15+ Best Python Courses For Beginners [2022 Jul]— Learn Python Online

Learn Python to produce clearer and more logical code with the best Python tutorials for beginners in 2022

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Quick Code
13 min readJan 14, 2019


Python is consistently ranked in either first or second place as the most in-demand programming languages across the job market. It has applications in data science, machine learning, web development, self-driving cars, automation, and many many other disciplines. Based on rating and reviews and quality the list of top Python tutorials curated by experts. Let start with following courses to learn Python. Following are some the courses from the list of top Python tutorials curated by experts of time you should take to deep dive into Python development.

1. Complete Python Bootcamp: Learn Python Programming and Code

Learn Python like a Professional! Start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own applications and games!

In this course, you will:

  • Learn to use Python professionally, learning both Python 2 and Python 3
  • Create games with Python, like Tic Tac Toe and Blackjack
  • Learn advanced Python features, like the collections module and how to work with timestamps
  • Learn to use Object Oriented Programming with classes
  • Understand complex topics, like decorators.
  • Understand how to use both the Jupyter Notebook and create .py files
  • Get an understanding of how to create GUIs in the Jupyter Notebook system
  • Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up

This course includes quizzes, tests, and homework assignments as well as 3 major projects to create a Python project portfolio. It teaches Python 3 in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook.

This course covers a wide variety of topics, including: Command line basics, installing python, running python code, strings, lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, number data types, print, formatting functions, scope args/kwargs, built-in functions, debugging and error handling modules, external modules, object oriented programming, inheritance, polymorphism, file I/O, advanced methods, unit tests.

2. Python Programming: A Concise Introduction

Learn how to install Python and use the Spyder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing and debugging programs.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • write functions in Python using the convenient Spyder development environment.
  • use the editor in Spyder to type in a function and then run it.
  • work with Lists, datatypes, libraries, and random library.
  • build lists of various types and how to sort these lists.

You will be introduced to writing functions in Python using the convenient Spyder development environment.

The lesson begins with instructions on installing the popular Anaconda distribution of Python, which includes Spyder. It continues by showing how to use the editor in Spyder to type in a function and then run it.

You will learn about Python topics such as print statement, arithmetic operators, input statement, combining of strings, if statement, while loop, and for loop.

You will learn to work with Lists, datatypes, libraries, and random library. So far, there is one collection data type, the list. Well, you will take two more: the tuple and the data dictionary.

After that, you will be introduced to reading and writing text files and giving some illustrative examples. Next, you will take up reading and writing Comma Separated Value (CSV) files.

You will see how functions can return values. Then, you will see how to build lists of various types and how to sort these lists.

After that, you will use the statistic library to learn about basic descriptive statistics.

Finally, you will learn how to use formatting in print statements.

3. Python Object-Oriented Programming

The object-oriented programming (OOP) features in Python make it easier to build programs of increasing complexity and modularity.

The course includes:

  • Object-Oriented Python
  • Inheritance and Composition
  • Magic Object Methods
  • Data Classes

You can learn how to apply core OOP principles like inheritance and composition along with some Python-specific features like “magic” methods and data classes to build programs that are extensible and efficient.

Begin by brushing up on some object-oriented basics, and then use Python features like magic methods to make your classes integrate tightly with the Python language and data classes to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed to build data-centric objects.

4. Python Programming Bible | Networking, GUI, Email, XML, CGI

Python 3 is one of the most popular programming languages. Companies like Facebook, Microsoft and Apple all want Python

The course includes:

  • What Python is
  • How to program in the Python language
  • Features of the Python programming language
  • Coding semantics
  • Website programming
  • Design practises of applications
  • Application programming
  • GUI programming
  • CGI programming
  • Network programming
  • Email programming
  • XML programming

Learn about everything there is to know about Python Applications and How To Program Them. A step by step process is used to show explain every facet of these topics.

5. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

Master the basics of Python programming, and learn how to use programming tools and variables with the University of Michigan.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • describe the basics of the Python programming language.
  • use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information.
  • install Python and write your first program.
  • utilize core programming tools such as functions and loops.

You will begin by completing basic exercises that focus on the core concepts of programming. As you progress, you will learn how to use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information.

You will then install Python, write your first program, and get to grips with utilize core programming tools like functions and loops.

Upon completion of this course, you will have the computer programming skills to further your learning alone.

6. Learn Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Learn to write cleaner, more modular, and more scaleable code in Python by gaining a master of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes and Objects
  • Information Hiding
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Object Relationships

You will start with the basics of object oriented programming and build up to more advanced concepts such as inheritance, information hiding, and polymorphism.

Along the way you will learn how each concept applies to Python in particular, as well as how various Python features make it particularly convenient for OOP.

7. Core Python: Classes and Object-orientation

This course will deepen your knowledge of object-oriented programming in Python, expanding on concepts you’re familiar with and introducing new tools that will broaden you Python design palette.

The course includes:

  • Class Attributes, Methods, and Properties
  • String Representation of Objects
  • Multiple Inheritance and Method-resolution Order
  • Class Decorators
  • Data Classes

You will learn how to apply fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python.

First, you will learn how to distinguish between classes and instances, and define attributes on both. Next, you will explore properties using them to encapsulate state.

Finally, you will discover how to combine classes using inheritance and multiple inheritance, and have these classes collaborate in ways which are distinctive to the Python language.

When you are finished with this course, the will have the skills and knowledge of the core Python language needed to develop larger and robust software systems.

8. Learn Python 3

This course is an introduction to both fundamental programming concepts and the Python programming language.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • get started with Python syntax in this lesson and then create a point of sale system for a furniture store.
  • understand code reuse with Python functions.
  • create functions for famous physics formulas.
  • build control flow into your python code by including if, else, and elif statements as well as try and except statements.
  • understand boolean variables and logical operators.
  • understand lists, a data structure in Python used to store ordered groups of data.
  • read loops and write them to solve your own problems.
  • automatically create, rearrange, reassign, disassemble, and reassemble blocks of text.
  • modules work in the Python programming language.
  • create and use key-value pairs in your code.
  • work with files in an automated way.
  • investigate the properties of text, CSV, and JSON files by reading and writing to them.
  • understand the differences between data types in Python.
  • create your own classes, objects, and interfaces.
  • declare, call, and interact with functions in different ways.

9. The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications

Start Python from the basics and learn how to create 10 amazing and professional Python programs used in the real world!

With thsi course, you will:

  • Create 10 real-world Python programs (no Tic Tac Toe games)
  • Solidify your skills with bonus practice activities throughout the course
  • Create an app that translates English words
  • Create a web mapping app
  • Create a portfolio website
  • Create a desktop app for storing information for books
  • Create a webcam video app that detects objects
  • Create a web scraper
  • Create a data visualization app
  • Create a database app
  • Create a geocoding web app
  • Create a website blocker
  • Send automated emails
  • Analyze and visualize data
  • Use Python to schedule programs based on computer events.
  • Learn OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Learn GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)

The course uses a modern teaching approach where students learn Python programming by doing. This course has 24 sections containing videos, code examples, quizzes, exercises, projects, and other bonus materials. In the first two sections you will learn Python basics such as functions, loops, conditionals, strings, lists, etc. If you know the basics already, then those first two sections can serve as a refresher. The other 22 sections are entirely focused on building real-world applications using Python 3.

Specifically the 10 Python applications you are going to build are:

A program that returns definitions of English words, a program that blocks access to distracting websites, a web map visualizing volcanoes and population, a portfolio website, a desktop graphical program with a database back-end, a webcam motion detector, a web scraper of real estate data, an interactive web graph, a database web application, and a web service that converts addresses to coordinates.

10. Learn Python Programming Masterclass

This python for beginners course teaches you the python language fast. Includes python online training with python 3.

With this course, you will:

  • Have a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.
  • Have the skills and understanding of Python to confidently apply for Python programming jobs.
  • Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches — Machine learning, data science, etc..
  • Add the Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills to your résumé.
  • Understand how to create your own Python programs.
  • Learn Python from experienced professional software developers.
  • Understand both Python 2 and Python 3.

This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.

This course will give you that core, solid understanding of the Python programming language. It will sail you through all the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why — making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating.

Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and many other aspects of Python, including tKInter (for building GUI Interfaces) and using databases with Python. Although this is primarily a Python 3 course, a python developer will need to work with Python 2 projects from time to time.

11. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming

A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Automate tasks on their computer by writing simple Python programs.
  • Write programs that can do text pattern recognition with “regular expressions”.
  • Programmatically generate and update Excel spreadsheets.
  • Parse PDFs and Word documents.
  • Crawl web sites and pull information from online sources.
  • Write programs that send out email notifications.
  • Use Python’s debugging tools to quickly figure out bugs in your code.
  • Programmatically control the mouse and keyboard to click and type for you.

You don’t need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done. You’ll learn basic concepts as well as web scraping, parsing PDFs and excel spreadsheets, automating the keyboard and mouse, sending emails and texts.

12. The Python Bible™

Build 11 projects and go from beginner to pro in python with the world’s most fun project-based python course!

With this course, you will be able to:

  • Automate coding tasks by building custom python functions
  • Understand object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Use variables to track data in Python programs
  • Use numbers to create “Behind-the-Scenes” functionality
  • Use strings to create customized, engaged user experiences
  • Create Pprograms that can think using logic and data structures
  • Use loops to improve efficiency, save time, maximize productivity

This course is going to teach you about variables — learn to conveniently store data in your python programs, numbers — learn how numbers work behind the scenes in your python programs, strings — master python text and automate messages using strings, logic and datastructures — teach your program to think and decide, loops — save time and effort, by making computers do the hard work for you, and functions — automate tasks by building your very own Python Functions that you can use over and over.

13. Code with Python (The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp)

A Unique Interactive Python Experience With Nearly 200 Exercises and Quizzes

In this course, you will:

  • Learn all the coding fundamentals in Python
  • Work through nearly 200 exercises and quizzes
  • Learn about all of the latest features in Python 3.6
  • Use Python to create an automated web crawler and scraper
  • Make complex HTTP requests to APIs using Python
  • Master the quirks of Python style and conventions
  • Understand object oriented programming in Python
  • Learn testing and TDD (Test Driven Development) with Python
  • Write your own decorators and higher order functions
  • Write your own generators and other iterators
  • Confidently work with lambdas
  • Master tricky topics like multiple inheritance and polymorphism
  • Build games with Python
  • Build larger projects that span across multiple files
  • Work with all the Python data structures: lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples
  • Become an expert at list and dictionary comprehensions
  • Master built-in python functions like zip and filter
  • Handle errors and debug code
  • Write your own custom modules
  • Work with files, including CSV

This course is fully built around the coding exercises. The course covers all the latest additions and changes to the Python language. The course also places a large emphasis on thinking like a Python developer, and writing code the “Pythonic” way. It also covers more advanced topics like web scraping, crawling, and testing, just to name a few.

14. Python for Beginners with Examples

A straight-to-the-point Python course to quickly get you started with writing Python code and creating Python programs.

In this course, you will:

  • Gain the skills to independently write real world non-complex programs.
  • Learn how to quickly set up a Python environment with its associated libraries
  • Learn to perform various batch operations
  • Write small Python programs integrating the fundamental blocks of the language
  • Write a complete Python program that takes user input, processes and outputs the results
  • Create a graphical user interfaces for your Python programs using the Python Tkinter library
  • Create a final executable that runs as a standalone program both on Windows and Mac
  • Be able to load and use data from CSV and TXT files in Python
  • Map data from CSV files to Google Earth KML files.

It first covers Python basics and then teaches you how to use that code to build some real example programs. You will start from scratch by learning all Python fundamentals and slowly progressing into more advanced Python third-party libraries. You will actually build your a real Python program that has a graphical user interface (GUI) built with Python.

You will also learn how to convert that program into an executable that runs both on Windows and Mac as a standalone program so that you can give your program to anyone. The content of the course consists of a mix of video lectures, quizzes, exercises, and discussions.

15. 30 Days of Python

Python is simple enough for beginners, powerful enough for the pros. Use it for IOT, Web Scraping, Big Data, and more.

In this course, you will:

  • Understand the basics of Python
  • Build applications using Python
  • Send emails with Python
  • Scrape websites with Python to pull data
  • Scrape dynamic-loaded (javascript-loaded) websites with Python
  • Read and parse emails using Python
  • Read / write CSV (comma separated values) files to work in Excel/Numbers
  • Use the twitter API to send tweets easily through a few lines of code
  • Use the yelp API to pull data about all businesses they have on their site

The goal of this course is to make you learn Python by building real projects step-by-step while it explains every concept along the way.

16. The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced!

Learn Python with projects covering game & web development, web scraping, MongoDB, Django, PyQt, and data visualization!

This course will teach you how to:

  • Install Python
  • Setup an IDE
  • Use programming fundamentals to build a calculator
  • Use advanced Python concepts to code a RPG
  • Find additional packages to expand the functionality of Python
  • Install essential modules
  • Code an app for web scraping
  • Create a NoSQL database using PyMongo
  • Create web apps using Web.py
  • Django web server setup
  • Live troubleshooting

Learn Python as this course takes you through the basics of programming, advanced Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating a “Final Fantasy-esque” RPG battle script, web scraping, PyMongo, WebPy development, Django web framework, GUI programming, data visualization, and machine learning.

17. The Complete Python 3 Course: Go from Beginner to Advanced!

Complete guide to learning how to program in Python. Go from beginner to advanced level in Python with coding exercises!

With this course, you will:

  • Go from beginner to advanced in python programming by learning all of the basics to Object orientated programming.
  • Gain general knowledge in regard to Python programming language
  • Write scripts for general productivity tasks
  • Read and comprehend Python code
  • Gain knowledge in regard to general programming concepts

Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help you in the process of learning.

Originally published at blog.coursesity.com

Disclosure: We are affiliated with some of the resources mentioned in this article. We may get a small commission if you buy a course through links on this page. Thank you.



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