotlin to realize coding projects and Android apps.

This course will teach you programming in Kotlin. It begins with the basics so this course is completely suitable for beginners. You will put what you learn into practice in several coding challenges. So at the end, you’ll be able to create your own applications in Kotlin.

If you’re an Android developer, you can use this course to get up to speed with this awesome language. Kotlin will allow you to maintain a cleaner and more expressive code base, use concepts that go beyond even Java 8, and write more robust apps for Android.

2. Kotlin for Java Developers

This course aims to share with you the power and beauty of Kotlin. You will have a basic overview of the language, as well as a discussion of many corner cases, especially concerning Java interoperability. The course is based on your Java experience; it shows the similarities between the two languages and focuses on what’s going to be different.

It will discuss basic syntax, nullability, functional programming with Kotlin, object-oriented programming with Kotlin, the power of the Kotlin standard library, and Java interoperability.

3. Intermediate Kotlin for Android Developers

If you’re an intermediate developer interested in learning more about Kotlin, this course can help you get acquainted with this concise, fun language by learning about its efficiencies and power in Android development.

The course includes:

  • Kotlin Overview
  • Extension Functions and Properties
  • Incorporating Anko
  • Advanced Anko
  • Working with Collections

This course begins with a general overview of what Kotlin has to offer, and then dives into a discussion of extension functions and properties, including how to leverage the Kotlin Android Extensions plugin.

It also explains how to work with Anko, and provides an overview of some of the library’s main artifacts: commons, layouts, and coroutines. To wrap up, the course covers how to work with collections.

4. Kotlin Android Development Masterclass — With Android Oreo

This course will take you from knowing nothing about Android O app development to a complete Android developer in 5 weeks. You will learn the following:

  • IntelliJ IDEA and build User Interface (Set up and walkthrough)
  • Android Studio and build User Interface (Set up and walkthrough)
  • Fundamentals of Kotlin Programming used to build Android apps
  • Inputs, Buttons and Reactive (Tap) Interfaces
  • Android Building blocks
  • Variables, Arrays, Loops, ArrayLists, ListView
  • Navigate between screens
  • Passing information between screens
  • Learn how professional android apps developers think and work
  • Learn how to design android apps
  • Build several amazing apps — Hands on
  • Publish your apps on Google Play
  • Build Sound Box app

Build a strong foundation in Android Development, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA and object-oriented Kotlin Programming with this tutorial and complete course.

5. The Ultimate Guide to Kotlin Programming

Kotlin has been growing in popularity among developers for some time. It was given even more recognition when Google announced in 2019 that Kotlin was now their preferred language for Android development.

The course includes:

  • Hello Kotlin
  • Kotlin Essentials for the Java Eyes
  • Working with Functions
  • External Iteration and Argument Matching
  • Using Collections
  • Type Safety to Save the Day
  • Objects and Classes
  • Class Hierarchies and Inheritance
  • Extension Through Delegation
  • Functional Programming with Lambdas
  • Internal Iteration and Lazy Evaluation
  • Fluency in Kotlin
  • Creating Internal DSLs
  • Programming Recursion and Memoization
  • Exploring Coroutines
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Intermixing Java and Kotlin
  • Unit Testing with Kotlin
  • Programming Spring Applications with Kotlin
  • Writing Android Applications with Kotlin

In this comprehensive course, you’ll start by learning the fundamentals, such as: how Java and Kotlin differ, how to work with functions, and how to utilize collections, something you’ll work with extensively in Kotlin.

In the latter half of the course, you’ll be introduced to more advanced concepts like lambdas, fluency in Kotlin, and asynchronous programming. In the last section of the course, you’ll take what you’ve learned and build out an Android application that talks to a backend service.

By the time you’re done with this course, you’ll have a thorough mastery of this modern JVM language.

6. Android Apps with Kotlin: Build Your First App

In this course, Android Apps with Kotlin: Build Your First App, you will learn everything you need to build your first Android application using Android Studio and Kotlin.

First, you will start by creating a new Android app and running the app in an Android emulator. After that, you will walk through the basics of how to implement types in Kotlin and describe the app’s object model using Kotlin. Next, you will see how to create an interactive user experience and connect that experience to your Kotlin code.

From there, you will create a multi-screen user experience and pass information between screens and use the options menu to create action bar actions. Finally, you’ll learn how to effectively cooperate with the lifecycle of Android activities and how save both persistent data and instance data. By the end of the course, you’ll have successfully created an Android app using Kotlin and you will have a solid grounding in the fundamentals of Android app development with Kotlin.

7. Learn Kotlin

Kotlin is a modern, expressive programming language made with developers in mind.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • get started with Kotlin by learning everything you need to know to create your first basic program!
  • understand variables and the various data types that are supported in Kotlin.
  • control the flow of code execution with conditional expressions!
  • understand the various types of collections that exist in Kotlin including lists, sets, and maps.
  • effectively implement code repetition in Kotlin!
  • create and call user-designed functions in your Kotlin programs!
  • get introduced to the world of object-oriented programming in Kotlin and create classes and objects.

Here, you will be introduced to fundamental programming topics, from writing your first print statement to creating your own objects and classes using the Kotlin programming language.

Along the way, you’ll hone your knowledge and programming skillset with quizzes and real-world projects.

8. Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin.

The course includes:

  • Build Your First App
  • Layouts
  • App Navigation
  • Activity and Fragment Lifecycle
  • App Architecture (UI Layer)
  • App Architecture (Data Layer)
  • Recyclerview
  • Connect to the Internet

Learn to architect and develop Android apps in the Kotlin programming language using industry-proven tools and libraries. With these techniques you’ll create apps in less time, writing less code, and with fewer errors.

This course was developed by Google together with Udacity. The course gives you hands on experience as you build real Android apps using industry best practices, with modern app architecture.

You’ll learn to use Android Jetpack components such as Room for databases, Work Manager for background processing, the new Navigation component, and more. You’ll use key Kotlin features to write your app code more quickly and concisely.

9. Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced

Kotlin is an expressive, concise & powerful development language on Android. Learn everything you need to know to start


Welcome to the world’s most comprehensive course on Kotlin for Android development. Whether your a developer coming from Java, or have NO Android experience, we start from the ground up and teach you everything you need to know how to build apps using Kotlin.

The things you’ll be able to do after taking this course:

  • Learn to code how the PROs code — not just copy and paste.
  • Learn everything you need to know about submitting to the Google Play store.
  • Build beautiful Apps — We don’t build trash — you’ll create amazing real-world apps.
  • Build Real Projects — You’ll get to build projects that help you retain what you’ve learned.

10. The Essential Kotlin Programming Course (Android Developers)

A deep dive exploring the Kotlin Programming Language

You will learn all aspects of the Kotlin Programming Language. You will also understand how to apply this knowledge to more effectively write Android applications. This class does not focus on the server side programming aspects of Kotlin. This class focuses on the Kotlin Programming Language and the advantages of using Kotlin when writing Android applications. You will learn how to effectively use this language to make programming fun and interesting in Android. It will cover every concept in the Kotlin language and show you how to write some interesting applications in Android using this language (code alongs). This course is a deep dive into the Kotlin language, it does not just cover the basics. By the end of this course you will fully understand the Kotlin langauge and how to use it to write Android applications.

11. The Complete Kotlin Developer Course

For beginners or experienced programmers — If you are a complete beginner It has a section for you in the course that walks you through Kotlin step by step. If you have any sort of programming background, It has a section titled Kotlin for Programmers that will get you up to speed as quickly as possible.

Learn with fully functional projects — you will create two Android apps, a command line tool, and Java script for a website.

Challenges to test your learning — As you move through the course it provides challenges that test your new skills and makes sure you’re getting the most you can from this course.

If you’re looking to make Android apps, command line tools, Javascript, or just a new programming language, this is the course for you.

12. Kotlin Developer Masterclass — Build Android & Kotlin Apps

Learn Kotlin, Android Development, Android Studio & IntelliJ IDEA from Scratch in 5 Weeks. Build Android Apps in Kotlin.

What are you learning from this course?

  • You will be able to learn android app development and Kotlin programming in just 5 weeks.
  • You can create engaging and real-world Android apps (which you can later show off to your family and friends).
  • You’ll learn by building real apps that includes big buzz word apps such as the popular Flappy Bird clone, calculator, YouTube video player, and a simple and basic application as a Head start, a mood setter application.
  • You can learn how to work with APIs, web services and advanced databases Upload your android apps to the Google play and reach millions of android users and earn money by monetizing your applications and allowing advertisements to run on them.

13. The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course

Learn how to make online games, and apps for Android O, like Pokémon , twitter,Tic Tac Toe, and notepad using Kotlin.

This course is for anyone who wants to be a Kotlin programmer from scratch. The course will start by fundamentals of Kotlin. You will first install the development environment then you will run your first Kotlin app. Then you will learn about variables, math operation, priorities, logical operations, making a decision, loops, how to work with files, functions and OOP concept that you need to use when you program apps with Kotlin. You will learn about multi-processing and how to run multi-process same time. You will learn how to build apps and game on Android like Pokemon and tic tac toy and work with restful web services and JSON by build apps like getting sunshine time. You will learn how to work with SQLite database to add, delete and update records. Also, you will learn how to use Firebase for online gaming and build social media app like twitter. Learn how to create apps with sensors like run music when a light is on, and Nimbuzz vibrates when a phone is shaken.

14. Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin

Learn Kotlin Android App Development And Become an Android Developer. Incl. Kotlin Tutorial and Android Tutorial Videos.

In this course you will learn:

  • Learn the core Android app development and Kotlin skills to build real Android apps.
  • Learn how to target current and older versions of Android when writing your apps.
  • Understand how to create Android apps using Kotlin.
  • Be able to apply for Android app development roles.

During this course you will learn about following:

  • Develop apps for the very latest version of Android that also work on older Android devices running older versions of the Android operating system.
  • Download, install and configure the necessary (free) software.
  • Create your first app.
  • Build a range of apps demonstrating key aspects of the Android framework.
  • Test your apps on emulators or a real Android phone or tablet.
  • You will learn Kotlin programming because Google are recommending and pushing adoption of Kotlin for Android app development. Included are Kotlin tutorial videos that will get you up to speed fast.
  • Ensure your apps work with current and older Android versions on phones and tablets.
  • Use Android studio 3.2, the newest version of Google’s premier Android tool.
  • Learn how to use databases, web services, and even get your apps to speak!
  • Understand the all new Constraint layout, for “drag and drop” screen creation.
  • Use powerful libraries of code to play videos, download website data, manipulate images, and a whole lot more!

15. Kotlin for Android O Development: From Beginner to Advanced

Learn coding and designing Android apps with Kotlin while building real app examples like Instagram and Foursquare clone.

During this course you will learn about topics below:

  • Kotlin Basics
  • Layout
  • Design with Sketch
  • Essentials of Kotlin
  • Table Views
  • SQLite
  • Parse
  • Firebase
  • APIs
  • Working with Servers
  • AWS Server Setup
  • Social Media & Networks

By the end of our course, you will be able to create professional applications and submit them to the play store from scratch! You will also have the skills of a professional developer who can earn thousands of dollars creating applications.

Update: We have created the latest version top tutorials to Learn Kotlin. Feel free to checkout the best kotlin tutorials of the year.

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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