9 Best Postman Tutorials for Beginners [2024 JUL]— Learn Postman API Testing Online

Learn Postman for RESTful API testing with the best Postman tutorials for beginners in 2024

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6 min readJul 3, 2018


RESTful APIs are everywhere nowadays but at the same time they are getting more complex to get started with: different HTTP methods,, headers, cookies, dealing with file uploads or authentication with api keys, tokens, OAuth and so much more. This is where the Postman App comes in! Postman allows you very quickly create a request with the required HTTP method and parameters, submit the request and easily inspect the results.

1. POSTMAN API Testing — Step by Step for Beginners

In this course, learn POSTMAN from scratch. Work with POSTMAN. Understand all features and working of POSTMAN. Create API Testing solution with POSTMAN. Run from command-line and Jenkins.

In this course you will learn What is POSTMAN How to download and install Understand Postman GUI Create Collections, Variables, Environments and Tests Data Driven Testing Run from command-line and Jenkins

This course is created for complete beginners. Get started with POSTMAN step by step. Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch.

2. Postman Essential Training

For testers and developers responsible for API testing, Postman is a popular and free solution. It offers a rich interface for writing test cases and features for automation, such as the ability to reuse tests and integrate collections into a CI build system like Jenkins.

The course includes:

  • Getting Started with Postman
  • Easy Postman Assertions
  • Advanced Postman Assertions
  • Running Your Test Collections
  • Automating Your Collections

This course introduces the process of writing, running, and automating API tests with Postman.

You will learn how to create a complete test collection; create easy and advanced assertions, including nested JSON assertions; run collections with the built-in collection runner and the command-line runner, Newman; and configure automatic runs in Jenkins projects.

3. Postman Fundamentals

Postman is used by over 3 million developers across the world. This course will show you the fundamentals of Postman, how you can issue requests, create automated API tests, and even document your API with Postman.

The course includes:

  • Setting the Stage
  • Postman Basics
  • Testing Requests
  • Collections
  • Mock Server
  • Documentation
  • Team Tools

In Postman Fundamentals, you will learn how Postman can help simplify working with an API. It allows you to use variables so that the same request works whether it’s in the testing or staging environment.

You will also learn how you can created automated API tests so that you ensure your API doesn’t break between releases.

You will even see how Postman simplifies writing documentation for your API, so that your users can have an up-to-date explanation of what your API is doing.

By the end of this course, you will know the ins and outs of Postman, and be equipped to maximize your interactions with APIs.

4. Postman: The Complete Guide — REST API Testing

Learn Postman for manual and automated REST / RESTful API Tests. Automate with Newman, Jenkins or any other CI tool.

Start with simple requests and advance towards more complex scenarios Learn to deal with authentication, authorization mechanisms like basic Auth, API Keys, or OAuth. Start writing API tests Organize tests in collections and share them with your team Run API tests in Jenkins or any other CI server

In this course you will:

  • Work with the Postman App
  • Submit RESTful requests using Postman
  • Write API tests using JavaScript
  • Automate test execution

The course will start exploring the features of Postman and continue by writing API tests with the intention of integrating them in a CI server where the tests will run on a current basis.

5. REST API Testing, Automation using POSTMAN

Learn many features of the POSTMAN REST client for testing Restful API’s, file uploads, and data driven testing.

In this course you will learn,

  • Capture Network Traffic by setting up Proxies
  • Learn how to do multi-part File Uploads
  • Perform data driven testing (create 1000 students with a click of a button)
  • Learn how to send SOAP Requests using Postman
  • Integrate Postman with Newman & Jenkins
  • Different types of Authentication (BASIC,OAuth 1.0,OAuth 2.0)
  • Scripting in Postman

In this course, you will learn many functionalities of the Postman tool with practical examples. Whether you are developing API’s or testing them, this course will provide you with all the examples needed to understand the Rich features provided by Postman.

6. RESTful API Testing with Postman

This course will start by showing the overview of Postman. Then it will discuss about sending API requests & responses. It will show how to manage APIs into collections and share with anyone. Then It will cover variables, environments & how to write test scripts. Also it will show you how to automate your testing with combination of all these tools & collection runner. Final topic will be showing you a complete testing workflow with Twitter API.

In this course start with Postman and Newman for Software Developers, Testers and DevOps. Test RESTful APIs with Postman. Test Postman collections from command line using Newman.

7. API Testing using Postman [Functional] & Jmeter [Performance]

This course provides basic to advance understanding of API Testing, Postman Coding in JavaScript & Performance using JMeter. Get detailed understanding of automation of REST API Testing.

In this course, you will learn many functionalities of the Postman tool with practical examples. This course teaches : organize requests using Collections, Learn how to send SOAP & REST Requests using Postman, Perform data driven testing Authentication approaches (basic, Oauth), Scripting in Postman, Integrate Postman with Newman.

8. Postman: REST API automation Testing+Scripting in Javascript

In this course, you will learn many functionalities of the POSTMAN tool with practical examples. This course covers:

  • Organize requests using Collections
  • Learn how to send SOAP & REST Requests using POSTMAN
  • Perform data driven testing Authentication approaches (BASIC,OAUTH)
  • Scripting in POSTMAN
  • Integrate POSTMAN with NEWMAN
  • Postman basic to advance operations, scripting, collections, globals.
  • JavaScript basic to advance

9. REST API Testing Automation: via REST Assured

This course teaches API automation testing via rest assured Java, automation testing framework, API testing via Postman. At the end of this Course you will be able to understand what the Webservices are, and their functionality.

In this course -

  • Ready to design REST API testing automation framework
  • Ready to face REST API automation interviews
  • You will understand how to generate neat reports for execution results
  • Thorough knowledge on REST testing tools like POSTMAN, REST client et
  • You will be able to design and implement structured automation frameworks with REST Assured API
  • You will be able to design and implement structured automation frameworks with HTTP Client
  • You will be able to deal with JSON using the Jackson library

This course covers basics to advanced level with Rest assured, Postman, Java, TestNG, Rest Assured Framework Implementation & HTTP Client Framework implementation From Scratch with rich examples.

At the end of this course you can pick any REST API over Net and can automate it comfortably with all necessary validations.

Update: We have created the latest version of top postman tutorials. Feel free to checkout the best postman tutorials of the year.

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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